# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Roman Zimbelmann # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import shutil from inspect import cleandoc import ranger from ranger.ext.direction import Direction from ranger.shared import EnvironmentAware, SettingsAware from ranger import fsobject from ranger.gui.widgets import console_mode as cmode from ranger.fsobject import File class Actions(EnvironmentAware, SettingsAware): search_method = 'ctime' search_forward = False # -------------------------- # -- Backwards Compatibility # -------------------------- # All methods defined here are just for backwards compatibility, # allowing old configuration files to work with newer versions. # You can delete them and they should change nothing if you use # an up-to-date configuration file. def dummy(self, *args, **keywords): """For backwards compatibility only.""" handle_mouse = resize = dummy def move_left(self, narg=1): """Enter the parent directory""" self.move(left=1, narg=narg) def move_right(self, narg=None): """Enter the current directory or execute the current file""" self.move(right=0, narg=narg) def move_pointer(self, relative = 0, absolute = None, narg=None): """Move the pointer down by or to """ dct = dict(down=relative, narg=narg) if absolute is not None: dct['to'] = absolute self.move(**dct) def move_pointer_by_pages(self, relative): """Move the pointer down by pages""" self.move(down=relative, pages=True) def move_pointer_by_percentage(self, relative=0, absolute=None, narg=None): """Move the pointer down to %""" self.move(to=absolute, percentage=True, narg=narg) # -------------------------- # -- Basic Commands # -------------------------- def exit(self): """Exit the program""" raise SystemExit() def reset(self): """Reset the filemanager, clearing the directory buffer""" old_path = self.env.cwd.path self.env.garbage_collect(-1) self.enter_dir(old_path) def reload_cwd(self): try: cwd = self.env.cwd except: pass cwd.unload() cwd.load_content() def notify(self, text, duration=4, bad=False): if isinstance(text, Exception): if ranger.arg.debug: raise bad = True text = str(text) self.log.appendleft(text) if hasattr(self.ui, 'notify'): self.ui.notify(text, duration=duration, bad=bad) def redraw_window(self): """Redraw the window""" self.ui.redraw_window() def open_console(self, mode=':', string=''): """Open the console if the current UI supports that""" if hasattr(self.ui, 'open_console'): self.ui.open_console(mode, string) def execute_file(self, files, **kw): """Execute a file. app is the name of a method in Applications, without the "app_" flags is a string consisting of runner.ALLOWED_FLAGS mode is a positive integer. Both flags and mode specify how the program is run.""" if isinstance(files, set): files = list(files) elif type(files) not in (list, tuple): files = [files] return self.run(files=list(files), **kw) # -------------------------- # -- Moving Around # -------------------------- def move(self, narg=None, **kw): """ A universal movement method. Accepts these parameters: (int) down, (int) up, (int) left, (int) right, (int) to, (bool) absolute, (bool) relative, (bool) pages, (bool) percentage to=X is translated to down=X, absolute=True Example: self.move(down=4, pages=True) # moves down by 4 pages. self.move(to=2, pages=True) # moves to page 2. self.move(right=1, percentage=True) # moves to 80% """ direction = Direction(kw) if 'left' in direction: steps = direction.left() if narg is not None: steps *= narg try: directory = os.path.join(*(['..'] * steps)) except: return self.env.enter_dir(directory) elif 'right' in direction: mode = direction.right() if narg is not None: mode = narg cf = self.env.cf selection = self.env.get_selection() if not self.env.enter_dir(cf) and selection: if self.execute_file(selection, mode=mode) is False: self.open_console(cmode.OPEN_QUICK) elif direction.vertical(): if narg is not None: if direction.absolute(): direction.set(narg) else: direction.multiply(narg) if 'pages' in direction: direction.multiply(self.env.termsize[0]) elif 'percentage' in direction: factor = len(self.env.cwd) / 100.0 direction.multiply(factor) dct = {} if direction.absolute(): dct['absolute'] = int(direction.down()) else: dct['relative'] = int(direction.down()) self.env.cwd.move(**dct) def history_go(self, relative): """Move back and forth in the history""" self.env.history_go(relative) def scroll(self, relative): """Scroll down by lines""" if hasattr(self.ui, 'scroll'): self.ui.scroll(relative) self.env.cf = self.env.cwd.pointed_obj def enter_dir(self, path, remember=False, history=True): """Enter the directory at the given path""" if remember: cwd = self.env.cwd result = self.env.enter_dir(path, history=history) self.bookmarks.remember(cwd) return result return self.env.enter_dir(path, history=history) def cd(self, path, remember=True): """enter the directory at the given path, remember=True""" self.enter_dir(path, remember=remember) def