local utf8 = require 'utf8' require 'keychord' require 'file' require 'button' local Text = require 'text' local Drawing = require 'drawing' local geom = require 'geom' require 'help' require 'icons' -- a line is either text or a drawing -- a text is a table with: -- mode = 'text' -- string data -- a drawing is a table with: -- mode = 'drawing' -- a (y) coord in pixels (updated while painting screen), -- a (h)eight, -- an array of points, and -- an array of shapes -- a shape is a table containing: -- a mode -- an array points for mode 'freehand' (raw x,y coords; freehand drawings don't pollute the points array of a drawing) -- an array vertices for mode 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'square' -- p1, p2 for mode 'line' -- p1, p2, arrow-mode for mode 'arrow-line' -- center, radius for mode 'circle' -- center, radius, start_angle, end_angle for mode 'arc' -- Unless otherwise specified, coord fields are normalized; a drawing is always 256 units wide -- The field names are carefully chosen so that switching modes in midstream -- remembers previously entered points where that makes sense. -- -- Open question: how to maintain Sketchpad-style constraints? Answer for now: -- we don't. Constraints operate only for the duration of a drawing operation. -- We'll continue to persist them just to keep the option open to continue -- solving for them. But for now, this is a program to create static drawings -- once, and read them passively thereafter. Lines = {{mode='text', data=''}} Cursor_line = 1 -- this is a line -- ^cursor_pos = 1 -- ^cursor_pos = 2 -- ... -- ^cursor_pos past end of line is 15 Cursor_pos = #Lines[Cursor_line].data+1 Screen_width, Screen_height, Screen_flags = 0, 0, nil Current_drawing_mode = 'line' Previous_drawing_mode = nil -- All drawings span 100% of some conceptual 'page width' and divide it up -- into 256 parts. `Drawing_width` describes their width in pixels. Drawing_width = nil -- pixels Zoom = 1.5 Filename = 'lines.txt' function love.load(arg) -- maximize window love.window.setMode(0, 0) -- maximize Screen_width, Screen_height, Screen_flags = love.window.getMode() -- shrink slightly to account for window decoration Screen_width = Screen_width-100 Screen_height = Screen_height-100 love.window.setMode(Screen_width, Screen_height) love.window.setTitle('Text with Lines') Drawing_width = math.floor(Screen_width/2/40)*40 love.keyboard.setTextInput(true) -- bring up keyboard on touch screen love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true) if #arg > 0 then Filename = arg[1] end Lines = load_from_disk(Filename) for i,line in ipairs(Lines) do if line.mode == 'text' then Cursor_line = i end end love.window.setTitle('Text with Lines - '..Filename) end function love.filedropped(file) Filename = file:getFilename() file:open('r') Lines = load_from_file(file) file:close() for i,line in ipairs(Lines) do if line.mode == 'text' then Cursor_line = i end end love.window.setTitle('Text with Lines - '..Filename) end function love.draw() button_handlers = {} love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, Screen_width-1, Screen_height-1) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) local y = 0 for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do y = y+15*Zoom line.y = y if line.mode == 'text' and line.data == '' then button('draw', {x=4,y=y+4, w=12,h=12, color={1,1,0}, icon = icon.insert_drawing, onpress1 = function() table.insert(Lines, line_index, {mode='drawing', y=y, h=256/2, points={}, shapes={}, pending={}}) if Cursor_line >= line_index then Cursor_line = Cursor_line+1 end end}) if line_index == Cursor_line then love.graphics.setColor(0,0,0) love.graphics.print('_', 25, y+6) -- drop the cursor down a bit to account for the increased font size end elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then y = y+Drawing.pixels(line.h) Drawing.draw(line, y) else Text.draw(line, line_index, Cursor_line, y, Cursor_pos) end end end function love.update(dt) if love.mouse.isDown('1') then if Lines.current then if Lines.current.mode == 'drawing' then local drawing = Lines.current local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + Drawing.pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+Drawing_width then if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then table.insert(drawing.pending.points, {x=Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), y=Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y)}) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'move' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y) drawing.pending.target_point.x = mx drawing.pending.target_point.y = my end end end end elseif Current_drawing_mode == 'move' then local drawing = Lines.current local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + Drawing.pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+Drawing_width then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y) drawing.pending.target_point.x = mx drawing.pending.target_point.y = my end end end function love.mousepressed(x,y, button) propagate_to_button_handlers(x,y, button) for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do if line.mode == 'text' then -- move cursor if x >= 16 and y >= line.y and y < line.y+15*Zoom then Cursor_line = line_index Cursor_pos = Text.nearest_cursor_pos(line.data, x, 1) end elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then local drawing = line local x, y = love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY() if y >= drawing.y and y < drawing.y + Drawing.pixels(drawing.h) and x >= 16 and x < 16+Drawing_width then if Current_drawing_mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, points={{x=Drawing.coord(x-16), y=Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y)}}} elseif Current_drawing_mode == 'line' or Current_drawing_mode == 'manhattan' then local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y)) drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, p1=j} elseif Current_drawing_mode == 'polygon' then