#!/bin/bash # Repeatedly stop building until successive layers, and run all tests built. # # Assumes .subx files all come after .cc files. set -e cd `dirname $0` # add C++ files one at a time for f in [0-9]*cc do echo "=== $f" ./build_and_test_until $f done # build everything one last time ./clean CFLAGS=$CFLAGS ./build # build optimized by default since we'll be running it repeatedly below # add SubX files one at a time for f in [0-9]*.subx do [ $f == '049'* ] && continue echo "=== $f" ./subx translate $(../enumerate/enumerate --until $f |grep '\.subx$') -o a.elf && ./subx run a.elf echo test `uname` = 'Linux' && { chmod +x a.elf ./a.elf echo } || true done