Test everything ---------------- - [ ] `make test` - [ ] `./ranger.py [--clean]` - [ ] `ranger/ext/rifle.py` - [ ] `make install` Make a release commit --------------------- - [ ] Update the number in the `README` - [ ] Update `__version__` and `VERSION` in `ranger/__init__.py` - [ ] Update `__version__` in `ranger/ext/rifle.py` - [ ] `make man` - [ ] Write changelog entry - [ ] Think of a witty commit message - [ ] Push the commit Make snapshot and test again ---------------------------- - [ ] Build `.tar.gz` with `make snapshot` - [ ] `make` - [ ] `make install` - [ ] Test the snapshot one last time Update the website ------------------ - [ ] Add the new version as `ranger-stable.tar.gz` - [ ] Add the new version as `ranger-X.Y.Z.tar.gz` - [ ] Update both signatures `gpg --local-user 0x00FB5CDF --sign --detach-sign ` - [ ] Update the changelog - [ ] Update the man page - [ ] Rerun `boobies.py` Make a PyPI release ------------------- - [ ] `git clean --force -d -x` - [ ] `SETUPTOOLS_USE=1 python setup.py sdist` - [ ] `gpg --local-user 0x00000000 --detach-sign --armor dist/*` - [ ] `twine upload dist/*` Announce the update ------------------- - [ ] To the mailing list - [ ] In the arch linux forum - [ ] Write a news entry on savannah Change back to before --------------------- - [ ] Change `VERSION` in `ranger/__init__.py` back to `master`