#!/bin/sh # Little helper to quickly build SubX programs in 'debug mode' from the commandline. # Only works for programs in some standard places the repo knows about. if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "Usage: $0 " echo echo "Naming convention: Files starting with 'ex' will be assumed to live in examples/ and be self-contained." echo "Other files will be assumed to live in apps/ and need the standard library." exit 1 fi # Build in debug mode since the common case at the moment is building small # files. To override, calling scripts should do their own builds to ensure # subx_bin is up to date. export CFLAGS=-g case $1 in ex*) ./subx --debug translate examples/$1.subx -o examples/`echo $1 |sed 's/\..*//'` exit $? ;; *) ./subx --debug translate *.subx apps/$1.subx -o apps/`echo $1 |sed 's/\..*//'` exit $? ;; esac