class Directory::Entry INTERPRETED_LANGUAGES = %w[haskell perl python ruby sh] MOVIE_EXTENSIONS = %w[avi mpg mpeg mp4 mp5 ogv ogm wmv mkv flv fid vob div divx] def get_handler ## directories or sockets don't have any handler use.no_handler if dir? or socket? case @basename when 'Makefile' log "i use make" use.make when /^[Rr]akefile(.rb)?$/ use.rake end case @mimetype when /^video/ use.mplayer_detached when /^audio/ use.mplayer when "application/pdf" use.evince when /^image/ use.feh when /^(text|application)\/x-(#{INTERPRETED_LANGUAGES.join('|')})$/ use.interpreted_language when 'text/x-java' use.javac when 'application/java-vm' when 'text/html', 'application/x-shockwave-flash' use.firefox end ## second, look at the extension case @ext when 'swc', 'smc' use.zsnes end ## otherwise use vi end end