# The default hotkeys are adjusted for the QWERTY layout. # If you want to change them, please follow these steps: # # 1. if you map key X to key Y, make sure that key Y is not # mapped twice and remap the old mapping. # 2. if you change key combinations, like "dd", please adjust # the key_combinations function. Search for the function # and you'll find detailed instructions. module Fm def eval_keybuffer case @buffer ## File Manipulation {{{ when 'A' @buffer = "cw #{currentfile.name}" when /^mkdir(.*)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ @buffer.clear if $2 == '' Dir.mkdir($1) rescue lograise @pwd.schedule end end when /^touch(.*)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ @buffer.clear if $2 == '' File.open($1, 'a').close rescue lograise @pwd.schedule end end when 'P' for f in @copy File.symlink(f.path, File.expand_path(f.basename)) rescue lograise end when /^cm(r?)(\d{3})$/ @buffer.clear chmod = FileUtils.method( $1.empty? ? :chmod : :chmod_R ) chmod.call( $2.to_i( 8 ), *selection.map{|x| x.path} ) rescue lograise @pwd.refresh! when /^cm(r?)(.{9})$/ @buffer.clear chmod = FileUtils.method( $1.empty? ? :chmod : :chmod_R ) # extract octal mode number from $2 mode = i = 0 for part in $2.reverse.scan /.../ factor = 8 ** i mode += factor * 1 if part.include? 'x' mode += factor * 2 if part.include? 'w' mode += factor * 4 if part.include? 'r' i += 1 end chmod.call( mode, *selection.map{|x| x.path} ) rescue lograise @pwd.refresh! when /^co(r?)\s*(.*)\s*:\s*(.*)$/ chown = FileUtils.method( $1.empty? ? :chown : :chown_R ) user = $2 grp = $3 if grp =~ /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ grp = $1 @buffer.clear if $2 == '' chown.call( user.empty? ? nil : user, grp.empty? ? nil : grp, *selection.map{ |x| x.path } ) rescue lograise end end @pwd.refresh! ## }}} ## Destructive File Manipulation {{{ ## move to trash and copy new location when 'dd' + Option.confirm_string @copy = [] @cut = false for file in selection new_path = move_to_trash(file) if new_path file = Directory::Entry.new(new_path) file.get_data @copy << file end end @marked.clear @pwd.refresh! ## delete recursively forever when 'delete' + Option.confirm_string for file in selection FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(file.path) rescue lograise end @marked.clear @pwd.refresh! when 'p' if @cut Action.move(@copy, @pwd.path) @cut = false else Action.copy(@copy, @pwd.path) end @pwd.refresh! if @copy.size == 1 @pwd.find_file(@copy[0].basename) end when /^o(.)$/ if @memory[$1] Action.move(selection, @memory[$1]) end @marked.clear @pwd.refresh! when /^(mv|cw|rename)(.+)$/ str = $2 # if $1 == 'mv' # if str =~ /['`"]([\w\d])/ # if path = @memory[$1] # str = '' # @buffer.clear # if File.exists?(path) and File.directory?(path) # Action.move(selection, path) # end # end # end # end log str if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ @buffer = '' if $2 == '' files = selection if files.size == 1 fn = $1 log "!!! #{fn}" unless fn.include? '.' if ext = files.first.basename.from_last('.') fn << ".#{ext}" end log "??? #{ext}" end Action.move(files, fn) @pwd.refresh! @pwd.find_file(fn) else Action.move(files, $1) @pwd.refresh! end end end ## }}} ## Movement {{{ ## gX {{{ when 'gg' @pwd.pos = 0 when 'g0' remember_dir enter_dir('/') when 'gh' remember_dir enter_dir('~') when 'gu' remember_dir enter_dir('/usr') when 'ge' remember_dir enter_dir('/etc') when 'gm' remember_dir enter_dir('/media') when 'gn' remember_dir enter_dir('/mnt') when 'gt' remember_dir enter_dir('~/.trash') when 'gs' remember_dir enter_dir('/srv') when 'gR' remember_dir enter_dir( MYDIR ) ## }}} when 'G' @pwd.pos = @pwd.size - 1 when 'k', '' @pwd.pos -= 1 when 'j', '' @pwd.pos += 1 when '', 'h', 'H', '' descend when 'J' @pwd.pos += lines/2 when 'K' @pwd.pos -= lines/2 when '', '', /^[li]$/i if currentfile.dir? enter_dir_safely(currentfile.path) else mode = @buffer =~ /[LI]/ ? 1 : 0 flags = @buffer =~ /[lL]/ ? 'a' : '' Action.run(RunContext.new(getfiles, mode, flags)) end when 'n' if @search_string.empty? find_newest else search(@search_string, 1) end when 'N' search(@search_string, 0, true) when /^cd(.