# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Roman Zimbelmann # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ This is the default key configuration file of ranger. Syntax for binding keys: map(*keys, fnc) Examples for keys: "x", "gg", "", "", "" fnc is a function which is called with the CommandArgs object. The CommandArgs object has these attributes: arg.fm: the file manager instance arg.wdg: the current widget arg.n: the number typed before the key combination (if allowed) arg.direction: the direction object (if applicable) arg.keys: the string representation of the used key combination arg.keybuffer: the keybuffer instance Direction keys are special. They must be mapped with: map.dir(*keys, **args) where args is a dict of values such as up, down, to, absolute, relative... Example: map.dir('gg', to=0) Direction keys can be accessed in a mapping that contians "". Other special keys are "" which matches any single key and "" which will run the function passively, without clearing the keybuffer. Additionally, there are shortcuts for accessing methods of the current file manager and widget instance: map('xyz', fm.method(foo=bar)) will be translated to: map('xyz', lamdba arg: arg.fm.method(foo=bar)) If possible, arg.n and arg.direction are automatically inserted. Example scenario ---------------- If this keys are defined: map("dd", "d", fm.cut(foo=bar)) map.dir("gg", to=0) Type in the keys on the left and the function on the right will be executed: dd => fm.cut(foo=bar) 5dd => fm.cut(foo=bar, narg=5) dgg => fm.cut(foo=bar, dirarg=Direction(to=0)) 5dgg => fm.cut(foo=bar, narg=5, dirarg=Direction(to=0)) 5d3gg => fm.cut(foo=bar, narg=5, dirarg=Direction(to=3)) Example ~/.ranger/keys.py ------------------------- from ranger.api.keys import * keymanager.map("browser", "d", fm.move(down=0.5, pages=True)) # Add less-like d/u keys to the "browser" context: map = keymanager.get_context('browser') map("d", fm.move(down=0.5, pages=True)) map("u", fm.move(up=0.5, pages=True)) # Add keys to all contexts map = KeyMapWithDirections() # create new empty keymap. map("q", fm.exit()) map.dir("", down=3) # I'm quick, I want to move 3 at once! keymanager.merge_all(map) # merge the new map into all existing ones. """ from ranger.api.keys import * # =================================================================== # == Define keys for everywhere: # =================================================================== map = global_keys = KeyMapWithDirections() map('Q', fm.exit()) map('', fm.redraw_window()) map('', alias='') # Backspace is bugged sometimes #map('', wdg.move()) @map('') # move around with direction keys def move(arg): arg.wdg.move(narg=arg.n, **arg.direction) # -------------------------------------------------- direction keys map.dir('', down=1) map.dir('', up=1) map.dir('', left=1) map.dir('', right=1) map.dir('', down=0, absolute=True) map.dir('', down=-1, absolute=True) map.dir('', down=1, pages=True) map.dir('', down=-1, pages=True) map.dir('%', down=50, percentage=True, absolute=True) # =================================================================== # == Define aliases # =================================================================== map = vim_aliases = KeyMapWithDirections() map.dir('j', alias='') map.dir('k', alias='') map.dir('h', alias='') map.dir('l', alias='') map.dir('gg', alias='') map.dir('G', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map = readline_aliases = KeyMapWithDirections() map.dir('', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map.dir('', alias='') map = midnight_commander_fkeys = KeyMapWithDirections() map('', fm.display_help()) map('', fm.display_file()) map('', fm.edit_file()) map('', fm.copy()) map('', fm.cut()) map('', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND, 'mkdir ')) map('', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND, DELETE_WARNING)) map('', fm.exit()) # =================================================================== # == Define