( ) test everything one last time: ( ) * make test ( ) * ./ranger.py [--clean] ( ) * ranger/ext/rifle.py ( ) * make install ( ) make a release commit: ( ) * update the number in the README ( ) * update the number in ranger/__init__.py ( ) * update the version number in ranger/ext/rifle.py ( ) * rebuild the man page with the updated number ( ) * write changelog entry ( ) * think of a witty commit message ( ) * change VERSION in ranger/__init__.py to something with "stable" ( ) * push the commit ( ) build .tar.gz with "make snapshot" ( ) make, make install and test the snapshot one last time ( ) update the website: ( ) * add the new version as ranger-stable.tar.gz ( ) * add the new version as ranger-X.Y.Z.tar.gz ( ) * update both signatures (gpg -sb <file>) ( ) * update the changelog ( ) * update the man page ( ) * rerun boobies.py ( ) announce the update ( ) * to the mailing list ( ) * in the arch linux forum ( ) * write a news entry on savannah