!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags // !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://ctags.sourceforge.net /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.9~svn20110310 // CELL termbox.c 28;" d file: ENOUGH_DATA_FOR_PARSING termbox.c 515;" d file: IS_CURSOR_HIDDEN termbox.c 29;" d file: LAST_ATTR_INIT termbox.c 400;" d file: LAST_COORD_INIT termbox.c 30;" d file: TB_BLACK termbox.h 20;" d TB_BLUE termbox.h 24;" d TB_BOLD termbox.h 31;" d TB_CYAN termbox.h 26;" d TB_DEFAULT termbox.h 19;" d TB_EFAILED_TO_OPEN_TTY termbox.h 39;" d TB_EOF termbox.h 203;" d TB_EPIPE_TRAP_ERROR termbox.h 42;" d TB_EUNSUPPORTED_TERMINAL termbox.h 38;" d TB_EVENT_KEY termbox.h 97;" d TB_EVENT_MOUSE termbox.h 99;" d TB_EVENT_RESIZE termbox.h 98;" d TB_GREEN termbox.h 22;" d TB_HIDE_CURSOR termbox.h 73;" d TB_KEY_ARROW_DOWN termbox.h 125;" d TB_KEY_ARROW_LEFT termbox.h 126;" d TB_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT termbox.h 127;" d TB_KEY_ARROW_UP termbox.h 124;" d TB_KEY_BACKSPACE termbox.h 144;" d TB_KEY_BACKSPACE2 termbox.h 178;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_2 termbox.h 136;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_3 termbox.h 168;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_4 termbox.h 169;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_5 termbox.h 171;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_6 termbox.h 173;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_7 termbox.h 174;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_8 termbox.h 179;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_A termbox.h 137;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_B termbox.h 138;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_BACKSLASH termbox.h 170;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_C termbox.h 139;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_D termbox.h 140;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_E termbox.h 141;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_F termbox.h 142;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_G termbox.h 143;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_H termbox.h 145;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_I termbox.h 147;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_J termbox.h 148;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_K termbox.h 149;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_L termbox.h 150;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_LSQ_BRACKET termbox.h 167;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_M termbox.h 152;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_N termbox.h 153;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_O termbox.h 154;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_P termbox.h 155;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_Q termbox.h 156;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_R termbox.h 157;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_RSQ_BRACKET termbox.h 172;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_S termbox.h 158;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_SLASH termbox.h 175;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_T termbox.h 159;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_TILDE termbox.h 135;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_U termbox.h 160;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_UNDERSCORE termbox.h 176;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_V termbox.h 161;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_W termbox.h 162;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_X termbox.h 163;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_Y termbox.h 164;" d TB_KEY_CTRL_Z termbox.h 165;" d TB_KEY_DELETE termbox.h 119;" d TB_KEY_END termbox.h 121;" d TB_KEY_ENTER termbox.h 151;" d TB_KEY_ESC termbox.h 166;" d TB_KEY_F1 termbox.h 106;" d TB_KEY_F10 termbox.h 115;" d TB_KEY_F11 termbox.h 116;" d TB_KEY_F12 termbox.h 117;" d TB_KEY_F2 termbox.h 107;" d TB_KEY_F3 termbox.h 108;" d TB_KEY_F4 termbox.h 109;" d TB_KEY_F5 termbox.h 110;" d TB_KEY_F6 termbox.h 111;" d TB_KEY_F7 termbox.h 112;" d TB_KEY_F8 termbox.h 113;" d TB_KEY_F9 termbox.h 114;" d TB_KEY_HOME termbox.h 120;" d TB_KEY_INSERT termbox.h 118;" d TB_KEY_MOUSE_LEFT termbox.h 128;" d TB_KEY_MOUSE_MIDDLE termbox.h 130;" d TB_KEY_MOUSE_RELEASE termbox.h 131;" d TB_KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT termbox.h 129;" d TB_KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN termbox.h 133;" d TB_KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP termbox.h 132;" d TB_KEY_PGDN termbox.h 123;" d TB_KEY_PGUP termbox.h 122;" d TB_KEY_SPACE termbox.h 177;" d TB_KEY_TAB termbox.h 146;" d TB_MAGENTA termbox.h 25;" d TB_RED termbox.h 21;" d TB_REVERSE termbox.h 33;" d TB_UNDERLINE termbox.h 32;" d TB_WHITE termbox.h 27;" d TB_YELLOW termbox.h 23;" d WRITE_INT termbox.c 292;" d file: