# Generic extensions of the language class MutableNumber attr_accessor :value def initialize(n=0) @value = n end def add(n=1) @value += n end def sub(n=1) @value -= n end end class Array def wrap(n) # TODO: this can be done better... n.times { push shift } end end class String def clear self.replace("") end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' def ord self[0] end end def from_first(str) self.include?(str) ? self [ self.index(str) + str.size .. -1 ] : nil end def from_last(str) self.include?(str) ? self [ self.rindex(str) + str.size .. -1 ] : nil end def split_at_last_dot() if ix = self.rindex('.') return self[0...ix], self[ix+1..-1] else return self, '' end end def before_last(str) self.include?(str) ? self [ 0 .. rindex(str) - str.size ] : self end def filetype() Fm::MIMETYPES[self] || 'unknown' end def sh res = self.dup res.gsub!('\\\\', "\000") res.gsub!(' ', '\\ ') res.gsub!('(', '\\(') res.gsub!('&', '\\\&') res.gsub!(')', '\\)') res.gsub!('*', '\\*') res.gsub!('\'', "\\\\'") res.gsub!('"', '\\"') res.gsub!("\000", '\\\\') return res end end class Numeric def limit(max, min = 0) self < min ? min : (self > max ? max : self) end def bytes space = true, n_round = 2 n = 1024 a = %w(B K M G T Y) i = 0 flt = self.to_f while flt > n and i < a.length - 1 flt /= n i += 1 end # flt = flt.round(n_round) r = 10 ** n_round flt *= r flt = flt.round.to_f / r int = flt.to_i flt = int if int == flt return flt.to_s + (space ? ' ' + a[i] : a[i]) end end class Dir def self.number_of_files(*dirs) n = 0 dirs.each do |entry| if File.directory?(entry) n += 1 + number_of_files(*(Dir.new(entry).to_a - ['.', '..']).map\ {|x| File.join entry, x } ) else n += 1 end end return n end end class File MODES_HASH = { '0' => '---', '1' => '--x', '2' => '-w-', '3' => '-wx', '4' => 'r--', '5' => 'r-x', '6' => 'rw-', '7' => 'rwx' } def self.modestr(f) unless exists?(f) return '----------' end if symlink?(f) result = 'l' elsif directory?(f) result = 'd' else result = '-' end s = ("%o" % File.stat(f).mode)[-3..-1] for m in s.each_char result << MODES_HASH[m] end result end end class Object; def or(value) self end end class NilClass; def or(value) value end end