traverse(self): cf = self.env.cf cwd = self.env.cwd if cf is not None and cf.is_directory: self.enter_dir(cf.path) elif cwd.pointer >= len(cwd) - 1: while True: self.enter_dir('..') cwd = self.env.cwd if cwd.pointer < len(cwd) - 1: break if cwd.path == '/': break self.move_pointer(1) self.traverse() else: self.move_pointer(1) self.traverse() # -------------------------- # -- Shortcuts / Wrappers # -------------------------- def execute_command(self, cmd, **kw): return self.run(cmd, **kw) def edit_file(self, file=None): """Calls execute_file with the current file and app='editor'""" if file is None: file = self.env.cf elif isinstance(file, str): file = File(os.path.expanduser(file)) if file is None: return self.execute_file(file, app = 'editor') def toggle_boolean_option(self, string): """Toggle a boolean option named """ if isinstance(self.env.settings[string], bool): self.env.settings[string] ^= True def set_option(self, optname, value): """Set the value of an option named """ self.env.settings[optname] = value def sort(self, func=None, reverse=None): if reverse is not None: self.env.settings['sort_reverse'] = bool(reverse) if func is not None: self.env.settings['sort'] = str(func) def set_filter(self, fltr): try: self.env.cwd.filter = fltr except: pass def mark(self, all=False, toggle=False, val=None, movedown=None, narg=1): """ A wrapper for the directory.mark_xyz functions. Arguments: all - change all files of the current directory at once? toggle - toggle the marked-status? val - mark or unmark? """ if self.env.cwd is None: return cwd = self.env.cwd if not cwd.accessible: return if movedown is None: movedown = not all if val is None and toggle is False: return if all: if toggle: cwd.toggle_all_marks() else: cwd.mark_all(val) else: for i in range(cwd.pointer, min(cwd.pointer + narg, len(cwd))): item = cwd.files[i] if item is not None: if toggle: cwd.toggle_mark(item) else: cwd.mark_item(item, val) if movedown: self.move_pointer(relative=narg) if hasattr(self.ui, 'redraw_main_column'): self.ui.redraw_main_column() if hasattr(self.ui, 'status'): self.ui.status.need_redraw = True # -------------------------- # -- Searching # -------------------------- def search(self, order=None, forward=True): original_order = order if self.search_forward: direction = bool(forward) else: direction = not bool(forward) if order is None: order = self.search_method else: self.set_search_method(order=order) if order in ('search', 'tag'): if order == 'search': arg = self.env.last_search if arg is None: return False if hasattr(arg, 'search'): fnc = lambda x: arg.search(x.basename) else: fnc = lambda x: arg in x.basename elif order == 'tag': fnc = lambda x: x.realpath in self.tags return self.env.cwd.search_fnc(fnc=fnc, forward=forward) elif order in ('size', 'mimetype', 'ctime'): cwd = self.env.cwd if original_order is not None or not cwd.cycle_list: lst = list(cwd.files) if order == 'size': fnc = lambda item: -item.size elif order == 'mimetype': fnc = lambda item: item.mimetype elif order == 'ctime': fnc = lambda item: -int(item.stat and item.stat.st_ctime) lst.sort(key=fnc) cwd.set_cycle_list(lst) return cwd.cycle(forward=None) return cwd.cycle(forward=forward) def set_search_method(self, order, forward=True): if order in ('search', 'tag', 'size', 'mimetype', 'ctime'): self.search_method = order self.search_forward = forward # -------------------------- # -- Tags # -------------------------- # Tags are saved in ~/.ranger/tagged and simply mark if a # file is important to you in any context. def tag_toggle(self, movedown=None): try: toggle = self.tags.toggle except AttributeError: return sel = self.env.get_selection() toggle(*tuple(map(lambda x: x.realpath, sel))) if movedown is None: movedown = len(sel) == 1 if movedown: self.move_pointer(relative=1) if hasattr(self.ui, 'redraw_main_column'): self.ui.redraw_main_column() def tag_remove(self, movedown=None): try: remove = self.tags.remove except AttributeError: return sel = self.env.get_selection() remove(*tuple(map(lambda x: x.realpath, sel))) if movedown is None: movedown = len(sel) == 1 if movedown: self.move_pointer(relative=1) if hasattr(self.ui, 'redraw_main_column'): self.ui.redraw_main_column() # -------------------------- # -- Bookmarks # -------------------------- # Using ranger.container.bookmarks. def enter_bookmark(self, key): """Enter the bookmark with the name """ try: destination = self.bookmarks[key] cwd = self.env.cwd if destination.path != cwd.path: self.bookmarks.enter(key) self.bookmarks.remember(cwd) except KeyError: pass def set_bookmark(self, key): """Set the bookmark with the name to the current directory""" self.bookmarks[key] = self.env.cwd def unset_bookmark(self, key): """Delete the bookmark with the name """ self.bookmarks.delete(key) # -------------------------- # -- Pager # -------------------------- # These commands open the built-in pager and set specific sources. def display_command_help(self, console_widget): if not hasattr(self.ui, 'open_pager'): return try: command = console_widget._get_cmd_class() except: self.notify("Feature not available!", bad=True) return if not command: self.notify("Command not found!", bad=True) return if not command.