local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y)) drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, vertices={j}} elseif Current_drawing_mode == 'circle' then local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-drawing.y)) drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, center=j} end Lines.current = drawing end end end end function love.mousereleased(x,y, button) if Current_drawing_mode == 'move' then Current_drawing_mode = Previous_drawing_mode Previous_drawing_mode = nil elseif Lines.current then if Lines.current.pending then if Lines.current.pending.mode == 'freehand' then -- the last point added during update is good enough table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) elseif Lines.current.pending.mode == 'line' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-Lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < Lines.current.h then local j = Drawing.insert_point(Lines.current.points, mx,my) Lines.current.pending.p2 = j table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) end elseif Lines.current.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then local p1 = Lines.current.points[Lines.current.pending.p1] local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-Lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < Lines.current.h then if math.abs(mx-p1.x) > math.abs(my-p1.y) then local j = Drawing.insert_point(Lines.current.points, mx, p1.y) Lines.current.pending.p2 = j else local j = Drawing.insert_point(Lines.current.points, p1.x, my) Lines.current.pending.p2 = j end local p2 = Lines.current.points[Lines.current.pending.p2] love.mouse.setPosition(16+Drawing.pixels(p2.x), Lines.current.y+Drawing.pixels(p2.y)) table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) end elseif Lines.current.pending.mode == 'polygon' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-Lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < Lines.current.h then local j = Drawing.insert_point(Lines.current.points, mx,my) table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) end table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) elseif Lines.current.pending.mode == 'circle' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-Lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < Lines.current.h then local center = Lines.current.points[Lines.current.pending.center] Lines.current.pending.radius = math.dist(center.x,center.y, mx,my) table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) end elseif Lines.current.pending.mode == 'arc' then local mx,my = Drawing.coord(x-16), Drawing.coord(y-Lines.current.y) if mx >= 0 and mx < 256 and my >= 0 and my < Lines.current.h then local center = Lines.current.points[Lines.current.pending.center] Lines.current.pending.end_angle = geom.angle_with_hint(center.x,center.y, mx,my, Lines.current.pending.end_angle) table.insert(Lines.current.shapes, Lines.current.pending) end end Lines.current.pending = {} Lines.current = nil end end if Filename then save_to_disk(Lines, Filename) end end function love.textinput(t) if love.mouse.isDown('1') then return end if Lines[Cursor_line].mode == 'drawing' then return end local byteoffset if Cursor_pos > 1 then byteoffset = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos-1) else byteoffset = 0 end Lines[Cursor_line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, 1, byteoffset)..t..string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, byteoffset+1) Cursor_pos = Cursor_pos+1 if Filename then save_to_disk(Lines, Filename) end end function keychord_pressed(chord) -- Don't handle any keys here that would trigger love.textinput above. -- shortcuts for text if chord == 'return' then table.insert(Lines, Cursor_line+1, {mode='text', data=''}) Cursor_line = Cursor_line+1 Cursor_pos = 1 elseif chord == 'backspace' then if Cursor_pos > 1 then local byte_start = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos-1) local byte_end = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos) if byte_start then if byte_end then Lines[Cursor_line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, 1, byte_start-1)..string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, byte_end) else Lines[Cursor_line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, 1, byte_start-1) end Cursor_pos = Cursor_pos-1 end elseif Cursor_line > 1 then if Lines[Cursor_line-1].mode == 'drawing' then table.remove(Lines, Cursor_line-1) else -- join Lines Cursor_pos = utf8.len(Lines[Cursor_line-1].data)+1 Lines[Cursor_line-1].data = Lines[Cursor_line-1].data..Lines[Cursor_line].data table.remove(Lines, Cursor_line) end Cursor_line = Cursor_line-1 end elseif chord == 'left' then if Cursor_pos > 1 then Cursor_pos = Cursor_pos-1 end elseif chord == 'right' then if Cursor_pos <= #Lines[Cursor_line].data then Cursor_pos = Cursor_pos+1 end elseif chord == 'home' then Cursor_pos = 1 elseif chord == 'end' then Cursor_pos = #Lines[Cursor_line].data+1 elseif chord == 'delete' then if Cursor_pos <= #Lines[Cursor_line].data then local byte_start = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos) local byte_end = utf8.offset(Lines[Cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos+1) if byte_start then if byte_end then Lines[Cursor_line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, 1, byte_start-1)..string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, byte_end) else Lines[Cursor_line].data = string.sub(Lines[Cursor_line].data, 1, byte_start-1) end -- no change to Cursor_pos end end -- transitioning between drawings and text elseif chord == 'up' then assert(Lines[Cursor_line].mode == 'text') local new_cursor_line = Cursor_line while new_cursor_line > 1 do new_cursor_line = new_cursor_line-1 if Lines[new_cursor_line].mode == 'text' then local old_x = Text.cursor_x(Lines[new_cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos) Cursor_line = new_cursor_line Cursor_pos = Text.nearest_cursor_pos(Lines[Cursor_line].data, old_x, Cursor_pos) break end end elseif chord == 'down' then assert(Lines[Cursor_line].mode == 'text') local new_cursor_line = Cursor_line while new_cursor_line < #Lines