""" List of allowed flags: s: silent mode. output will be discarded. d: detach the process. p: redirect output to the pager An uppercase key ensures that a certain flag will not be used. """ ALLOWED_FLAGS = 'sdpSDP' class Applications(object): def get(self, app): """Looks for an application, returns app_default if it doesn't exist""" try: return getattr(self, 'app_' + app) except AttributeError: return self.app_default def has(self, app): """Returns whether an application is defined""" return hasattr(self, 'app_' + app) def all(self): """Returns a list with all application functions""" return [x for x in self.__dict__ if x.startswith('app_')] import os, sys null = open(os.devnull, 'a') def run(*args, **kw): """Run files with the specified parameters""" from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from ranger.ext.waitpid_no_intr import waitpid_no_intr flags, fm = kw['flags'], kw['fm'] for flag in flags: if ord(flag) <= 90: bad = flag + flag.lower() flags = ''.join(c for c in flags if c not in bad) args = map(str, args) popen_kw = {} popen_kw['stdout'] = sys.stderr for word in ('shell', 'stdout', 'stdin', 'stderr'): if word in kw: popen_kw[word] = kw[word] if kw['stdin'] is not None: popen_kw['stdin'] = kw['stdin'] if 's' in flags or 'd' in flags: popen_kw['stdout'] = popen_kw['stderr'] = popen_kw['stdin'] = null if 'p' in flags: popen_kw['stdout'] = PIPE process1 = Popen(args, **popen_kw) kw['stdin'] = process1.stdout kw['files'] = () kw['flags'] = ''.join(f for f in kw['flags'] if f in 'd') process2 = kw['apps'].app_pager(**kw) return process2 if 'd' in flags: process = Popen(args, **popen_kw) return process else: if fm.ui: fm.ui.suspend() p = Popen(args, **popen_kw) waitpid_no_intr(p.pid) if fm.ui: fm.ui.initialize() return p def spawn(command, fm=None, suspend=True, wait=True): from subprocess import Popen, STDOUT from ranger.ext.waitpid_no_intr import waitpid_no_intr if suspend and fm and fm.ui: fm.ui.suspend() try: if fm and fm.stderr_to_out: process = Popen(command, shell=True, stderr=STDOUT) else: process = Popen(command, shell=True) if wait: waitpid_no_intr(process.pid) finally: if suspend and fm and fm.ui: fm.ui.initialize()