NAME = ranger VERSION = 1.0.4 PYTHON ?= python DOCDIR ?= doc/pydoc PREFIX ?= /usr MANPREFIX ?= /share/man PYTHONOPTIMIZE ?= 2 CWD = $(shell pwd) PYTHON_SITE_DEST ?= $(shell $(PYTHON) -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write( \ [p for p in sys.path if "site" in p][0])' 2> /dev/null) BMCOUNT ?= 5 default: test compile @echo 'Run `make options` for a list of all options' options: help @echo @echo 'Options:' @echo 'PYTHON = $(PYTHON)' @echo 'PYTHONOPTIMIZE = $(PYTHONOPTIMIZE)' @echo 'PYTHON_SITE_DEST = $(PYTHON_SITE_DEST)' @echo 'PREFIX = $(PREFIX)' @echo 'MANPREFIX = $(MANPREFIX)' @echo 'DOCDIR = $(DOCDIR)' help: @echo 'make: Compile $(NAME)' @echo 'make doc: Create the pydoc documentation' @echo 'make install: Install ranger' @echo 'make clean: Remove the compiled files (*.pyc, *.pyo)' @echo 'make cleandoc: Remove the pydoc documentation' @echo 'make uninstall: Uninstall ranger' @echo 'make snapshot: Create a tar.gz of the current git revision' @echo 'make test: Run all unittests.' all: test compile install install: @if [ '$(PYTHON_SITE_DEST)' == '' ]; then \ echo -n 'Cannot find a suitable destination for the files.'; \ echo ' Please install $(NAME) manually.'; \ false; \ fi @echo "Installing $(NAME) version $(VERSION)..." @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin cp -f $(PREFIX)/bin/ranger @mkdir -p $(PYTHON_SITE_DEST) cp -fruT ranger $(PYTHON_SITE_DEST)/ranger @chmod 755 $(PREFIX)/bin/ranger @chmod -R +rX $(PYTHON_SITE_DEST)/ranger @mkdir -p $(PREFIX)$(MANPREFIX)/man1 cp -f doc/ranger.1 $(PREFIX)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/ranger.1 @chmod 644 $(PREFIX)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/ranger.1 uninstall: rm -f $(PREFIX)/bin/ranger rm -f '$(PREFIX)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/ranger.1' @if [ '$(PYTHON_SITE_DEST)' == '' ]; then \ echo 'Cannot find a possible location of rangers library files'; \ false; \ fi rm -rf '$(PYTHON_SITE_DEST)/ranger/*' @echo 'NOTE: By default, configuration files are stored at "~/.ranger".' @echo 'This script will not delete those.' compile: clean @echo 'Compiling...' python -m compileall -q ranger PYTHONOPTIMIZE=$(PYTHONOPTIMIZE) python -m compileall -q ranger clean: find . -regex .\*.py[co]\$$ -exec rm -f -- {} \; doc: cleandoc mkdir -p $(DOCDIR) cd $(DOCDIR); \ $(PYTHON) -c 'import pydoc, sys; \ sys.path[0] = "$(CWD)"; \ pydoc.writedocs("$(CWD)")' cleandoc: test -d $(DOCDIR) && rm -f -- $(DOCDIR)/*.html test: ./ 1 bm: ./ $(BMCOUNT) snapshot: git archive HEAD | gzip > $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(shell git rev-parse HEAD | cut -b 1-8).tar.gz .PHONY: default options all compile clean doc cleandoc test bm \ install uninstall snapshot