-- Keyboard driver function App.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat) if key == 'lctrl' or key == 'rctrl' or key == 'lalt' or key == 'ralt' or key == 'lshift' or key == 'rshift' or key == 'lgui' or key == 'rgui' then -- do nothing when the modifier is pressed end -- include the modifier(s) when the non-modifer is pressed App.keychord_pressed(App.combine_modifiers(key)) end function App.combine_modifiers(key) local result = '' local down = love.keyboard.isDown if down('lctrl') or down('rctrl') then result = result..'C-' end if down('lalt') or down('ralt') then result = result..'M-' end if down('lgui') or down('rgui') then result = result..'S-' end result = result..key return result end