+)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ @buffer = '' if $2 == '' remember_dir enter_dir_safely($1) end end when /^(?:`|'|go)(.)$/ if dir = @memory[$1] and not @pwd.path == dir remember_dir enter_dir_safely(dir) end when '' if dir = @memory['`'] and not @pwd.path == dir remember_dir enter_dir_safely(dir) end when /^m(.)$/ @memory[$1] = @pwd.path when /^um(.)$/ @memory.delete($1) when /^f(.+)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(L|;||)$/ @buffer = '' @search_string = $1 press('l') if $2 == ';' or $2 == 'L' else test = hints(str) if test == 1 @buffer = '' press('l') ignore_keys_for 0.5 elsif test == 0 @buffer = '' ignore_keys_for 1 end end when /^\/(.+)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(L|;||)$/ @buffer = '' @search_string = $1 press 'l' if $2 == ';' or $2 == 'L' else search(str) end ## }}} ## Launching applications {{{ when 's' ls = ['ls'] ls << '--color=auto' #if Option.color ls << '--group-directories-first' #if Option.color externally do system("clear; #{ls * ' '}; bash") @pwd.schedule end when /^grep\s?(.*)$/ if_enter_pressed($1) do |arg| files = @marked.empty? ? "*" : @marked.sh grep = 'grep --color=always --line-number' less = 'less' externally do system "#{grep} -e #{arg.sh} -r #{files} | #{less}" end end when /^gf\s?(.*)$/ if_enter_pressed($1) do |arg| grep = 'grep --color=always' less = 'less' externally do system "find . | #{grep} #{arg} | #{less}" end end when 'du' externally do system "du --max-depth=1 -h | less" end when 'tar' externally do system('tar', 'cvvf', 'pack.tar', *selection.map{|x| x.basename}) @pwd.refresh! end when /^!(.+)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^(\!?)(.*)(|)$/ @buffer = '' if $3 == '' externally do system("bash", "-c", $2) Action.wait_for_enter unless $1.empty? end @pwd.schedule end end when 'term' fork do exec 'x-terminal-emulator' end when 'E' externally do Action.run(RunContext.new(getfiles, nil, nil, 'editor')) end when /^[ri](\d*)(?i:([adetw]*))[ri]$/ run_context = RunContext.new(getfiles, $1, $2) Action.run(run_context) when "-", "=" val = "2#{key=='-' ? '-' : '+'}" system("amixer", "-q", "set", "PCM", val, "unmute") ## }}} ## Control {{{ when 'cp', 'yy' @copy = selection @cut = false when 'cut' @copy = selection @cut = true when 'x' @bars.first.kill unless @bars.empty? when 'X' @bars.last.kill unless @bars.empty? when '' externally when 'R' @pwd.refresh! when ' ' if currentfile.marked @marked.delete(currentfile) currentfile.marked = false else @marked << currentfile currentfile.marked = true end @pwd.pos += 1 when 'ZZ', '', ':q', 'Q' exit when 'ZX' Option.cd ^= true exit when '' Fm.boot_up when 'v' @marked.clear for file in @pwd.files if file.marked file.marked = false else file.marked = true @marked << file end end when 'V' for file in @marked file.marked = false end @marked.clear when /^F(.+)$/ str = $1 if str =~ /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ if $2 == '' Directory.filter = $1 @pwd.refresh! end @buffer.clear end when /^block.*stop$/ @buffer = '' ## }}} ## Options {{{ when SORT_REGEXP how = SORT_KEYS[$1.downcase] log how @sort_time = Time.now Option.sort_reverse = $1.ord.between?(65, 90) Option.sort = how if how @path.each do |x| x.sort end update_pointers # @pwd.schedule when 'ea' edit File.join( MYDIR, 'data', 'apps.rb' ) reload_types when 'et' edit File.join( MYDIR, 'data', 'types.rb' ) reload_types when 't!' Option.confirm ^= true when 'tw' Option.wide_bar ^= true when 'tp' Option.preview ^= true when 'tf' Option.file_preview ^= true when 'th' Option.show_hidden ^= true @pwd.refresh! when 'tc' Option.cd ^= true when 'td' Option.list_dir_first ^= true @pwd.schedule ## }}} ## Mouse {{{ ## ## A left click is used for pointing at specific files and ## moving to them. ## ## A right click is for navigation, moves back or forward ## except if the right click is done in the current column, ## where it will execute files. when Option.mouse && '' log mouse.bstate if mouse.press1? or mouse.press3? or mouse.click1? or mouse.click3? or mouse.doubleclick1? left = ! (right = mouse.press3? or mouse.click3?) if mouse.y == 0 elsif mouse.y >= CLI.lines - @bars.size - 1 else boundaries = (0..3).map { |x| get_boundaries(x) } ranges = boundaries.map { |x| x.first .. x.first + x.last } case mouse.x when ranges[0] descend if left descend @pwd.pos = get_offset( @path[-1], lines ) + mouse.y - 1 end when ranges[1] descend if left @pwd.pos = get_offset( @path[-1], lines ) + mouse.y - 1 end when ranges[2] @pwd.pos = get_offset( @path[-1], lines ) + mouse.y - 1 if right or mouse.doubleclick1? @buffer.clear if mouse.ctrl? then press('L') else press('l') end end when ranges[3] @buffer.clear if mouse.ctrl? then press('L') else press('l') end if left and currentfile.dir? @pwd.pos = get_offset( @path[-1], lines ) + mouse.y - 1 end end end elsif mouse.press4? @buffer.clear press('k') elsif mouse.press5? @buffer.clear press('j') end ## }}} end end # ALL key combinations have to be registered here, otherwise # they will not be recognized. def key_combinations return @@key_combinations if @@key_combinations # If your key combination looks like "cut", # you will have to enter the whole word minus the last letter. # that would be "cu". # # If it's more complicated, you will need to enter a custom regular # expression. Lets use the grep command for example. # # The regular expression would have to match "g", "gr", "gre", "grep" # and anything that starts with "grep", like "grep i want to find this" # This regexp would look like this: /g(r(e(p(.*)?)?)?)?/ # # Fore case insensitivity, please use /(?i:bla)/ rather than /bla/i # and do NOT use spaces or newlines inside a regexp @@key_combinations = %w[ g y c Z cu ter ta S e ?? ?g ?f ?m ?l ?c ?o ?z ?s o m ` ' go um /:[^<]*/ /[fF/!].*/ /r\d*\w*[^r]/ /(cw|cm|co|cd|mv|gf).*/ /b(l(o(c(k(.*)?)?)?)?)?/ /g(r(e(p(.*)?)?)?)?/ /m(k(d(i(r(.*)?)?)?)?)?/ /t(o(u(c(h(.*)?)?)?)?)?/ /r(e(n(a(m(e(.*)?)?)?)?)?)?/ ] need_confirmation = %w[ delete dd ] for str in need_confirmation @@key_combinations << (str + Option.confirm_string).chop end return @@key_combinations end def self.press(key) return if @ignore_until and Time.now < @ignore_until @ignore_until = nil if key == '' if @buffer.empty? @buffer = key elsif @buffer == 'F' descend elsif @buffer[-1] == ?> @buffer.slice!(/(<.*)?>$/) else @buffer.slice!(-1) end elsif key == '' @buffer = '' else @buffer << key end eval_keybuffer @buffer = '' unless @buffer == '' or @buffer =~ key_regexp end ## go down 1 directory def descend Directory.filter = nil unless @path.size == 1 enter_dir(@buffer=='H' ? '..' : @path[-2].path) end end def ignore_keys_for(t) @ignore_until = Time.now + t end def search(str, offset=0, backwards=false) begin rx = Regexp.new(str, Regexp::IGNORECASE) rescue return false end ary = @pwd.files_raw.dup ary.wrap(@pwd.pos + offset) ary.reverse! if backwards for f in ary g = File.basename(f) if g =~ rx @pwd.pointed_file = f break end end end def find_newest() newest = nil for f in @pwd.files if newest.nil? or newest.ctime < f.ctime newest = f end end @pwd.pointed_file = newest.path end def hints(str) begin rx = Regexp.new(str, Regexp::IGNORECASE) rescue return false end ary = @pwd.files_raw.dup ary.wrap(@pwd.pos) n = 0 pointed = false for f in ary g = File.basename(f) if g =~ rx unless pointed log "point at #{f}" @pwd.pointed_file = f pointed = true end n += 1 end end return n end def self.remember_dir @memory["`"] = @memory["'"] = @pwd.path end SORT_KEYS = { 'n' => :name, 'e' => :ext, 't' => :type, 's' => :size, 'm' => :mtime, 'c' => :ctime } SORT_REGEXP = /^S (?i: ( [#{ SORT_KEYS.keys * '|' }] )) $/x FINISHED = /^\s?(.*)(|)$/ def if_enter_pressed( text, &block ) return unless block_given? if text =~ FINISHED @buffer.clear if $2 == '' yield( $1 ) end end end def self.recalculate_key_combinations @@key_combinations = nil @@key_regexp = nil end recalculate_key_combinations def key_regexp return @@key_regexp if @@key_regexp # Create a regular expression which detects combos ary = [] for token in key_combinations if token =~ /^\/(.*)\/$/ ary << $1 elsif token.size > 0 ary << token.each_byte.map {|t| if t == '?' t = '\?' end "(?:#{t}" }.join + (')?' * (token.size - 1)) + ')' end end @@key_regexp = Regexp.new('^(?:' + ary.uniq.join('|') + ')$') end end