__doc__: self.notify("Command has no docstring. Try using python without -OO", bad=True) return pager = self.ui.open_pager() lines = cleandoc(command.__doc__).split('\n') pager.set_source(lines) def display_help(self, topic='index', narg=None): if not hasattr(self.ui, 'open_pager'): return from ranger.help import get_help, get_help_by_index if narg is not None: help_text = get_help_by_index(narg) else: help_text = get_help(topic) pager = self.ui.open_pager() pager.markup = 'help' lines = help_text.split('\n') pager.set_source(lines) def display_log(self): if not hasattr(self.ui, 'open_pager'): return pager = self.ui.open_pager() if self.log: pager.set_source(["Message Log:"] + list(self.log)) else: pager.set_source(["Message Log:", "No messages!"]) def display_file(self): if not hasattr(self.ui, 'open_embedded_pager'): return try: f = open(self.env.cf.path, 'r') except: pass else: pager = self.ui.open_embedded_pager() pager.set_source(f) # -------------------------- # -- Tabs # -------------------------- # This implementation of tabs is very simple and keeps track of # directory paths only. def tab_open(self, name, path=None): do_emit_signal = name != self.current_tab self.current_tab = name if path or (name in self.tabs): self.enter_dir(path or self.tabs[name]) else: self._update_current_tab() if do_emit_signal: self.signal_emit('tab.change') def tab_close(self, name=None): if name is None: name = self.current_tab if name == self.current_tab: direction = -1 if name == self._get_tab_list()[-1] else 1 previous = self.current_tab self.tab_move(direction) if previous == self.current_tab: return # can't close last tab if name in self.tabs: del self.tabs[name] def tab_move(self, offset): assert isinstance(offset, int) tablist = self._get_tab_list() current_index = tablist.index(self.current_tab) newtab = tablist[(current_index + offset) % len(tablist)] if newtab != self.current_tab: self.tab_open(newtab) def tab_new(self): for i in range(10): i = (i + 1) % 10 if not i in self.tabs: self.tab_open(i) break def _get_tab_list(self): assert len(self.tabs) > 0, "There must be >=1 tabs at all times" return sorted(self.tabs) def _update_current_tab(self): self.tabs[self.current_tab] = self.env.cwd.path # -------------------------- # -- File System Operations # -------------------------- def copy(self): """Copy the selected items""" selected = self.env.get_selection() self.env.copy = set(f for f in selected if f in self.env.cwd.files) self.env.cut = False def cut(self): self.copy() self.env.cut = True def paste_symlink(self): from os import symlink, getcwd from os.path import join copied_files = self.env.copy if not copied_files: return for f in copied_files: try: symlink(f.path, join(getcwd(), f.basename)) except Exception as x: self.notify(x) def paste(self, overwrite=False): """Paste the selected items into the current directory""" from os.path import join, isdir from ranger.ext import shutil_generatorized as shutil_g from ranger.fsobject.loader import LoadableObject copied_files = tuple(self.env.copy) if not copied_files: return original_path = self.env.cwd.path try: one_file = copied_files[0] except: one_file = None if self.env.cut: self.env.copy.clear() self.env.cut = False if len(copied_files) == 1: descr = "moving: " + one_file.path else: descr = "moving files from: " + one_file.dirname def generate(): for f in copied_files: for _ in shutil_g.move(src=f.path, dst=original_path, overwrite=overwrite): yield cwd = self.env.get_directory(original_path) cwd.load_content() else: if len(copied_files) == 1: descr = "copying: " + one_file.path else: descr = "copying files from: " + one_file.dirname def generate(): for f in self.env.copy: if isdir(f.path): for _ in shutil_g.copytree(src=f.path, dst=join(self.env.cwd.path, f.basename), symlinks=True, overwrite=overwrite): yield else: for _ in shutil_g.copy2(f.path, original_path, symlinks=True, overwrite=overwrite): yield cwd = self.env.get_directory(original_path) cwd.load_content() self.loader.add(LoadableObject(generate(), descr)) def delete(self): self.notify("Deleting!", duration=1) selected = self.env.get_selection() self.env.copy -= set(selected) if selected: for f in selected: if os.path.isdir(f.path) and not os.path.islink(f.path): try: shutil.rmtree(f.path) except OSError as err: self.notify(err) else: try: os.remove(f.path) except OSError as err: self.notify(err) self.env.ensure_correct_pointer() def mkdir(self, name): try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.env.cwd.path, name)) except OSError as err: self.notify(err) def rename(self, src, dest): if hasattr(src, 'path'): src = src.path try: os.rename(src, dest) except OSError as err: self.notify(err)