1 # compute the factorial of 5, and return the result in the exit code
 2 #
 3 # To run:
 4 #   $ ./translate_mu apps/
 5 #   $ ./a.elf
 6 #   $ echo $?
 7 #   120
 8 #
 9 # You can also run the automated test suite:
10 #   $ ./a.elf test
11 #
12 # Compare apps/factorial4.subx
14 fn factorial n: int -> result/eax: int {
15   compare n 1
16   {
17     break-if->
18     result <- copy 1
19   }
20   {
21     break-if-<=
22     var tmp/ecx: int <- copy n
23     tmp <- decrement
24     result <- factorial tmp
25     result <- multiply n
26   }
27 }
29 fn test-factorial {
30   var result/eax: int <- factorial 5
31   check-ints-equal result 0x78 "F - test-factorial"
32 }
34 fn main args-on-stack: (addr array addr array byte) -> exit-status/ebx: int {
35   var args/eax: (addr array addr array byte) <- copy args-on-stack
36   var tmp/ecx: int <- length args
37   $main-body: {
38     # if (len(args) <= 1) factorial(5)
39     compare tmp, 1
40     {
41       break-if->
42       var tmp/eax: int <- factorial 5
43       exit-status <- copy tmp
44       break $main-body
45     }
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