require 'thread' module Fm extend self COPY_PRIORITY = -2 COLUMNS = 4 def self.initialize(pwd=nil) @bars = [] @bars_thread = nil @entering_directory = true @sort_time = @buffer = '' @pwd = nil @search_string = '' @copy = [] @ignore_until = nil @trash = File.expand_path('~/.trash') pwd ||= Dir.getwd # `' and `` are the original PWD unless overwritten by .rangerrc @memory = { '`' => pwd, '\'' => pwd } # Read the .rangerrc @rangerrc = File.expand_path(Option.bookmark_file) if (File.exists?(@rangerrc)) content = unless content.empty? loaded = Marshal.load(content) rescue nil if Hash === loaded @memory.update(loaded) end end end @dump_config_on_exit = true # `0 is always the original PWD @memory['0'] = pwd boot_up(pwd) end attr_reader(:dirs, :pwd, :sort_time) def refresh() begin @pwd.refresh! update_pointers draw if CLI.running? rescue lograise end end def edit( filename, mode=nil, flags=nil ) file = filename ) file.refresh raise "File doesn't exist" unless file.exists? runcontext = file, mode, flags, 'editor' ) externally do runcontext ) end end def reload_types() old_verbose_level = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil load 'data/types.rb' load 'data/apps.rb' $VERBOSE = old_verbose_level end def dump_pwd_to_3() f =, 'a') f.puts(Fm.pwd.path) # f.puts(Fm.pwd.path.bash_escape) f.close end def boot_up(pwd=nil) pwd ||= @pwd.path || Dir.getwd Scheduler.reset reload_types @dirs = do |hash, key| hash[key] = newdir = # newdir.schedule newdir end @path = [@dirs['/']] enter_dir(pwd) end def lines CLI::lines - @bars.size end def externally(&block) closei yield if block_given? CLI.clear_keybuffer starti end def dump if defined? @dump_config_on_exit begin remember_dir dumped = Marshal.dump(@memory), 'w') do |f| f.write(dumped) end rescue Exception end end end def on_interrupt @buffer = '' sleep 0.2 end def terminal_killed? Process.ppid == 1 end def main_loop bool = false while true exit if terminal_killed? if @pwd.size == 0 or @pwd.pos < 0 @pwd.pos = 0 elsif @pwd.pos >= @pwd.size - 1 @pwd.pos = @pwd.size - 1 end begin draw() rescue Interrupt on_interrupt rescue Exception log($!) log(caller) end begin key = geti CLI.clear_keybuffer press(key) rescue Interrupt on_interrupt end end end def current_path() @pwd.path end def reset_title() set_title("ranger: #{@pwd.path}") end def enter_dir_safely(dir) dir = File.expand_path(dir) if File.exists?(dir) and olddir = @pwd.path begin enter_dir(dir) return true rescue log($!) log(caller) enter_dir(olddir) return false end end end def enter_dir(dir) @pwd.restore if @pwd @marked = [] dir = File.expand_path(dir) return unless File.exists? dir oldpath = @path.dup # NOTE: @dirs[unknown] is not nil but ## create @path, an array of directory objects @path = [@dirs['/']] unless dir == '/' dir.slice(0) accumulated = '/' for part in dir.split('/') unless part.empty? accumulated = File.join(accumulated, part) @path << @dirs[accumulated] end end end @pwd = @path.last @pwd.refresh! if @pwd.changed? @pwd.make_sure_cursor_is_in_range ## initialize directories in @pwd @pwd.files_raw.dup.each do |x| @dirs[x] if end ## set the title reset_title() ## ??? if @path.size < oldpath.size @pwd.pos = @pwd.files_raw.index(oldpath.last.path) || 0 end i = 0 @entering_directory = true Dir.chdir(@pwd.path) end def update_pointers @path.each_with_index do |p, i| ## is this line necessary? # p.schedule unless i == @path.size - 1 p.pointed_file = @path[i+1].path end end end def move_to_trash!(fn) unless File.exists?(@trash) Dir.mkdir(@trash) end new_path = File.join(@trash, fn.basename) Action.move(fn, new_path) return new_path end def move_to_trash(file) unless file return end if String === file file = end if file.exists? if file.dir? if ! and file.size > 0 return move_to_trash!(file) else Dir.rmdir(file.path) rescue nil end elsif file.symlink? file.delete! else if ! and file.size > 0 return move_to_trash!(file) else file.delete! end end end return nil end def bar_add(bar) if @bars.empty? # This thread updates the statusbars @bars_thread = do while true draw_bars sleep 0.5 end end end @bars << bar end def bar_del(bar) @bars.delete(bar) if @bars.empty? @bars_thread.kill @bars_thread = nil draw end end def currentfile @pwd.files[@pwd.pos] end def getfiles @marked.empty? ? [currentfile] : @marked.dup end alias selection getfiles end