-- primitives for editing drawings Drawing = {} geom = require 'geom' function Drawing.draw(line, y) local pmx,pmy = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if pmx < 16+Drawing_width and pmy > line.y and pmy < line.y+Drawing.pixels(line.h) then love.graphics.setColor(0.75,0.75,0.75) love.graphics.rectangle('line', 16,line.y, Drawing_width,Drawing.pixels(line.h)) if icon[Current_drawing_mode] then icon[Current_drawing_mode](16+Drawing_width-20, line.y+4) else icon[Previous_drawing_mode](16+Drawing_width-20, line.y+4) end if love.mouse.isDown('1') and love.keyboard.isDown('h') then draw_help_with_mouse_pressed(line) return end end if line.show_help then draw_help_without_mouse_pressed(line) return end local mx,my = Drawing.coord(pmx-16), Drawing.coord(pmy-line.y) for _,shape in ipairs(line.shapes) do assert(shape) if geom.on_shape(mx,my, line, shape) then love.graphics.setColor(1,0,0) else love.graphics.setColor(0,0,0) end Drawing.draw_shape(16,line.y, line, shape) end for _,p in ipairs(line.points) do if p.deleted == nil then if Drawing.near(p, mx,my) then love.graphics.setColor(1,0,0) love.graphics.circle('line', Drawing.pixels(p.x)+16,Drawing.pixels(p.y)+line.y, 4) else love.graphics.setColor(0,0,0) love.graphics.circle('fill', Drawing.pixels(p.x)+16,Drawing.pixels(p.y)+line.y, 2) end end end love.graphics.setColor(0.75,0.75,0.75) Drawing.draw_pending_shape(16,line.y, line) end function Drawing.draw_shape(left,top, drawing, shape) if shape.mode == 'freehand' then local prev = nil for _,point in ipairs(shape.points) do if prev then love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(prev.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(prev.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(point.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(point.y)+top) end prev = point end elseif shape.mode == 'line' or shape.mode == 'manhattan' then local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local p2 = drawing.points[shape.p2] love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(p1.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(p1.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(p2.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(p2.y)+top) elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' or shape.mode == 'rectangle' or shape.mode == 'square' then local prev = nil for _,point in ipairs(shape.vertices) do local curr = drawing.points[point] if prev then love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(prev.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(prev.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(curr.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(curr.y)+top) end prev = curr end -- close the loop local curr = drawing.points[shape.vertices[1]] love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(prev.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(prev.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(curr.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(curr.y)+top) elseif shape.mode == 'circle' then local center = drawing.points[shape.center] love.graphics.circle('line', Drawing.pixels(center.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(center.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(shape.radius)) elseif shape.mode == 'arc' then local center = drawing.points[shape.center] love.graphics.arc('line', 'open', Drawing.pixels(center.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(center.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(shape.radius), shape.start_angle, shape.end_angle, 360) elseif shape.mode == 'deleted' then -- ignore else print(shape.mode) assert(false) end end function Drawing.draw_pending_shape(left,top, drawing) local shape = drawing.pending if shape.mode == nil then -- nothing pending elseif shape.mode == 'freehand' then Drawing.draw_shape(left,top, drawing, shape) elseif shape.mode == 'line' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-left), Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-top) if mx < 0 or mx >= 256 or my < 0 or my >= drawing.h then return end local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(p1.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(p1.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(mx)+left,Drawing.pixels(my)+top) elseif shape.mode == 'manhattan' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-left), Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-top) if mx < 0 or mx >= 256 or my < 0 or my >= drawing.h then return end local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] if math.abs(mx-p1.x) > math.abs(my-p1.y) then love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(p1.