curses = require 'curses' local stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.echo(false) -- unclear why implicit echo can't handle newlines, regardless of stdscr:nl() stdscr:clear() stdscr:scrollok(true) local function readline() local result = '' while true do local x = stdscr:getch() stdscr:addch(x) local c = string.char(x) result = result .. c if c == '\n' then break end end return result end -- based on function eval_print(f) local success, results = gather_results(xpcall(f, function(...) return debug.traceback() end)) if success then for i, result in ipairs(results) do if i > 1 then stdscr:addch('\t') end stdscr:addstr(tostring(result)) end else stdscr:addstr(tostring(result[1])) end stdscr:addch('\n') end local function gather_results(success, ...) local n = select('#', ...) return success, { n = n, ... } end local new_expr = true local buf = '' while true do if new_expr then stdscr:addstr('> ') else stdscr:addstr('>> ') end buf = buf .. readline() -- print value of expression the way Lua 5.3 does it: by prepending 'return' to the line local f = load('return '..buf, 'REPL') if f then buf = '' new_expr = true eval_print(f) else local f, err = load(buf, 'REPL') if f then buf = '' new_expr = true eval_print(f) else if string.match(err, "''$") or string.match(err, "$") then buf = buf .. '\n' new_expr = false else stdscr:addstr(err..'\n') buf = '' new_expr = true end end end end curses.endwin()