# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager. # License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "AUTHORS" for details. # Author: Joseph Tannhuber , 2013 # Solarized like colorscheme, similar to solarized-dircolors # from https://github.com/seebi/dircolors-solarized. # This is a modification of Roman Zimbelmann's default colorscheme. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) from ranger.gui.colorscheme import ColorScheme from ranger.gui.color import ( cyan, magenta, red, white, default, normal, bold, reverse, default_colors, ) class Solarized(ColorScheme): progress_bar_color = 33 def use(self, context): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements fg, bg, attr = default_colors if context.reset: return default_colors elif context.in_browser: fg = 244 if context.selected: attr = reverse else: attr = normal if context.empty or context.error: fg = 235 bg = 160 if context.border: fg = default if context.media: if context.image: fg = 136 else: fg = 166 if context.container: fg = 61 if context.directory: fg = 33 elif context.executable and not \ any((context.media, context.container, context.fifo, context.socket)): fg = 64 attr |= bold if context.socket: fg = 136 bg = 230 attr |= bold if context.fifo: fg = 136 bg = 230 attr |= bold if context.device: fg = 244 bg = 230 attr |= bold if context.link: fg = 37 if context.good else 160 attr |= bold if context.bad: bg = 235 if context.tag_marker and not context.selected: attr |= bold if fg in (red, magenta): fg = white else: fg = red if not context.selected and (context.cut or context.copied): fg = 234 attr |= bold if context.main_column: if context.selected: attr |= bold if context.marked: attr |= bold bg = 237 if context.badinfo: if attr & reverse: bg = magenta else: fg = magenta if context.inactive_pane: fg = 241 elif context.in_titlebar: attr |= bold if context.hostname: fg = 16 if context.bad else 255 if context.bad: bg = 166 elif context.directory: fg = 33 elif context.tab: fg = 47 if context.good else 33 bg = 239 elif context.link: fg = cyan elif context.in_statusbar: if context.permissions: if context.good: fg = 93 elif context.bad: fg = 160 bg = 235 if context.marked: attr |= bold | reverse fg = 237 bg = 47 if context.message: if context.bad: attr |= bold fg = 160 bg = 235 if context.loaded: bg = self.progress_bar_color if context.text: if context.highlight: attr |= reverse if context.in_taskview: if context.title: fg = 93 if context.selected: attr |= reverse if context.loaded: if context.selected: fg = self.progress_bar_color else: bg = self.progress_bar_color return fg, bg, attr