## read a character from stdin, save it to a local on the stack, write it to stdout # # To run: # $ subx translate ex5.subx ex5 # $ subx run ex5 == 0x08048054 # code segment, after leaving room for ELF header and segment headers # instruction effective address operand displacement immediate # op subop mod rm32 base index scale r32 # 1-3 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes 0/1/2/4 bytes ## function main # prolog 55 # push EBP 89 3/mod/direct 5/rm32/EBP 4/r32/ESP # copy ESP to EBP # allocate x on the stack 81 5/subop/subtract 3/mod/direct 4/rm32/ESP 4/imm32 # subtract 4 bytes from ESP ## read(stdin, x, 1) # fd = 0 (stdin) bb 0/imm32 # copy 0 to EBX # set location to read character to 89 3/mod/direct 1/rm32/ECX 5/r32/EBP # copy EBP to ECX # size = 1 character ba 1/imm32 # copy 1 to EDX # syscall = read b8 3/imm32 # copy 3 to EAX # call cd 0x80/imm8 # int 80h ## write(stdout, x, 1) # fd = 1 (stdout) bb 1/imm32 # copy 1 to EBX # set location of character to write out 89 3/mod/direct 1/rm32/ECX 5/r32/EBP # copy EBP to ECX # ModR/M: 11 (direct mode) 101 (src EBP) 001 (dest ECX) # size = 1 character ba 1/imm32 # copy 1 to EDX # syscall = write b8 4/imm32 # copy 4 to EAX # call cd 0x80/imm8 # int 80h ## exit(EBX) b8 1/imm32 # copy 1 to EAX cd 0x80/imm8 # int 80h # vim:ft=subx:nowrap