Ranger v.1.0.2 ============== Ranger A keeper, guardian, or soldier who ranges over a region to protect the area or enforce the law. This file browser gives you the ability to swiftly move around and get a broad overview of your forest of directory trees. Rangers default hotkeys make it intuitive for users of the popular text-editor VIM, but it is fully customizable. The program is written in Python since version 1.0.0 and uses ncurses for the (completely text based) user interface. About ----- * Author: hut * Email: hut@lavabit.com * Git repo: http://repo.or.cz/w/ranger.git * Version: 1.0.2 Features -------- * Multi-column display * Preview of the selected file/directory * Common file operations (create/chmod/copy/delete/...) * Quickly find files or text inside files * VIM-like console and hotkeys * Open files in external programs * Mouse support * Change the directory of your shell after exiting ranger * Bookmarks Dependencies ------------ * A Unix-like OS (Linux, BSD, Mac OS, ...) * Python 2.6 or 3.1 * Python curses module Bugs and feature requests ------------------------- Report bugs and feature requests on the bug tracker of the ranger repository on GitHub: http://github.com/hut/ranger/issues Alternatively you can send an email to hut@lavabit.com. Please include as much relevant information as possible. Using ranger with the --debug option will abort the program and print tracebacks in certain cases. Getting Started --------------- At first, it's a good idea to create a symlink in your bin dir: sudo ln -s /path/to/ranger.py /usr/bin/ranger Now type in ranger to start it. You should see 4 columns. The third is the directory where you are at the moment. To the left, there are the directories above the current working directory, and the column on the right is a preview of the selected file/directory. Now use the arrow keys to navigate, press enter to open a file. A list of commands with short descriptions can be viewed by pressing "?" inside the program and following the instructions. The file code/keys.rb contains all key combinations, so that's another place you may want to check out. More extensive documentation will be written when enough users ask me to :) Opening files with Ranger ------------------------- If you use the same applications like me, you'll be able to open files by pressing the right arrow key. If not, you will have to specify them in ranger/defaults/apps.py. It's explained in the docstrings how exactly to do that. Once you've set up your applications, you can also use ranger to open files from the shell: ranger blabla.pdf Customizing Ranger ------------------ The file ranger/defaults/options.py contains most of the options. apps.py defines how files are run, keys.py defines keybindings. The files in ranger/defaults/ can be copied into ~/.ranger/ for per-user modifications. Colorschemes can be placed in ~/.ranger/colorschemes. The configuration files should be self-explanatory. If you need more information, check out the source code. Also, see the file HACKING for more detailed instructions on modifying the program.