1 //: Phase 3: Start running a loaded and transformed recipe.
  2 //:
  3 //:   The process of running Mu code:
  4 //:     load -> transform -> run
  5 //:
  6 //: So far we've seen recipes as lists of instructions, and instructions point
  7 //: at other recipes. To kick things off Mu needs to know how to run certain
  8 //: 'primitive' recipes. That will then give the ability to run recipes
  9 //: containing these primitives.
 10 //:
 11 //: This layer defines a skeleton with just two primitive recipes: IDLE which
 12 //: does nothing, and COPY, which can copy numbers from one memory location to
 13 //: another. Later layers will add more primitives.
 15 :(scenario copy_literal)
 16 def main [
 17   1:num <- copy 23
 18 ]
 19 +run: {1: "number"} <- copy {23: "literal"}
 20 +mem: storing 23 in location 1
 22 :(scenario copy)
 23 def main [
 24   1:num <- copy 23
 25   2:num <- copy 1:num
 26 ]
 27 +run: {2: "number"} <- copy {1: "number"}
 28 +mem: location 1 is 23
 29 +mem: storing 23 in location 2
 31 :(scenario copy_multiple)
 32 def main [
 33   1:num, 2:num <- copy 23, 24
 34 ]
 35 +mem: storing 23 in location 1
 36 +mem: storing 24 in location 2
 38 :(before "End Types")
 39 // Book-keeping while running a recipe.
 40 //: Later layers will replace this to support running multiple routines at once.
 41 struct routine {
 42   recipe_ordinal running_recipe;
 43   int running_step_index;
 44   routine(recipe_ordinal r) :running_recipe(r), running_step_index(0) {}
 45   bool completed() const;
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<span id="L1" class="LineNr"> 1 </span><span class="Comment">//: So far you can have global variables by not setting default-space, and</span>
<span id="L2" class="LineNr"> 2 </span><span class="Comment">//: local variables by setting default-space. You can isolate variables</span>
<span id="L3" class="LineNr"> 3 </span><span class="Comment">//: between those extremes by creating 'surrounding' spaces.</span>
<span id="L4" class="LineNr"> 4 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L5" class="LineNr"> 5 </span><span class="Comment">//: (Surrounding spaces are like lexical scopes in other languages.)</span>
<span id="L6" class="LineNr"> 6 </span>
<span id="L7" class="LineNr"> 7 </span><span class="Delimiter">:(scenario surrounding_space)</span>
<span id="L8" class="LineNr"> 8 </span><span class="Comment"># location 1 in space 1 refers to the space surrounding the default space, here 20.</span>
<span id="L9" class="LineNr"> 9 </span><span class="muRecipe">def</span> <a href='000organization.cc.html#L113'>main</a> [
<span id="L10" class="LineNr">10 </span>  <span class="Comment"># pretend address:array:location; in practice we'll use new</span>
<span id="L11" class="LineNr">11 </span>  <span class="Constant">10</span>:num<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">0</span>  <span class="Comment"># refcount</span>
<span id="L12" class="LineNr">12 </span>  <span class="Constant">11</span>:num<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">5</span>  <span class="Comment"># length</span>
<span id="L13" class="LineNr">13 </span>  <span class="Comment"># pretend address:array:location; in practice we'll use new</span>
<span id="L14" class="LineNr">14 </span>  <span class="Constant">20</span>:num<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">0</span>  <span class="Comment"># refcount</span>
<span id="L15" class="LineNr">15 </span>  <span class="Constant">21</span>:num<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">5</span>  <span class="Comment"># length</span>
<span id="L16" class="LineNr">16 </span>  <span class="Comment"># actual start of this recipe</span>
<span id="L17" class="LineNr">17 </span>  <span class="Normal">default</span>-space:space<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">10</span>/unsafe
<span id="L18" class="LineNr">18 </span>  <span class="Comment">#: later layers will explain the /names: property</span>
<span id="L19" class="LineNr">19 </span>  <span class="Constant">0</span>:space/names:dummy<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">20</span>/unsafe
<span id="L20" class="LineNr">20 </span>  <span class="Constant">1</span>:num<span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">32</span>
<span id="L21" class="LineNr">21 </span>  <span class="Constant">1</span>:num/space:<span class="Constant">1</span><span class="Special"> &lt;- </span>copy <span class="Constant">33</span>
<span id="L22" class="LineNr">22 </span>]
<span id="L23" class="LineNr">23 </span><span class="muRecipe">def</span> dummy [  <span class="Comment"># just for the /names: property above</span>
<span id="L24" class="LineNr">24 </span>]
<span id="L25" class="LineNr">25 </span><span class="Comment"># chain space: 10 + (refcount and length) 2</span>
<span id="L26" class="LineNr">26 </span><span class="traceContains">+mem: storing 20 in location 12</span>