WRITE_LITERAL termbox.c 291;" d file: back_buffer termbox.c /^static struct cellbuf back_buffer;$/;" v typeref:struct:cellbuf file: background termbox.c /^static uint16_t background = TB_DEFAULT;$/;" v file: bg termbox.h /^ uint16_t bg; \/* background color and attributes *\/$/;" m struct:tb_cell buffer_size_change_request termbox.c /^static volatile int buffer_size_change_request;$/;" v file: cellbuf termbox.c /^struct cellbuf {$/;" s file: cellbuf_clear termbox.c /^static void cellbuf_clear(struct cellbuf *buf)$/;" f file: cellbuf_free termbox.c /^static void cellbuf_free(struct cellbuf *buf)$/;" f file: cellbuf_init termbox.c /^static void cellbuf_init(struct cellbuf *buf, int width, int height)$/;" f file: cellbuf_resize termbox.c /^static void cellbuf_resize(struct cellbuf *buf, int width, int height)$/;" f file: cells termbox.c /^ struct tb_cell *cells;$/;" m struct:cellbuf typeref:struct:cellbuf::tb_cell file: ch termbox.h /^ uint32_t ch; \/* unicode character *\/$/;" m struct:tb_cell ch termbox.h /^ uint32_t ch;$/;" m struct:tb_event convertnum termbox.c /^static int convertnum(uint32_t num, char* buf) {$/;" f file: cursor_x termbox.c /^static int cursor_x = -1;$/;" v file: cursor_y termbox.c /^static int cursor_y = -1;$/;" v file: fg termbox.h /^ uint16_t fg; \/* foreground color and attributes *\/$/;" m struct:tb_cell foreground termbox.c /^static uint16_t foreground = TB_DEFAULT;$/;" v file: front_buffer termbox.c /^static struct cellbuf front_buffer;$/;" v typeref:struct:cellbuf file: get_term_size termbox.c /^static void get_term_size(int *w, int *h)$/;" f file: h termbox.h /^ int32_t h;$/;" m struct:tb_event height termbox.c /^ int height;$/;" m struct:cellbuf file: inout termbox.c /^static int inout;$/;" v file: input_buffer termbox.c /^static struct bytebuffer input_buffer;$/;" v typeref:struct:bytebuffer file: key termbox.h /^ uint16_t key;$/;" m struct:tb_event lastx termbox.c /^static int lastx = LAST_COORD_INIT;$/;" v file: lasty termbox.c /^static int lasty = LAST_COORD_INIT;$/;" v file: orig_tios termbox.c /^static struct termios orig_tios;$/;" v typeref:struct:termios file: output_buffer termbox.c /^static struct bytebuffer output_buffer;$/;" v typeref:struct:bytebuffer file: read_up_to termbox.c /^static int read_up_to(int n) {$/;" f file: send_attr termbox.c /^static void send_attr(uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)$/;" f file: send_char termbox.c /^static void send_char(int x, int y, uint32_t c)$/;" f file: send_clear termbox.c /^static void send_clear(void)$/;" f file: sigwinch_handler termbox.c /^static void sigwinch_handler(int xxx)$/;" f file: tb_cell termbox.h /^struct tb_cell {$/;" s tb_cell_buffer termbox.c /^struct tb_cell *tb_cell_buffer()$/;" f tb_change_cell termbox.c /^void tb_change_cell(int x, int y, uint32_t ch, uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)$/;" f tb_clear termbox.c /^void tb_clear(void)$/;" f tb_event termbox.h /^struct tb_event {$/;" s tb_height termbox.c /^int tb_height(void)$/;" f tb_init termbox.c /^int tb_init(void)$/;" f tb_peek_event termbox.c /^int tb_peek_event(struct tb_event *event, int timeout)$/;" f tb_poll_event termbox.c /^int tb_poll_event(struct tb_event *event)$/;" f tb_present termbox.c /^void tb_present(void)$/;" f tb_set_clear_attributes termbox.c /^void tb_set_clear_attributes(uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg)$/;" f tb_set_cursor termbox.c /^void tb_set_cursor(int cx, int cy)$/;" f tb_shutdown termbox.c /^void tb_shutdown(void)$/;" f tb_utf8_char_length utf8.c /^int tb_utf8_char_length(char c)$/;" f tb_utf8_char_to_unicode utf8.c /^int tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(uint32_t *out, const char *c)$/;" f tb_utf8_unicode_to_char utf8.c /^int tb_utf8_unicode_to_char(char *out, uint32_t c)$/;" f tb_width termbox.c /^int tb_width(void)$/;" f termh termbox.c /^static int termh = -1;$/;" v file: termw termbox.c /^static int termw = -1;$/;" v file: type termbox.h /^ uint8_t type;$/;" m struct:tb_event update_size termbox.c /^static void update_size(void)$/;" f file: update_term_size termbox.c /^static void update_term_size(void)$/;" f file: utf8_length utf8.c /^static const unsigned char utf8_length[256] = {$/;" v file: utf8_mask utf8.c /^static const unsigned char utf8_mask[6] = {$/;" v file: w termbox.h /^ int32_t w;$/;" m struct:tb_event wait_fill_event termbox.c /^static int wait_fill_event(struct tb_event *event, struct timeval *timeout)$/;" f file: width termbox.c /^ int width;$/;" m struct:cellbuf file: winch_fds termbox.c /^static int winch_fds[2];$/;" v file: write_cursor termbox.c /^static void write_cursor(int x, int y) {$/;" f file: write_sgr termbox.c /^static void write_sgr(uint16_t fg, uint16_t bg) {$/;" f file: write_sgr_bg termbox.c /^static void write_sgr_bg(uint16_t bg) {$/;" f file: write_sgr_fg termbox.c /^static void write_sgr_fg(uint16_t fg) {$/;" f file: x termbox.h /^ int32_t x;$/;" m struct:tb_event y termbox.h /^ int32_t y;$/;" m struct:tb_event