require 'code/directory' class Directory::Entry # Let's just cache every shit, because i don't want # to call File methods all the time BAD_TIME = MIMETYPES = Marshal.load( File.join(MYDIR, 'data', 'mime.dat'))) ## wrapper def use() Use end module Use def self.method_missing(app,*_) throw(:use, app) end def self.no_handler() throw(:use, nil) end end def initialize(dirname, basename=nil) if basename @path = File.join(dirname, basename) @dirname = dirname @basename = basename else @path = dirname @dirname = File.dirname(dirname) @basename = File.basename(dirname) end @name, @ext = @basename.split_at_last_dot @ext = @ext.downcase if @ext == 'part' @name, @ext = @name.split_at_last_dot @ext = @ext.downcase end @size = 0 @exists = false @rights = '--unread--' @readlink = '' @symlink = false @writable = false @stat = nil @infostring = '' @mimetype = nil @executable = false @type = :nonexistent @mtime = BAD_TIME @ctime = BAD_TIME @marked = false end attr_reader(*%w{ basename mtime rights type path ext mimetype infostring readlink basename size ctime name stat }) attr_accessor(:marked) def to_s() @path end def exists?() @exists end def marked?() @marked end def symlink?() @symlink end def socket?() @type == :socket end def video?() @video ||= @mimetype && @mimetype =~ /^video\// end def audio?() @sound ||= @mimetype && @mimetype =~ /^audio\// end def image?() @image ||= @mimetype && @mimetype =~ /^image\// end def broken_symlink?() @symlink and !@exists end def dir?() @type == :dir end def file?() @type == :file end def writable?() @writable end def executable?() @executable end alias movie? video? alias sound? audio? def displayname() @displayname ||= @basename.ascii_only_if(Option.ascii_only) end def handler() ## get_handler has to be defined in another file @handler ||= catch(:use) do get_handler end end def delete! if @type == :dir Dir.delete(@path) rescue nil else File.delete(@path) rescue nil end end def refresh if File.exists?(@path) if File.ctime(@path) != @ctime get_data end else get_data end end def sh end def in? path to_s[0, path.size] == path end def get_data @size = 0 @infostring = '' @exists = File.exists?( @path ) if @exists @stat = File.stat( @path ) @writable = @stat.writable? @symlink = File.symlink?( @path ) if @symlink @readlink = File.readlink( @path ) end if @type = :dir begin sz = Dir.entries( @path ).size - 2 @size = sz rescue sz = "?" end @infostring << "#{sz}" elsif @stat.socket? @type = :socket else @type = :file @mimetype = MIMETYPES[@ext] @size = @stat.size if @stat.size? @infostring << " #{File.size(@path).bytes 2}" else @infostring << "" end end @rights = @stat.modestr @executable = @stat.executable? @mtime = @stat.mtime @ctime = @stat.ctime else if File.symlink?(@path) @readlink = File.readlink(@path) rescue nil @infostring = '->' @symlink = true else @symlink = false end @executable = false @writable = false @type = :nonexistent @rights = '----------' @mtime = BAD_TIME @ctime = BAD_TIME end end end