<span id="L27" class="LineNr">27 </span><span class="Comment"># store to default space: 10 + (skip refcount and length) 2 + (index) 1</span>
<span id="L28" class="LineNr">28 </span><span class="traceContains">+mem: storing 32 in location 13</span>
<span id="L29" class="LineNr">29 </span><span class="Comment"># store to chained space: (contents of location 12) 20 + (refcount and length) 2 + (index) 1</span>
<span id="L30" class="LineNr">30 </span><span class="traceContains">+mem: storing 33 in location 23</span>
<span id="L31" class="LineNr">31 </span>
<span id="L32" class="LineNr">32 </span><span class="Delimiter">:(before &quot;End Checks For Reclaiming Locals&quot;)</span>
<span id="L33" class="LineNr">33 </span><span class="Normal">if</span> <span class="Delimiter">(</span><a href='044space_surround.cc.html#L52'>space_index</a><span class="Delimiter">(</span>inst<span class="Delimiter">.</span>products<span class="Delimiter">.</span>at<span class="Delimiter">(</span>i<span class="Delimiter">))</span> &gt; <span class="Constant">0</span><span class="Delimiter">)</span> <span class="Identifier">continue</span><span class="Delimiter">;</span>
<span id="L34" class="LineNr">34 </span>
<span id="L35" class="LineNr">35 </span><span class="Comment">//: If you think of a space as a collection of variables with a common</span>
<span id="L36" class="LineNr">36 </span><span class="Comment">//: lifetime, surrounding allows managing shorter lifetimes inside a longer</span>
<span id="L37" class="LineNr">37 </span><span class="Comment">//: one.</span>
<span id="L38" class="LineNr">38 </span>
<span id="L39" class="LineNr">39 </span><span class="Delimiter">:(replace{} &quot;int space_base(const reagent&amp; x)&quot;)</span>
<span id="L40" class="LineNr">40 </span><span class="Normal">int</span> space_base<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Normal">const</span> reagent&amp; x<span class="Delimiter">)</span> <span class="Delimiter">{</span>
<span id="L41" class="LineNr">41 </span>  <span class="Normal">int</span> base = <a href='026call.cc.html#L79'>current_call</a><span class="Delimiter">().</span>default_space ? <span class="Delimiter">(</span><a href='026call.cc.html#L79'>current_call</a><span class="Delimiter">().</span>default_space+<span class="Comment">/*</span><span class="Comment">skip refcount</span><span class="Comment">*/</span><span class="Constant">1</span><span class="Delimiter">)</span> : <span class="Constant">0</span><span class="Delimiter">;</span>
<span id="L42" class="LineNr">42 </span>  <span class="Identifier">return</span> space_base<span class="Delimiter">(</span>x<span class="Delimiter">,</span> <a href='044space_surround.cc.html#L52'>space_index</a><span class="Delimiter">(</span>x<span class="Delimiter">),</span> base<span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L43" class="LineNr">43 </span><span class="Delimiter">}</span>
<span id="L44" class="LineNr">44 </span>
<span id="L45" class="LineNr">45 </span><span class="Normal">int</span> space_base<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Normal">const</span> reagent&amp; x<span class="Delimiter">,</span> <span class="Normal">int</span> <a href='044space_surround.cc.html#L52'>space_index</a><span class="Delimiter">,</span> <span class="Normal">int</span> base<span class="Delimiter">)</span> <span class="Delimiter">{</span>
<span id="L46" class="LineNr">46 </span>  <span class="Normal">if</span> <span class="Delimiter">(</span><a href='044space_surround.cc.html#L52'>space_index</a> == <span class="Constant">0</span><span class="Delimiter">)</span>
<span id="L47" class="LineNr">47 </span>  <span class="Conceal">¦</span> <span class="Identifier">return</span> base<span class="Delimiter">;</span>
<span id="L48" class="LineNr">48 </span>  <span class="Normal">int</span> result = space_base<span class="Delimiter">(</span>x<span class="Delimiter">,</span> space_index-<span class="Constant">1</span><span class="Delimiter">,</span> <a href='001help.cc.html#L228'>get_or_insert</a><span class="Delimiter">(</span>Memory<span class="Delimiter">,</span> base+<span class="Comment">/*</span><span class="Comment">skip length</span><span class="Comment">*/</span><span class="Constant">1</span><span class="Delimiter">))</span>+<span class="Comment">/*</span><span class="Comment">skip refcount</span><span class="Comment">*/</span><span class="Constant">1</span><span class="Delimiter">;</span>
<span id="L49" class="LineNr">49 </span>  <span class="Identifier">return</span> result<span class="Delimiter">;</span>
<span id="L50" class="LineNr">50 </span><span class="Delimiter">}</span>
<span id="L51" class="LineNr">51 </span>
<span id="L52" class="LineNr">52 </span><span class="Normal">int</span> <a href='044space_surround.cc.html#L52'>space_index</a><span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Normal">const</span> reagent&amp; x<span class="Delimiter">)</span> <span class="Delimiter">{</span>
<span id="L53" class="LineNr">53 </span