do new_cursor_line = new_cursor_line+1 if Lines[new_cursor_line].mode == 'text' then local old_x = Text.cursor_x(Lines[new_cursor_line].data, Cursor_pos) Cursor_line = new_cursor_line Cursor_pos = Text.nearest_cursor_pos(Lines[Cursor_line].data, old_x, Cursor_pos) break end end elseif chord == 'C-=' then Drawing_width = Drawing_width/Zoom Zoom = Zoom+0.5 Drawing_width = Drawing_width*Zoom elseif chord == 'C--' then Drawing_width = Drawing_width/Zoom Zoom = Zoom-0.5 Drawing_width = Drawing_width*Zoom elseif chord == 'C-0' then Drawing_width = Drawing_width/Zoom Zoom = 1.5 Drawing_width = Drawing_width*Zoom -- shortcuts for drawings elseif chord == 'escape' and love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() drawing.pending = {} elseif chord == 'C-f' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'freehand' elseif chord == 'C-g' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'polygon' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'g' then Current_drawing_mode = 'polygon' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.vertices = {Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y)} elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' or drawing.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then if drawing.pending.vertices == nil then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.p1} end elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.vertices = {drawing.pending.center} end drawing.pending.mode = 'polygon' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'p' and Current_drawing_mode == 'polygon' then local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() local mx,my = Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, mx,my) table.insert(drawing.pending.vertices, j) elseif chord == 'C-c' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'circle' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'a' and Current_drawing_mode == 'circle' then local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() drawing.pending.mode = 'arc' local mx,my = Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getX()-16), Drawing.coord(love.mouse.getY()-drawing.y) local j = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, mx,my) local center = drawing.points[drawing.pending.center] drawing.pending.radius = math.dist(center.x,center.y, mx,my) drawing.pending.start_angle = geom.angle(center.x,center.y, mx,my) elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'c' then Current_drawing_mode = 'circle' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.center = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' or drawing.pending.mode == 'manhattan' then drawing.pending.center = drawing.pending.p1 elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'polygon' then drawing.pending.center = drawing.pending.vertices[1] end drawing.pending.mode = 'circle' elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'l' then Current_drawing_mode = 'line' local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.p1 = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.center elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'polygon' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.vertices[1] end drawing.pending.mode = 'line' elseif chord == 'C-l' then Current_drawing_mode = 'line' local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then convert_line(drawing, shape) end elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'm' then Current_drawing_mode = 'manhattan' local drawing = Drawing.select_drawing_at_mouse() if drawing.pending.mode == 'freehand' then drawing.pending.p1 = Drawing.insert_point(drawing.points, drawing.pending.points[1].x, drawing.pending.points[1].y) elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'line' then -- do nothing elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'polygon' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.vertices[1] elseif drawing.pending.mode == 'circle' or drawing.pending.mode == 'arc' then drawing.pending.p1 = drawing.pending.center end drawing.pending.mode = 'manhattan' elseif chord == 'C-m' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then Current_drawing_mode = 'manhattan' local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then convert_horvert(drawing, shape) end elseif chord == 'C-s' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then smoothen(shape) end elseif chord == 'C-v' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing,_,p = Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() if drawing then Previous_drawing_mode = Current_drawing_mode Current_drawing_mode = 'move' drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, target_point=p} Lines.current = drawing end elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') and chord == 'v' then local drawing,_,p = Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() if drawing then Previous_drawing_mode = Current_drawing_mode Current_drawing_mode = 'move' drawing.pending = {mode=Current_drawing_mode, target_point=p} Lines.current = drawing end elseif chord == 'C-d' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing,i,p = Drawing.select_point_at_mouse() if drawing then for _,shape in ipairs(drawing.shapes) do if Drawing.contains_point(shape, i) then if shape.mode == 'polygon' then local idx = table.find(shape.vertices, i) assert(idx) table.remove(shape.vertices, idx) if #shape.vertices < 3 then shape.mode = 'deleted' end else shape.mode = 'deleted' end end end drawing.points[i].deleted = true end local drawing,_,shape = Drawing.select_shape_at_mouse() if drawing then shape.mode = 'deleted' end elseif chord == 'C-h' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then local drawing = Drawing.select_drawing_at_mouse() if drawing then drawing.show_help = true end elseif chord == 'escape' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do if line.mode == 'drawing' then line.show_help = false end end end end function love.keyreleased(key, scancode) end function table.find(h, x) for k,v in pairs(h) do if v == x then return k end end end