Guidelines for Code Modification ================================ Coding Style ------------ * Use syntax compatible with Python `2.6+` and `3.1+`. * Use docstrings with `pydoc` in mind * Follow the PEP8 style guide: * Always run `make test` before submitting a new PR. `pylint`, `flake8`, `pytest`, `doctest` and `shellcheck` need to be installed. (If you don't change any shell scripts you can run `make test_py` and you don't need the `shellcheck` dependency but it's an awesome tool, so check it out : ) * When breaking backward compatibility with old configuration files or plugins, please include a temporary workaround code that provides a compatibility layer and mark it with a comment that includes the word `COMPAT`. For examples, grep the code for the word `COMPAT`. :) Patches ------- Send patches, created with `git format-patch`, to the email address or open a pull request on GitHub. Please use PGP-encryption for security-relevant patches or messages. PGP key IDs are shared along with releases on and can be attempted in reverse chronological order in case a maintainer is unresponsive. Version Numbering ----------------- Three numbers, `A.B.C`, where * `A` changes on a rewrite * `B` changes when major configuration incompatibilities occur * `C` changes with each release Starting Points --------------- Good places to read about ranger internals are: * `ranger/core/` * `ranger/container/` About the UI: * `ranger/gui/widgets/` * `ranger/gui/widgets/` * `ranger/gui/` Common Changes ============== Adding options -------------- * Add a default value in `rc.conf`, along with a comment that describes the option. * Add the option to the `ALLOWED_SETTINGS` dictionary in the file `ranger/container/` in alphabetical order. * Add an entry in the man page by editing `doc/ranger.pod`, then rebuild the man page by running `make man` in the ranger root directory The setting is now accessible with `self.settings.my_option`, assuming self is a subclass of `ranger.core.shared.SettingsAware`. Adding colorschemes ------------------- * Copy `ranger/colorschemes/` to `ranger/colorschemes/` and modify it according to your needs. Alternatively, create a subclass of `ranger.colorschemes.default.Default` and override the `use` method, as it is done in the `Jungle` colorscheme. * Add this line to your `~/.config/ranger/rc.conf`: `set colorscheme myscheme` Change which programs start which file types -------------------------------------------- Edit the configuration file `~/.config/ranger/rifle.conf`. The default one can be obtained by running `ranger --copy-config rifle`. Change which file extensions have which mime type ------------------------------------------------- Modify `ranger/data/mime.types`. You may also add your own entries to `~/.mime.types` Change which files are previewed in the auto preview ---------------------------------------------------- In `ranger/container/`, change the constant `PREVIEW_BLACKLIST`