1 //: Construct types out of their constituent fields.
  3 :(scenario merge)
  4 container foo [
  5   x:num
  6   y:num
  7 ]
  8 def main [
  9   1:foo <- merge 3, 4
 10 ]
 11 +mem: storing 3 in location 1
 12 +mem: storing 4 in location 2
 14 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
 15 MERGE,
 16 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
 17 put(Recipe_ordinal, "merge", MERGE);
 18 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
 19 case MERGE: {
 20   // type-checking in a separate transform below
 21   break;
 22 }
 23 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
 24 case MERGE: {
 25   products.resize(1);
 26   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(ingredients);  ++i)
 27     for (int j = 0;  j < SIZE(ingredients.at(i));  ++j)
 28       products.at(0).push_back(ingredients.at(i).at(j));
 29   break;
 30 }
 32 //: type-check 'merge' to avoid interpreting numbers as addresses
 34 :(scenario merge_check)
 35 def main [
 36   1:point <- merge 3, 4
 37 ]
 38 $error: 0
 40 :(scenario merge_check_missing_element)
 41 % Hide_errors = true;
 42 def main [
 43   1:point <- merge 3
 44 ]
 45 +error: main: too few ingredients in '1:point <- merge 3'
 47 :(scenario merge_check_extra_element)
 48 % Hide_errors = true;
 49 def main [
 50   1:point <- merge 3, 4, 5
 51 ]
 52 +error: main: too many ingredients in '1:point <- merge 3, 4, 5'
 54 //: We want to avoid causing memory corruption, but other than that we want to
 55 //: be flexible in how we construct containers of containers. It should be
 56 //: equally easy to define a container out of primitives or intermediate
 57 //: container fields.
 59 :(scenario merge_check_recursive_containers)
 60 def main [
 61   1:point <- merge 3, 4
 62   1:point-number <- merge 1:point, 5
 63 ]
 64 $error: 0
 66 :(scenario merge_check_recursive_containers_2)
 67 % Hide_errors = true;
 68 def main [
 69   1:point <- merge 3, 4
 70   2:point-number <- merge 1:point
 71 ]
 72 +error: main: too few ingredients in '2:point-number <- merge 1:point'
 74 :(scenario merge_check_recursive_containers_3)
 75 def main [
 76   1:point-number <- merge 3, 4, 5
 77 ]
 78 $error: 0
 80 :(scenario merge_check_recursive_containers_4)
 81 % Hide_errors = true;
 82 def main [
 83   1:point-number <- merge 3, 4
 84 ]
 85 +error: main: too few ingredients in '1:point-number <- merge 3, 4'
 87 :(scenario merge_check_reflexive)
 88 % Hide_errors = true;
 89 def main [
 90   1:point <- merge 3, 4
 91   2:point <- merge 1:point
 92 ]
 93 $error: 0
 95 //: Since a container can be merged in several ways, we need to be able to
 96 //: backtrack through different possibilities. Later we'll allow creating
 97 //: exclusive containers which contain just one of rather than all of their
 98 //: elements. That will also require backtracking capabilities. Here's the
 99 //: state we need to maintain for backtracking:
101 :(before "End Types")
102 struct merge_check_point {
103   reagent container;
104   int container_element_index;
105   merge_check_point(const reagent& c, int i) :container(c), container_element_index(i) {}
106 };
108 struct merge_check_state {
109   stack<merge_check_point> data;
110 };
112 :(before "End Checks")
113 Transform.push_back(check_merge_calls);  // idempotent
114 :(code)
115 void check_merge_calls(const recipe_ordinal r) {
116   const recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r);
117   trace(9991, "transform") << "--- type-check merge instructions in recipe " << caller.name << end();
118   for (int i = 0;  i < SIZE(caller.steps);  ++i) {
119     const instruction& inst = caller.steps.at(i);
120     if (inst.name != "merge") continue;
121     if (SIZE(inst.products) != 1) {
122       raise << maybe(caller.name) << "'merge' should yield a single product in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end();
123       continue;
124     }
125     reagent/*copy*/ product = inst.products.at(0);
126     // Update product While Type-checking Merge
127     const type_tree* product_base_type = product.type->atom ? product.type : product.type->left;
128     assert(product_base_type->atom);
129     if (product_base_type->value == 0 || !contains_key(Type, product_base_type->value)) {
130       raise << maybe(caller.name) << "'merge' should yield a container in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end();
131       continue;
132     }
133     const type_info& info = get(Type, product_base_type->value);
134     if (info.kind != CONTAINER && info.kind != EXCLUSIVE_CONTAINER) {
135       raise << maybe(caller.name) << "'merge' should yield a container in '" << inst.original_string << "'\n" << end();
136       continue;
137     }
138     check_merge_call(inst.ingredients, product, caller, inst);
139   }
140 }
142 void check_merge_call(const vector<reagent>& ingredients, const reagent& product, const recipe& caller, const instruction& inst) {
143   int ingredient_index = 0;
144   merge_check_state state;
145   state.data.push(merge_check_point(product, 0));
146   while (true) {
147     assert(!state.data.empty());
148     trace(9999, "transform") << ingredient_index << " vs " << SIZE(ingredients) << end();
149     if (ingredient_index >= SIZE(ingredientspre { line-height: 125%; }
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