keys in "browser" context: # =================================================================== map = keymanager.get_context('browser') map.merge(global_keys) map.merge(vim_aliases) map.merge(midnight_commander_fkeys) # -------------------------------------------------------- movement map('gg', fm.move(to=0)) map('', wdg.move(right=0)) # run with mode=0 map('', 'J', fm.move(down=0.5, pages=True)) map('', 'K', fm.move(up=0.5, pages=True)) map(']', fm.move_parent(1)) map('[', fm.move_parent(-1)) map('}', fm.traverse()) map('{', fm.history_go(-1)) # --------------------------------------------------------- history map('H', fm.history_go(-1)) map('L', fm.history_go(1)) # ----------------------------------------------- tagging / marking map('t', fm.tag_toggle()) map('T', fm.tag_remove()) map(' ', fm.mark(toggle=True)) map('v', fm.mark(all=True, toggle=True)) map('V', fm.mark(all=True, val=False)) # ------------------------------------------ file system operations map('yy', 'y', fm.copy()) map('dd', 'd', fm.cut()) map('ud', fm.uncut()) map('pp', fm.paste()) map('po', fm.paste(overwrite=True)) map('pl', fm.paste_symlink()) map('p', fm.hint('press *p* once again to confirm pasting' \ ', or *l* to create symlinks')) # ---------------------------------------------------- run programs map('S', fm.execute_command(os.environ['SHELL'])) map('E', fm.edit_file()) map('du', fm.execute_command('du --max-depth=1 -h | less')) # -------------------------------------------------- toggle options map('z', fm.hint("show_*h*idden *p*review_files *P*review_dirs " \ "*d*irs_first flush*i*nput *m*ouse")) map('zh', fm.toggle_boolean_option('show_hidden')) map('zp', fm.toggle_boolean_option('preview_files')) map('zP', fm.toggle_boolean_option('preview_directories')) map('zi', fm.toggle_boolean_option('flushinput')) map('zd', fm.toggle_boolean_option('sort_directories_first')) map('zc', fm.toggle_boolean_option('collapse_preview')) map('zs', fm.toggle_boolean_option('sort_case_insensitive')) map('zm', fm.toggle_boolean_option('mouse_enabled')) # ------------------------------------------------------------ sort map('o', 'O', fm.hint("*s*ize *b*ase*n*ame *m*time" \ " *t*ype *r*everse")) sort_dict = { 's': 'size', 'b': 'basename', 'n': 'basename', 'm': 'mtime', 't': 'type', } for key, val in sort_dict.items(): for key, is_capital in ((key, False), (key.upper(), True)): # reverse if any of the two letters is capital map('o' + key, fm.sort(func=val, reverse=is_capital)) map('O' + key, fm.sort(func=val, reverse=True)) map('or', 'Or', 'oR', 'OR', lambda arg: \ arg.fm.sort(reverse=not arg.fm.settings.sort_reverse)) # ----------------------------------------------- console shortcuts @map("A") def append_to_filename(arg): command = 'rename ' + arg.fm.env.cf.basename arg.fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND, command) map('cw', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND, 'rename ')) map('cd', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND, 'cd ')) map('f', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND_QUICK, 'find ')) map('bf', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND, 'filter ')) map('d', fm.hint('d*u* (disk usage) d*d* (cut)')) map('@', fm.open_console(cmode.OPEN, '@')) map('#', fm.open_console(cmode.OPEN, 'p!')) # --------------------------------------------- jump to directories map('gh', fm.cd('~')) map('ge', fm.cd('/etc')) map('gu', fm.cd('/usr')) map('gd', fm.cd('/dev')) map('gl', fm.cd('/lib')) map('go', fm.cd('/opt')) map('gv', fm.cd('/var')) map('gr', 'g/', fm.cd('/')) map('gm', fm.cd('/media')) map('gn', fm.cd('/mnt')) map('gs', fm.cd('/srv')) map('gR', fm.cd(RANGERDIR)) # ------------------------------------------------------------ tabs map('gc', '', fm.tab_close()) map('gt', '', fm.tab_move(1)) map('gT', '', fm.tab_move(-1)) map('gn', '', fm.tab_new()) for n in range(1, 10): map('g' + str(n), fm.tab_open(n)) map('', fm.tab_open(n)) # ------------------------------------------------------- searching