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(p1.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(mx)+left,Drawing.pixels(p1.y)+top) else love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(p1.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(p1.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(p1.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(my)+top) end elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' then -- don't close the loop on a pending polygon local prev = nil for _,point in ipairs(shape.vertices) do local curr = drawing.points[point] if prev then love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(prev.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(prev.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(curr.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(curr.y)+top) end prev = curr end love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(prev.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(prev.y)+top, love.mouse.getX(),love.mouse.getY()) elseif shape.mode == 'rectangle' then local pmx,pmy = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() local first = drawing.points[shape.vertices[1]] if #shape.vertices == 1 then love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(first.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(first.y)+top, pmx,pmy) return end local second = drawing.points[shape.vertices[2]] local mx,my = Drawing.coord(pmx-left), Drawing.coord(pmy-top) local thirdx,thirdy, fourthx,fourthy = Drawing.complete_rectangle(first.x,first.y, second.x,second.y, mx,my) love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(first.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(first.y)+top, Drawing.pixels(second.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(second.y)+top) love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(second.x)+left,Drawing.pixels(second.y)+top, Drawing
c{0: 0 (((1 string-address)) <- ((new)) ) -- nil
c{0: 1 (((2 string-address)) <- ((new)) abc) -- nil
c{0: 2 (((3 boolean)) <- ((match-at)) ((1 string-address)) ((2 string-address)) ((0 literal))) -- nil
c{1: 0 ✓ (((1 string-address)) <- ((new)) )
c{1: 1 ✓ (((2 string-address)) <- ((new)) abc)
c{1: 2 ✓ (((3 boolean)) <- ((match-at)) ((1 string-address)) ((2 string-address)) ((0 literal)))
cn0: convert-names in main
cn0: (((1 string-address)) <- ((new)) ) nil nil
cn0: checking arg 
cn0: checking oarg ((1 string-address))
maybe-add: ((1 string-address))
cn0: (((2 string-address)) <- ((new)) abc) nil nil
cn0: checking arg abc
cn0: checking oarg ((2 string-address))
maybe-add: ((2 string-address))
cn0: (((3 boolean)) <- ((match-at)) ((1 string-address)) ((2 string-address)) ((0 literal))) nil nil
cn0: checking arg ((1 string-address))
maybe-add: ((1 string-address))
cn0: checking arg ((2 string-address))
maybe-add: ((2 string-address))
cn0: checking arg ((0 literal))
cn0: checking oarg ((3 boolean))
maybe-add: ((3 boolean))
cn1: (((1 string-address)) <- ((new)) )
cn1: (((2 string-address)) <- ((new)) abc)
cn1: (((3 boolean)) <- ((match-at)) ((1 string-address)) ((2 string-address)) ((0 literal)))
schedule: main
run: main 0: (((1 string-address)) <- ((new)) )
run: main 0: 1000 => ((1 string-address))
mem: ((1 string-address)): 1 <= 1000
run: main 1: (((2 string-address)) <- ((new)) abc)
run: main 1: 1001 => ((2 string-address))
mem: ((2 string-address)): 2 <= 1001
run: main 2: (((3 boolean)) <- ((match-at)) ((1 string-address)) ((2 string-address)) ((0 literal)))
mem: ((1 string-address)) => 1000
mem: ((2 string-address)) => 1001
run: match-at/main 0: (((default-space space-address)) <- ((new)) ((space literal)) ((30 literal)))
run: match-at/main 0: 1005 => ((default-space space-address))
run: match-at/main 1: (((1 string-address)) <- ((next-input)))
arg: nil 0 (1000 1001 0)
run: match-at/main 1: 1000 => ((1 string-address))
mem: ((1 string-address)): 1007 <= 1000
run: match-at/main 2: (((2 string-address)) <- ((next-input)))
arg: nil 1 (1000 1001 0)
run: match-at/main 2: 1001 => ((2 string-address))
mem: ((2 string-address)): 1008 <= 1001
run: match-at/main 3: (((3 integer)) <- ((next-input)))
arg: nil 2 (1000 1001 0)
run: match-at/main 3: 0 => ((3 integer))
mem: ((3 integer)): 1009 <= 0
run: match-at/main 4: (((4 integer)) <- ((length)) ((2 string-address) (deref)))
array-len: ((2 string-address) (deref))
mem: ((1001 integer) (raw)) => 3
run: match-at/main 4: 3 => ((4 integer))
mem: ((4 integer)): 1010 <= 3
run: match-at/main 5: (((5 integer)) <- ((length)) ((1 string-address) (deref)))
