# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Roman Zimbelmann # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ The File Manager, putting the pieces together """ from time import time from collections import deque import ranger from ranger.core.actions import Actions from ranger.container import Bookmarks from ranger.core.runner import Runner from ranger import relpath_conf from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables from ranger import __version__ from ranger.fsobject import Loader CTRL_C = 3 TICKS_BEFORE_COLLECTING_GARBAGE = 100 class FM(Actions): input_blocked = False input_blocked_until = 0 stderr_to_out = False def __init__(self, ui=None, bookmarks=None, tags=None): """Initialize FM.""" Actions.__init__(self) self.ui = ui self.log = deque(maxlen=20) self.bookmarks = bookmarks self.tags = tags self.loader = Loader() self._executables = None self.apps = self.settings.apps.CustomApplications() def mylogfunc(text): self.notify(text, bad=True) self.run = Runner(ui=self.ui, apps=self.apps, logfunc=mylogfunc) from ranger.shared import FileManagerAware FileManagerAware.fm = self @property def executables(self): if self._executables is None: self._executables = sorted(get_executables()) return self._executables def initialize(self): """If ui/bookmarks are None, they will be initialized here.""" from ranger.fsobject.directory import Directory if self.bookmarks is None: if ranger.arg.clean: bookmarkfile = None else: bookmarkfile = relpath_conf('bookmarks') self.bookmarks = Bookmarks( bookmarkfile=bookmarkfile, bookmarktype=Directory, autosave=self.settings.autosave_bookmarks) self.bookmarks.load() else: self.bookmarks = bookmarks from ranger.container.tags import Tags if not ranger.arg.clean and self.tags is None: self.tags = Tags(relpath_conf('tagged')) if self.ui is None: from ranger.gui.defaultui import DefaultUI self.ui = DefaultUI() self.ui.initialize() def block_input(self, sec=0): self.input_blocked = sec != 0 self.input_blocked_until = time() + sec def loop(self): """ The main loop consists of: 1. reloading bookmarks if outdated 2. letting the loader work 3. drawing and finalizing ui 4. reading and handling user input 5. after X loops: collecting unused directory objects """ self.env.enter_dir(self.env.path) gc_tick = 0 # for faster lookup: ui = self.ui throbber = ui.throbber bookmarks = self.bookmarks loader = self.loader env = self.env has_throbber = hasattr(ui, 'throbber') try: while True: bookmarks.update_if_outdated() loader.work() if has_throbber: if loader.has_work(): throbber(loader.status) else: throbber(remove=True) ui.redraw() ui.set_load_mode(loader.has_work()) key = ui.get_next_key() if key > 0: if self.input_blocked and \ time() > self.input_blocked_until: self.input_blocked = False if not self.input_blocked: ui.handle_key(key) gc_tick += 1 if gc_tick > TICKS_BEFORE_COLLECTING_GARBAGE: gc_tick = 0 env.garbage_collect() except KeyboardInterrupt: # this only happens in --debug mode. By default, interrupts # are caught in curses_interrupt_handler raise SystemExit finally: bookmarks.remember(env.cwd) bookmarks.save()