teliva_program = { { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], window = [==[ window = curses.stdscr() -- animation-based app window:nodelay(true) lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], current_game = [==[ current_game = {}]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], piece_glyph = [==[ piece_glyph = { -- for legibility, white pieces also use unicode glyphs for black pieces -- we rely on colors to distinguish them K = 0x265a, Q = 0x265b, R = 0x265c, B = 0x265d, N = 0x265e, P = 0x265f, k = 0x265a, q = 0x265b, r = 0x265c, b = 0x265d, n = 0x265e, p = 0x265f, }]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], top_player = [==[ function top_player(current_game) if current_game.players[1].color == "black" then return current_game.players[1] end return current_game.players[2] end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], bottom_player = [==[ function bottom_player(current_game) if current_game.players[1].color == "white" then return current_game.players[1] end return current_game.players[2] end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], render_player = [==[ function render_player(y, x, player) curses.mvaddstr(y, x, curses.addstr(" ยท ") curses.addstr(tostring(player.rating)) end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], render_square = [==[ function render_square(current_game, rank, file, highlighted_squares) -- decide whether to highlight local hl = 0 if (rank == highlighted_squares.from.rank and file == highlighted_squares.from.file) or (rank == and file == then hl = 4 end if (rank+file)%2 == 1 then -- light square curses.attrset(curses.color_pair(1+hl)) else -- dark square curses.attrset(curses.color_pair(3+hl)) end curses.mvaddstr((8 - rank + 1)*3, file*5, " ") curses.mvaddstr((8 - rank + 1)*3+1, file*5, " ") curses.mvaddstr((8 - rank + 1)*3+2, file*5, " ") curses.attrset(curses.A_NORMAL) end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], render_fen_rank = [==[ function render_fen_rank(rank, fen_rank, highlighted_squares) local file = 1 for x in fen_rank:gmatch(".") do if x:match("%d") then file = file + tonumber(x) else -- decide whether to highlight local hl = 0 if (rank == highlighted_squares.from.rank and file == highlighted_squares.from.file) or (rank == and file == then hl = 4 end if (rank+file)%2 == 1 then if x < 'Z' then -- white piece on light square curses.attrset(curses.color_pair(1+hl)) else -- black piece on light square curses.attrset(curses.color_pair(2+hl)) end else if x < 'Z' then -- white piece on dark square curses.attrset(curses.color_pair(3+hl)) else -- black piece on dark square curses.attrset(curses.color_pair(4+hl)) end end curses.mvaddstr((8 - rank + 1)*3+1, file*5+2, utf8(piece_glyph[x])) curses.attrset(curses.A_NORMAL) file = file + 1 end end end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], render_time = [==[ function render_time(y, x, seconds) if seconds == nil then return end curses.mvaddstr(y, x, tostring(math.floor(seconds/60))) curses.addstr(string.format(":%02d", seconds%60)) end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], render_board = [==[ function render_board(current_game) --? curses.mvaddstr(1, 50, dump(current_game.fen)) --? curses.mvaddstr(6, 50, dump(current_game.previously_moved_squares)) render_player(2, 5, top_player(current_game)) render_time(2, 35, current_game.bc) for rank=8,1,-1 do for file=1,8 do render_square(current_game, rank, file, current_game.previously_moved_squares) end render_fen_rank(rank, current_game.fen_rank[8-rank+1], current_game.previously_moved_squares) end render_player(27, 5, bottom_player(current_game)) render_time(27, 35, current_game.wc) end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], parse_lm = [==[ function parse_lm(move) --? curses.mvaddstr(4, 50, move) local file1 = string.byte(move:sub(1, 1)) - 96 -- 'a'-1 local rank1 = string.byte(move:sub(2, 2)) - 48 -- '0' local file2 = string.byte(move:sub(3, 3)) - 96 -- 'a'-1 local rank2 = string.byte(move:sub(4, 4)) - 48 -- '0' --? curses.mvaddstr(5, 50, dump({{rank1, file1}, {rank2, file2}})) return {from={rank=rank1, file=file1}, to={rank=rank2, file=file2}} end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], render = [==[ function render(chunk) local o = json.decode(chunk) if o.t == "featured" then current_game = o.d --? current_game.lm = "__" current_game.previously_moved_squares = {from={rank=0, file=0}, to={rank=0, file=0}} -- no highlight else current_game.fen = o.d.fen current_game.wc = o.d.wc current_game.bc = o.d.bc --? current_game.lm = o.d.lm current_game.previously_moved_squares = parse_lm(o.d.lm) --? window:nodelay(false) --? curses.mvaddstr(3, 50, "paused") end current_game.fen_rank = split(current_game.fen, "%w+") render_board(current_game) curses.refresh() end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], init_colors = [==[ function init_colors() -- colors local light_piece = 1 local dark_piece = 0 local light_square = 252 local dark_square = 242 local light_last_moved_square = 229 local dark_last_moved_square = 226 -- initialize colors curses.init_pair(1, light_piece, light_square) curses.init_pair(2, dark_piece, light_square) curses.init_pair(3, light_piece, dark_square) curses.init_pair(4, dark_piece, dark_square) curses.init_pair(5, light_piece, light_last_moved_square) curses.init_pair(6, dark_piece, light_last_moved_square) curses.init_pair(7, light_piece, dark_last_moved_square) curses.init_pair(8, dark_piece, dark_last_moved_square) curses.init_pair(255, 15, 1) -- reserved for Teliva error messages end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], main = [==[ function main() init_colors() local request = { url = "", sink = function(chunk, err) if chunk then curses.clear() render(chunk) curses.getch() end return 1 end, } http.request(request) end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], utf8 = [==[ -- function utf8(decimal) local bytemarkers = { {0x7FF,192}, {0xFFFF,224}, {0x1FFFFF,240} } if decimal<128 then return string.char(decimal) end local charbytes = {} for bytes,vals in ipairs(bytemarkers) do if decimal<=vals[1] then for b=bytes+1,2,-1 do local mod = decimal%64 decimal = (decimal-mod)/64 charbytes[b] = string.char(128+mod) end charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2]+decimal) break end end return table.concat(charbytes) end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], split = [==[ function split(s, pat) result = {} for x in s:gmatch(pat) do table.insert(result, x) end return result end]==], }, { __teliva_timestamp = [==[ original]==], dump = [==[ -- function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end]==], }, }