array-len: ((1 string-address) (deref))
mem: ((1000 integer) (raw)) => 0
run: match-at/main 5: 0 => ((5 integer))
mem: ((5 integer)): 1011 <= 0
run: match-at/main 6: (((5 integer)) <- ((subtract)) ((5 integer)) ((4 integer)))
mem: ((5 integer)) => 0
mem: ((4 integer)) => 3
run: match-at/main 6: -3 => ((5 integer))
mem: ((5 integer)): 1011 <= -3
run: match-at/main 7: (((6 boolean)) <- ((lesser-or-equal)) ((3 integer)) ((5 integer)))
mem: ((3 integer)) => 0
mem: ((5 integer)) => -3
run: match-at/main 7: nil => ((6 boolean))
mem: ((6 boolean)): 1012 <= nil
run: match-at/main 8: (((jump-if)) ((6 boolean)) ((1 offset)))
mem: ((6 boolean)) => nil
run: match-at/main 9: (((reply)) ((nil literal)))
run: main 2: nil => ((3 boolean))
mem: ((3 boolean)): 3 <= nil
schedule: done with routine nil
< Lines.current.h then local center = Lines.current.points[Lines.current.pending.center] Lines.current.pending.end_angle = geom.angle_with_hint(center.x,center.y, mx,my, Lines.current.pending.end_angle) table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) end else print(Lines.current.pending.mode) assert(false) end Lines.current.pending = {} Lines.current = nil end end save_to_disk(Lines, Filename) end function Drawing.keychord_pressed(chord) if chord == 'C-=' then Drawing_width = Drawing_width/Zoom Zoom = Zoom+0.5 Drawing_width = Drawing_width*Zoom elseif chord == 'C--' then Drawing_width = Drawing_width/Zoom Zoom = Zoom-0.5 Drawing_width = Drawing_width*Zoom elseif chord == 'C-0' then Drawing_width = Drawing_width/Zoom Zoom = 1.5 Drawing_width = Drawing_width*Zoom elseif chord == 'C-f' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'freehand' elseif chord == 'C-g' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'polygon' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'g' then Current_drawing_mode = 'polygon' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.vertices = {Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y)} elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' or drawing.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then if drawing.pending.vertices == nil then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.p1} end elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.center} end drawing.pending.mode = 'polygon' elseif chord == 'C-r' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'rectangle' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'r' then Current_drawing_mode = 'rectangle' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.vertices = {Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y)} elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' or drawing.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then if drawing.pending.vertices == nil then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.p1} end elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.center} end drawing.pending.mode = 'rectangle' elseif chord == 'C-s' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'square' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 's' then Current_drawing_mode = 'square' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.vertices = {Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y)} elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' or drawing.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then if drawing.pending.vertices == nil then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.p1} end elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.center} end drawing.pending.mode = 'square' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'p' and (Current_drawing_mode == 'polygon' or Current_drawing_mode == 'rectangle' or Current_drawing_mode == 'square') then local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() local mx,my = Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, mx,my) table.insert(drawing.pending.vertices, j) elseif chord == 'C-c' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'circle' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'a' and Current_drawing_mode == 'circle' then local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() drawing.pending.mode = 'arc' local mx,my = Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, mx,my) local center = drawing.points[drawing.pending.center] drawing.pending.radius = geom.dist(center.x,center.y, mx,my) drawing.pending.start_angle = geom.angle(center.x,center.y, mx,my) elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'c' then Current_drawing_mode = 'circle' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.center = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' or drawing.