require 'socket' module Fm DONT_PREVIEW_THESE_FILES = /\.(avi|[mj]pe?g|iso|mp\d|og[gmv]|wm[av]|mkv|torrent|so|class|flv|png|bmp|vob|divx?)$/i def column_put_file(n, file) i = 0 if Option.preview and Option.file_preview and file.path !~ DONT_PREVIEW_THESE_FILES m = lines - 2 attr_set(Color.base) left, wid = get_boundaries(n) if false and file.ext =~ /(?:rar|zip|7z|tar|gz)$/ and file.size < 10485760 text = `aunpack -l #{} 2>> /dev/null` text.each_line do |l| puti i+1, left, l[0, wid-1].ljust(wid) i += 1 break if i == m end else, 'r') do |f| check = true left, wid = get_boundaries(n) f.lines.each do |l| if check check = false break unless l.each_char.all? {|x| x[0] > 0 and x[0] < 128} end puti i+1, left, l.gsub("\t"," ")[0, wid-1].ljust(wid) i += 1 break if i == m end end end end column_clear(n, i) end def put_directory(c, d) l = 1 return column_clear(c, 0) unless d infos = (c == COLUMNS - 2) left, wid = get_boundaries(c) right = left + wid if not if (c == COLUMNS - 1) and @entering_directory # puti l, left, "reading...".ljust(wid+1) puti l, left, " " * (wid+1) column_clear(c, 1) @entering_directory = false end Scheduler << d return elsif and d.empty? puti l, left, 'empty'.ljust(wid+1) column_clear(c, 1) return end offset = get_offset(d, lines) (lines - 1).times do |l| lpo = l + offset l += 1 break if (f = d.files[lpo]) == nil mycolor = if lpo == d.pos if infos Color.selected_current_row else Color.selected end elsif f.marked? Color.marked else Color.normal end dir = false clrname = if f.symlink? dir = f.dir? if f.broken_symlink? :badlink else :goodlink end elsif f.dir? dir = true :directory elsif :video elsif :sound elsif f.image? :image elsif f.executable? :executable else :file end fn = f.displayname fn = "* #{fn}" if f.marked? if infos myinfo = " #{f.infostring} " sz = myinfo.size str = fn[0, wid-1].ljust(wid+1) if str.size > sz str[-sz..-1] = myinfo yes = true else yes = false end puti l, left, str attr_at(l, right-sz, sz, Color.normal.send(clrname)) else puti l, left, fn[0, wid-1].ljust(wid+1) end if infos and Option.wide_bar attr_at(l, left-1, wid+1, mycolor.send(clrname)) else attr_at(l, left, fn.size.limit(wid-1), mycolor.send(clrname)) end end column_clear(c, l-1) end def self.column_clear(n, from=0) attr_set(Color.base) left, wid = get_boundaries(n) (from -1).upto(lines) do |l| puti l+2, left, ' ' * (wid+1) end end def self.get_offset(dir, max) pos = dir.pos len = dir.files.size max -= 2 if len <= max or pos < max/2 return 0 elsif pos >= (len - max/2) return len - max else return pos - max/2 end end def self.get_boundaries(column) cols = CLI.cols # to cache case column when 0 return 0, cols / 8 when 1 q = cols / 8 if !Option.preview# or (!Option.filepreview and !currentfile.dir?) return q, 2*q # elsif currentfile.path != DONT_PREVIEW_THESE_FILES # return q, 2*q else return q, q end when 2 if !Option.preview q = cols * 0.375 - 1 w = @path.last.width.limit(cols * 0.625, cols/8) # elsif currentfile.path =~ DONT_PREVIEW_THESE_FILES or (!Option.filepreview and !currentfile.dir?) # q = cols / 4 # w = @path.last.width.limit(cols * 0.75, cols/8) else q = cols / 4 w = @path.last.width.limit(cols/2, cols/8) end return q, w when 3 l = cols / 4 + 1 l += @path.last.width.limit(cols/2, cols/8) return l, cols - l end end def self.draw attr_set(Color.base) @cur_y = get_boundaries(COLUMNS-2)[0] if @buffer =~ /^block/ screensaver elsif @buffer =~ /^\?/ cleari puti 0, " - - - Help - - -" if text = HELP[@buffer[1..-1]] i = 2 text.each_line do |l| break if i == lines puti(i, l) i += 1 end end elsif @buffer =~ /^o|`|'$/ cleari i = 0 case @buffer when 'o'; puti 0, " move files to:" when '`', "'"; puti 0, " go to:" end for key,val in @memory next if key == "'" break if key == lines puti i+=1, 2, "#{key} => #{val}" end else @pwd.recheck_stuff() cf = currentfile if cf and s0 = cf.mimetype puti 0, cols-s0.size, s0 end s1 = "#{Socket.gethostname}:" s2 = "#{@path.last.path.ascii_only_if(Option.ascii_only)}#{"/" unless @path.size == 1}" s3 = "#{cf ? cf.displayname : ''}" if s0 puti 0, (s1 + s2 + s3).ljust(cols-s0.size) else puti 0, (s1 + s2 + s3).ljust(cols) end bg = -1 attr_at(0, 0, s1.size, *Color.hostname) attr_at(0, s1.size, s2.size, *Color.currentdir) attr_at(0, s1.size + s2.size, s3.size, *Color.currentfile) # color_at 0, 0, -1, 7, bg # color_at 0, 0, s1.size, 7, bg # color_at 0, s1.size, s2.size, 6, bg # color_at 0, s1.size + s2.size, s3.size, 5, bg # bold false begin if Option.preview if cf.dir? put_directory(3, @dirs[cf.path]) elsif cf.file? column_put_file(3, cf) else column_clear(3) end else column_clear(3) end rescue column_clear(3) end pos_constant = @path.size - COLUMNS + 1 (COLUMNS - 1).times do |c| pos = pos_constant + c if pos >= 0 put_directory(c, @path[pos]) else column_clear(c) end end attr_set(Color.base) btm = lines - 1 case @buffer when /^delete/, /^dd/, /^dfd/ puti btm, "#@buffer ".rjust(cols) puti btm, 'Are you serious? (' + Option.confirm_string + ')' when 'S' puti btm, "Sort by (n)ame (s)ize (m)time (c)time (CAPITAL:reversed)" when 't' puti btm, "Toggle (h)idden_files (d)irs_first (f)ilepreview (p)review (w)idebar (c)d (!)confirm" else attr_set(Color.base) attr_set( puti btm, "#@buffer #{@pwd.file_size.bytes(false)}, #{@pwd.free_space.bytes(false)} free, #{@pwd.size}, #{@pwd.pos+1} ".rjust(cols) more = '' if cf.symlink? more = "#{cf.readlink.ascii_only_if(Option.ascii_only)}" end attr_set( left = " #{"%H:%M:%S %a %b %d")} " puti btm, left attr_set(cf.writable? ? Color.allowed : Color.denied) second = "#{cf.rights} " puti btm, left.size, second if more attr_set(cf.exists? ? Color.allowed : Color.denied) puti btm, left.size + second.size, "#{more} " end end attr_set(Color.base) draw_bars unless @bars.empty? movi(@pwd.pos + 1 - get_offset(@pwd, lines), @cur_y) end CLI.refresh end def self.draw_bars() l = CLI.lines @bars.each do |bar| bar.update l -= 1 puti l, bar.text[0..cols-1].ljust(cols) done = bar.done c = (done * cols).to_i unless done == 0 attr_at(l, 0, c, *Color.bar_done) end unless done == cols attr_at(l, c, -1, *Color.bar_undone) end end end end