map('/', fm.open_console(cmode.SEARCH)) map('n', fm.search()) map('N', fm.search(forward=False)) map('ct', fm.search(order='tag')) map('cc', fm.search(order='ctime')) map('cm', fm.search(order='mimetype')) map('cs', fm.search(order='size')) map('c', fm.hint('*c*time *m*imetype *s*ize')) # ------------------------------------------------------- bookmarks for key in ALLOWED_BOOKMARK_KEYS: map("`" + key, "'" + key, fm.enter_bookmark(key)) map("m" + key, fm.set_bookmark(key)) map("um" + key, fm.unset_bookmark(key)) map("`", "'", "m", fm.draw_bookmarks()) # ---------------------------------------------------- change views map('i', fm.display_file()) map('', fm.display_log()) map('?', fm.display_help()) map('w', lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.open_taskview()) # ------------------------------------------------ system functions map('ZZ', 'ZQ', fm.exit()) map('', fm.reset()) map('R', fm.reload_cwd()) @map('') def ctrl_c(arg): try: item = arg.fm.loader.queue[0] except: arg.fm.notify("Type Q or :quit to exit Ranger") else: arg.fm.notify("Aborting: " + item.get_description()) arg.fm.loader.remove(index=0) map(':', ';', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND)) map('>', fm.open_console(cmode.COMMAND_QUICK)) map('!', fm.open_console(cmode.OPEN, prompt='!')) map('s', fm.open_console(cmode.OPEN, prompt='$')) map('r', fm.open_console(cmode.OPEN_QUICK)) # =================================================================== # == Define keys for the pager # =================================================================== map = pager_keys = KeyMapWithDirections() map.merge(global_keys) map.merge(vim_aliases) # -------------------------------------------------------- movement map('', wdg.move(left=4)) map('', wdg.move(right=4)) map('', 'd', wdg.move(down=0.5, pages=True)) map('', 'u', wdg.move(up=0.5, pages=True)) map('', 'f', '', wdg.move(down=1, pages=True)) map('', 'b', '', wdg.move(up=1, pages=True)) map('', wdg.move(down=0.8, pages=True)) map('', wdg.move(down=1)) # ---------------------------------------------------------- others map('E', fm.edit_file()) map('?', fm.display_help()) # --------------------------------------------------- bind the keys # There are two different kinds of pagers, each have a different # method for exiting: map = keymanager.get_context('pager') map.merge(pager_keys) map('q', 'i', '', lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.close_pager()) map = keymanager.get_context('embedded_pager') map.merge(pager_keys) map('q', 'i', '', lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.close_embedded_pager()) # =================================================================== # == Define keys for the taskview # =================================================================== map = keymanager.get_context('taskview') map.merge(global_keys) map.merge(vim_aliases) map('K', wdg.task_move(0)) map('J', wdg.task_move(-1)) map('dd', wdg.task_remove()) map('?', fm.display_help()) map('w', 'q', ESC, ctrl('d'), ctrl('c'), lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.close_taskview()) # =================================================================== # == Define keys for the console # =================================================================== map = keymanager.get_context('console') map.merge(global_keys) map.merge(readline_aliases) map('', wdg.history_move(-1)) map('', wdg.history_move(1)) map('', wdg.move(right=0, absolute=True)) map('', wdg.move(right=-1, absolute=True)) map('', wdg.tab()) map('', wdg.tab(-1)) map('', '', wdg.close()) map('', '', wdg.execute()) map('', lambda arg: arg.fm.display_command_help(arg.wdg)) map('', wdg.delete(-1)) map('', wdg.delete(1)) map('', wdg.delete_word()) map('', wdg.delete_rest(1)) map('', wdg.delete_rest(-1)) map('', wdg.paste()) # Any key which is still undefined will simply be typed in. @map('') def type_key(arg): arg.wdg.type_key(arg.match) # Allow typing in numb