-- Entrypoint for the app. You can edit this file from within the app if -- you're careful. -- files that come with LÖVE; we can't edit those from within the app utf8 = require 'utf8' function load_file_from_source_or_save_directory(filename) local contents = love.filesystem.read(filename) local code, err = loadstring(contents, filename) if code == nil then error(err) end return code() end json = load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('json.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('app.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('test.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('keychord.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('button.lua') -- both sides require (different parts of) the logging framework load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('log.lua') -- both sides use drawings load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('icons.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('drawing.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('geom.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('help.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('drawing_tests.lua') -- but some files we want to only load sometimes function App.load() log_new('session') if love.filesystem.getInfo('config') then Settings = json.decode(love.filesystem.read('config')) Current_app = Settings.current_app end if Current_app == nil then Current_app = 'run' end if Current_app == 'run' then load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('file.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('run.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('edit.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('text.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('search.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('select.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('undo.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('text_tests.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('run_tests.lua') elseif Current_app == 'source' then load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_file.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('commands.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_edit.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('log_browser.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_text.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('search.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_select.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_undo.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('colorize.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_text_tests.lua') load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('source_tests.lua') else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.initialize_globals() if Current_app == 'run' then run.initialize_globals() elseif Current_app == 'source' then source.initialize_globals() else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end -- for hysteresis in a few places Current_time = 0 Last_focus_time = 0 -- https://love2d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=249700 Last_resize_time = 0 end function App.initialize(arg) love.keyboard.setTextInput(true) -- bring up keyboard on touch screen love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true) love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(1,1,1) if Current_app == 'run' then run.initialize(arg) elseif Current_app == 'source' then source.initialize(arg) else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.resize(w,h) if Current_app == 'run' then if run.resize then run.resize(w,h) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.resize then source.resize(w,h) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end Last_resize_time = Current_time end function App.filedropped(file) if Current_app == 'run' then if run.file_drop then run.file_drop(file) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.file_drop then source.file_drop(file) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.focus(in_focus) if in_focus then Last_focus_time = Current_time end if Current_app == 'run' then if run.focus then run.focus(in_focus) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.focus then source.focus(in_focus) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.draw() if Current_app == 'run' then run.draw() elseif Current_app == 'source' then source.draw() else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.update(dt) Current_time = Current_time + dt -- some hysteresis while resizing if Current_time < Last_resize_time + 0.1 then return end -- if Current_app == 'run' then run.update(dt) elseif Current_app == 'source' then source.update(dt) else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.keychord_press(chord, key) -- ignore events for some time after window in focus (mostly alt-tab) if Current_time < Last_focus_time + 0.01 then return end -- if chord == 'C-e' then -- carefully save settings if Current_app == 'run' then local source_settings = Settings.source Settings = run.settings() Settings.source = source_settings if run.quit then run.quit() end Current_app = 'source' -- preserve any Error_message when going from run to source elseif Current_app == 'source' then Settings.source = source.settings() if source.quit then source.quit() end Current_app = 'run' Error_message = nil else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end Settings.current_app = Current_app love.filesystem.write('config', json.encode(Settings)) -- reboot load_file_from_source_or_save_directory('main.lua') App.undo_initialize() App.run_tests_and_initialize() return end if Current_app == 'run' then if run.keychord_press then run.keychord_press(chord, key) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.keychord_press then source.keychord_press(chord, key) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.textinput(t) -- ignore events for some time after window in focus (mostly alt-tab) if Current_time < Last_focus_time + 0.01 then return end -- if Current_app == 'run' then if run.text_input then run.text_input(t) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.text_input then source.text_input(t) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.keyreleased(key, scancode) -- ignore events for some time after window in focus (mostly alt-tab) if Current_time < Last_focus_time + 0.01 then return end -- if Current_app == 'run' then if run.key_release then run.key_release(key, scancode) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.key_release then source.key_release(key, scancode) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.mousepressed(x,y, mouse_button) --? print('mouse press', x,y) if Current_app == 'run' then if run.mouse_press then run.mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.mouse_press then source.mouse_press(x,y, mouse_button) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.mousereleased(x,y, mouse_button) if Current_app == 'run' then if run.mouse_release then run.mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.mouse_release then source.mouse_release(x,y, mouse_button) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function App.wheelmoved(dx,dy) if Current_app == 'run' then if run.mouse_wheel_move then run.mouse_wheel_move(dx,dy) end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.mouse_wheel_move then source.mouse_wheel_move(dx,dy) end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end function love.quit() if Current_app == 'run' then local source_settings = Settings.source Settings = run.settings() Settings.source = source_settings else Settings.source = source.settings() end Settings.current_app = Current_app love.filesystem.write('config', json.encode(Settings)) if Current_app == 'run' then if run.quit then run.quit() end elseif Current_app == 'source' then if source.quit then source.quit() end else assert(false, 'unknown app "'..Current_app..'"') end end