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- Method resolution order:
- FM
- ranger.actions.Actions
- ranger.shared.EnvironmentAware
- ranger.shared.Awareness
- ranger.shared.settings.SettingsAware
- builtins.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, ui=None, bookmarks=None, tags=None)
- Initialize FM.
- block_input(self, sec=0)
- initialize(self)
- If ui/bookmarks are None, they will be initialized here.
- loop(self)
- The main loop consists of:
1. reloading bookmarks if outdated
2. letting the loader work
3. drawing and finalizing ui
4. reading and handling user input
5. after X loops: collecting unused directory objects
Data and other attributes defined here:
- input_blocked = False
- input_blocked_until = 0
- stderr_to_out = False
Methods inherited from ranger.actions.Actions:
- cd = enter_dir(self, path)
- Enter the directory at the given path
- copy(self)
- Copy the selected items
- cut(self)
- delete(self)
- display_command_help(self, console_widget)
- display_file(self)
- display_log(self)
- edit_file(self)
- Calls execute_file with the current file and app='editor'
- enter_bookmark(self, key)
- Enter the bookmark with the name <key>
- enter_dir(self, path)
- Enter the director
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