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then drawing.pending.center = drawing.pending.p1 elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'polygon' then drawing.pending.center = drawing.pending.vertices[1] end drawing.pending.mode = 'circle' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'l' then Current_drawing_mode = 'line' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.p1 = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.center elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'polygon' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.vertices[1] end drawing.pending.mode = 'line' elseif chord == 'C-l' then Current_drawing_mode = 'line' local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then convert_line(drawing, shape) end elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'm' then Current_drawing_mode = 'manhattan' local drawing = Drawing.select_drawing_at_mouse() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.p1 = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' then -- do nothing elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'polygon' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.vertices[1] elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.center end drawing.pending.mode = 'manhattan' elseif chord == 'C-m' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'manhattan' local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then convert_horvert(drawing, shape) end elseif chord == 'C-s' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then smoothen(shape) end elseif chord == 'C-v' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing,_,p = Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() if drawing then Previous_drawing_mode = Current_drawing_mode Current_drawing_mode = 'move' drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, target_point=p} Lines.current = drawing end elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'v' then local drawing,_,p = Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() if drawing then Previous_drawing_mode = Current_drawing_mode Current_drawing_mode = 'move' drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, target_point=p} Lines.current = drawing end elseif chord == 'C-d' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing,i,p = Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() if drawing then for _,shape in ipairs(drawing.shapes) do if Drawing.contains_point(shape, i) then if shape.mode == 'polygon' then local idx = table.find(shape.vertices, i) assert(idx) table.remove(shape.vertices, idx) if #shape.vertices < 3 then shape.mode = 'deleted' end else shape.mode = 'deleted' end end end drawing.points[i].deleted = true end local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then shape.mode = 'deleted' end elseif chord == 'C-h' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing = Drawing.select_drawing_at_mouse() if drawing then drawing.show_help = true end elseif chord == 'escape' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do if line.mode == 'drawing' then line.show_help = false end end end end function Drawing.complete_rectangle(firstx,firsty, secondx,secondy, x,y) if firstx == secondx then local thirdx = y local thirdy = secondy love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(secondx)+left,Drawing.pixels(secondy)+top, Drawing.pixels(thirdx)+left,Drawing.pixels(thirdy)+top) love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(thirdx)+left,Drawing.pixels(thirdy)+top, Drawing.pixels(thirdx)+left,Drawing.pixels(firsty)+top) return thirdx,thirdy, thirdx,firsty end if firsty == secondy then local thirdx = secondx local thirdy = y love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(secondx)+left,Drawing.pixels(secondy)+top, Drawing.pixels(thirdx)+left,Drawing.pixels(thirdy)+top) love.graphics.line(Drawing.pixels(thirdx)+left,Drawing.pixels(thirdy)+top, Drawing.pixels(firstx)+left,Drawing.pixels(thirdy)+top) return end local first_slope = (secondy-firsty)/(secondx-firstx) -- slope of second edge: -- -1/first_slope -- equation of line containing the second edge: -- y-secondy = -1/first_slope*(x-secondx) -- => 1/first_slope*x + y + (- secondy - secondx/first_slope) = 0 -- now we want to find the point on this line that's closest to the mouse pointer. -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_from_a_point_to_a_line#Line_defined_by_an_equation local a = 1/first_slope local c = -secondy - secondx/first_slope local thirdx = ((x-a*y) - a*c) / (a*a + 1) local thirdy = (a*(-x + a*y) - c) / (a*a + 1) -- slope of