# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager. # License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "AUTHORS" for details. NAME = ranger VERSION = $(shell grep -m 1 -o '[0-9][0-9.]\+\S*' README.md) NAME_RIFLE = rifle VERSION_RIFLE = $(VERSION) SNAPSHOT_NAME ?= $(NAME)-$(VERSION)-$(shell git rev-parse HEAD | cut -b 1-8).tar.gz # Find suitable python version (need python >= 2.6 or 3.1): PYTHON ?= $(shell \ (python -c 'import sys; sys.exit(sys.version < "2.6")' && \ which python) \ || (which python3) \ || (python2 -c 'import sys; sys.exit(sys.version < "2.6")' && \ which python2) \ ) ifeq ($(PYTHON),) $(error No suitable python found.) endif SETUPOPTS ?= '--record=install_log.txt' DOCDIR ?= doc/pydoc DESTDIR ?= / PREFIX ?= /usr/local PYOPTIMIZE ?= 1 FILTER ?= . CWD = $(shell pwd) default: test compile @echo 'Run `make options` for a list of all options' options: help @echo @echo 'Options:' @echo 'PYTHON = $(PYTHON)' @echo 'PYOPTIMIZE = $(PYOPTIMIZE)' @echo 'DOCDIR = $(DOCDIR)' @echo 'DESTDIR = $(DESTDIR)' help: @echo 'make: Test and compile ranger.' @echo 'make install: Install $(NAME)' @echo 'make pypi_sdist: Release a new sdist to PyPI' @echo 'make clean: Remove the compiled files (*.pyc, *.pyo)' @echo 'make doc: Create the pydoc documentation' @echo 'make cleandoc: Remove the pydoc documentation' @echo 'make man: Compile the manpage with "pod2man"' @echo 'make manhtml: Compile the html manpage with "pod2html"' @echo 'make snapshot: Create a tar.gz of the current git revision' @echo 'make test: Test everything' @echo 'make test_pylint: Test using pylint' @echo 'make test_flake8: Test using flake8' @echo 'make test_doctest: Test using doctest' @echo 'make test_pytest: Test using pytest' @echo 'make test_other: Verify the manpage is complete' @echo 'make test_py: Run all python tests, including manpage completeness' @echo 'make test_shellcheck: Test using shellcheck' @echo 'make todo: Look for TODO and XXX markers in the source code' install: $(PYTHON) setup.py install $(SETUPOPTS) \ '--prefix=$(PREFIX)' '--root=$(DESTDIR)' \ --optimize=$(PYOPTIMIZE) compile: clean PYTHONOPTIMIZE=$(PYOPTIMIZE) $(PYTHON) -m compileall -q ranger clean: find ranger -regex .\*\.py[co]\$$ -delete find ranger -depth -name __pycache__ -type d -exec rm -r -- {} \; doc: cleandoc mkdir -p $(DOCDIR) cd $(DOCDIR); \ $(PYTHON) -c 'import pydoc, sys; \ sys.path[0] = "$(CWD)"; \ pydoc.writedocs("$(CWD)")' find . -name \*.html -exec sed -i 's|'"$(CWD)"'|../..|g' -- {} \; TEST_PATHS_MAIN = \ $(shell find ./ranger -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \ ! -name '__pycache__' \ ! -path './ranger/config' \ ! -path './ranger/data' \ ) \ ./ranger/__init__.py \ $(shell find ./doc/tools ./examples -type f -name '*.py') \ ./ranger.py \ ./setup.py \ ./tests TEST_PATH_CONFIG = ./ranger/config test_pylint: @echo "Running pylint..." pylint $(TEST_PATHS_MAIN) pylint --rcfile=$(TEST_PATH_CONFIG)/.pylintrc $(TEST_PATH_CONFIG) test_flake8: @echo "Running flake8..." flake8 $(TEST_PATHS_MAIN) $(TEST_PATH_CONFIG) test_doctest: @echo "Running doctests..." @set -e; \ for FILE in $(shell grep -IHm 1 doctest -r ranger | grep $(FILTER) | cut -d: -f1); do \ echo "Testing $$FILE..."; \ RANGER_DOCTEST=1 PYTHONPATH=".:"$$PYTHONPATH ${PYTHON} $$FILE; \ done test_pytest: @echo "Running py.test tests..." py.test tests test_py: test_pylint test_flake8 test_doctest test_pytest test_other @echo "Finished python and documentation tests!" test_shellcheck: @echo "Running shellcheck..." sed '2,$$s/^\(\s*\)#/\1/' ./ranger/data/scope.sh | shellcheck -a - test_other: @echo "Checking completeness of man page..." @tests/manpage_completion_test.py test: test_py test_shellcheck @echo "Finished testing: All tests passed!" doc/ranger.1: doc/ranger.pod README.md pod2man --stderr --center='ranger manual' \ --date='$(NAME)-$(VERSION)' \ --release=$(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d') \ doc/ranger.pod doc/ranger.1 doc/rifle.1: doc/rifle.pod README.md pod2man --stderr --center='rifle manual' \ --date='$(NAME_RIFLE)-$(VERSION_RIFLE)' \ --release=$(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d') \ doc/rifle.pod doc/rifle.1 man: doc/ranger.1 doc/rifle.1 manhtml: pod2html doc/ranger.pod --outfile=doc/ranger.1.html cleandoc: test -d $(DOCDIR) && rm -- $(DOCDIR)/*.html || true snapshot: git archive --prefix='$(NAME)-$(VERSION)/' --format=tar HEAD | gzip > $(SNAPSHOT_NAME) dist: snapshot todo: @grep --color -Ion '\(TODO\|XXX\).*' -r ranger .PHONY: clean cleandoc compile default dist doc help install man manhtml \ options snapshot test test_pylint test_flake8 test_doctest test_pytest \ test_other todo pypi_sdist