third edge = first_slope -- equation of line containing third edge: -- y - thirdy = first_slope*(x-thirdx) -- => -first_slope*x + y + (-thirdy + thirdx*first_slope) = 0 -- now we want to find the point on this line that's closest to the first point local a = -first_slope local c = -thirdy + thirdx*first_slope local fourthx = ((firstx-a*firsty) - a*c) / (a*a + 1) local fourthy = (a*(-firstx + a*firsty) - c) / (a*a + 1) return thirdx,thirdy, fourthx,fourthy end function Drawing.complete_square(firstx,firsty, secondx,secondy, x,y) -- use x,y only to decide which side of the first edge to complete the square on local deltax = secondx-firstx local deltay = secondy-firsty local thirdx = secondx+deltay local thirdy = secondy-deltax if not geom.same_side(firstx,firsty, secondx,secondy, thirdx,thirdy, x,y) then deltax = -deltax deltay = -deltay thirdx = secondx+deltay thirdy = secondy-deltax end local fourthx = firstx+deltay local fourthy = firsty-deltax return thirdx,thirdy, fourthx,fourthy end function Drawing.current_drawing() local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() for _,drawing in ipairs(Lines) do if drawing.mode == 'drawing' then if Drawing.in_drawing(drawing, x,y) then return drawing end end end return nil end function Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() for _,drawing in ipairs(Lines) do if drawing.mode == 'drawing' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if Drawing.in_drawing(drawing, x,y) then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y) for i,shape in ipairs(drawing.shapes) do assert(shape) if geom.on_shape(mx,my, drawing, shape) then return drawing,i,shape end end end end end end function Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() for _,drawing in ipairs(Lines) do if drawing.mode == 'drawing' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if Drawing.in_drawing(drawing, x,y) then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y) for i,point in ipairs(drawing.points) do assert(point) if Drawing.near(point, mx,my) then return drawing,i,point end end end end end end function Drawing.select_drawing_at_mouse() for _,drawing in ipairs(Lines) do if drawing.mode == 'drawing' then local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if Drawing.in_drawing(drawing, x,y) then return drawing end end end end function Drawing.contains_point(shape, p) if shape.mode == 'freehand' then -- not supported elseif shape.mode == 'line' or shape.mode == 'manhattan' then return shape.p1 == p or shape.p2 == p elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' then return table.find(shape.vertices, p) elseif shape.mode == 'circle' then return shape.center == p elseif shape.mode == 'arc' then return shape.center == p -- ugh, how to support angles elseif shape.mode == 'deleted' then -- already done else print(shape.mode) assert(false) end end function Drawing.convert_line(drawing, shape) -- Perhaps we should do a more sophisticated "simple linear regression" -- here: -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression#Simple_and_multiple_linear_regression -- But this works well enough for close-to-linear strokes. assert(shape.mode == 'freehand') shape.mode = 'line' shape.p1 = insert_point(drawing.points, shape.points[1].x, shape.points[1].y) local n = #shape.points shape.p2 = insert_point(drawing.points, shape.points[n].x, shape.points[n].y) end -- turn a line either horizontal or vertical function Drawing.convert_horvert(drawing, shape) if shape.mode == 'freehand' then convert_line(shape) end assert(shape.mode == 'line') local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local p2 = drawing.points[shape.p2] if math.abs(p1.x-p2.x) > math.abs(p1.y-p2.y) then p2.y = p1.y else p2.x = p1.x end end function Drawing.smoothen(shape) assert(shape.mode == 'freehand') for _=1,7 do for i=2,#shape.points-1 do local a = shape.points[i-1] local b = shape.points[i] local c = shape.points[i+1] b.x = (a.x + b.x + c.x)/3 b.y = (a.y + b.y + c.y)/3 end end end function Drawing.insert_point(points, x,y) for i,point in ipairs(points) do if Drawing.near(point, x,y) then return i end end table.insert(points, {x=x, y=y}) return #points end function Drawing.near(point, x,y) local px,py = Drawing.pixels(x),Drawing.pixels(y) local cx,cy = Drawing.pixels(point.x), Drawing.pixels(point.y) return (cx-px)*(cx-px) + (cy-py)*(cy-py) < 16 end function Drawing.pixels(n) -- parts to pixels return n*Drawing_width/256 end function Drawing.coord(n) -- pixels to parts return math.floor(n*256/Drawing_width) end function table.find(h, x) for k,v in pairs(h) do if v == x then return k end end end return Drawing