# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager. # License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "AUTHORS" for details. """This module is an abstract layer over subprocess.Popen It gives you highlevel control about how processes are run. Example: run = Runner(logfunc=print) run('sleep 2', wait=True) # waits until the process exists run(['ls', '--help'], flags='p') # pipes output to pager run() # prints an error message List of allowed flags: s: silent mode. output will be discarded. f: fork the process. p: redirect output to the pager c: run only the current file (not handled here) w: wait for enter-press afterwards r: run application with root privilege (requires sudo) t: run application in a new terminal window (An uppercase key negates the respective lower case flag) """ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import logging import os import sys from io import open from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables, get_term from ranger.ext.popen_forked import Popen_forked LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # TODO: Remove unused parts of runner.py # ALLOWED_FLAGS = 'sdpwcrtSDPWCRT' ALLOWED_FLAGS = 'cfrtCFRT' def press_enter(): """Wait for an ENTER-press""" sys.stdout.write("Press ENTER to continue") try: waitfnc = raw_input except NameError: # "raw_input" not available in python3 waitfnc = input waitfnc() class Context(object): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """A context object contains data on how to run a process. The attributes are: action -- a string with a command or a list of arguments for the Popen call. app -- the name of the app function. ("vim" for app_vim.) app is used to get an action if the user didn't specify one. mode -- a number, mainly used in determining the action in app_xyz() flags -- a string with flags which change the way programs are run files -- a list containing files, mainly used in app_xyz file -- an arbitrary file from that list (or None) fm -- the filemanager instance wait -- boolean, wait for the end or execute programs in parallel? popen_kws -- keyword arguments which are directly passed to Popen """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-many-arguments self, action=None, app=None, mode=None, flags=None, files=None, file=None, fm=None, wait=None, popen_kws=None): self.action = action self.app = app self.mode = mode self.flags = flags self.files = files self.file = file self.fm = fm self.wait = wait self.popen_kws = popen_kws @property def filepaths(self): try: return [f.path for f in self.files] except AttributeError: return [] def __iter__(self): """Iterate over file paths""" for item in self.filepaths: yield item def squash_flags(self): """Remove duplicates and lowercase counterparts of uppercase flags""" for flag in self.flags: if ord(flag) <= 90: bad = flag + flag.lower() self.flags = ''.join(c for c in self.flags if c not in bad) class Runner(object): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, ui=None, logfunc=None, fm=None): self.ui = ui self.fm = fm self.logfunc = logfunc self.zombies = set() def _log(self, text): try: self.logfunc(text) except TypeError: pass return False def _activate_ui(self, boolean): if self.ui is not None: if boolean: try: self.ui.initialize() except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._log("Failed to initialize UI") LOG.exception(ex) else: try: self.ui.suspend() except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except self._log("Failed to suspend UI") LOG.exception(ex) def __call__( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals self, action=None, try_app_first=False, app='default', files=None, mode=0, flags='', wait=True, **popen_kws): """Run the application in the way specified by the options. Returns False if nothing can be done, None if there was an error, otherwise the process object returned by Popen(). This function tries to find an action if none is defined. """ # Find an action if none was supplied by # creating a Context object and passing it to # an Application object. context = Context(app=app, files=files, mode=mode, fm=self.fm, flags=flags, wait=wait, popen_kws=popen_kws, file=files and files[0] or None) if action is None: return self._log("No way of determining the action!") # Preconditions context.squash_flags() popen_kws = context.popen_kws # shortcut toggle_ui = True pipe_output = False wait_for_enter = False devnull = None if 'shell' not in popen_kws: popen_kws['shell'] = isinstance(action, str) # Set default shell for Popen if popen_kws['shell']: # This doesn't work with fish, see #300 if 'fish' not in os.environ['SHELL']: popen_kws['executable'] = os.environ['SHELL'] if 'stdout' not in popen_kws: popen_kws['stdout'] = sys.stdout if 'stderr' not in popen_kws: popen_kws['stderr'] = sys.stderr # Evaluate the flags to determine keywords # for Popen() and other variables if 'p' in context.flags: popen_kws['stdout'] = PIPE popen_kws['stderr'] = STDOUT toggle_ui = False pipe_output = True context.wait = False if 's' in context.flags: # Using a with-statement for these is inconvenient. devnull_writable = open(os.devnull, 'w', encoding="utf-8") devnull_readable = open(os.devnull, 'r', encoding="utf-8") for key in ('stdout', 'stderr'): popen_kws[key] = devnull_writable toggle_ui = False popen_kws['stdin'] = devnull_readable if 'f' in context.flags: toggle_ui = False context.wait = False if 'w' in context.flags: if not pipe_output and context.wait: # <-- sanity check wait_for_enter = True if 'r' in context.flags: # TODO: make 'r' flag work with pipes if 'sudo' not in get_executables(): return self._log("Can not run with 'r' flag, sudo is not installed!") f_flag = ('f' in context.flags) if isinstance(action, str): action = 'sudo ' + (f_flag and '-b ' or '') + action else: action = ['sudo'] + (f_flag and ['-b'] or []) + action toggle_ui = True context.wait = True if 't' in context.flags: if not ('WAYLAND_DISPLAY' in os.environ or sys.platform == 'darwin' or 'DISPLAY' in os.environ): return self._log("Can not run with 't' flag, no display found!") term = get_term() if isinstance(action, str): action = term + ' -e ' + action else: action = [term, '-e'] + action toggle_ui = False context.wait = False popen_kws['args'] = action # Finally, run it if toggle_ui: self._activate_ui(False) try: error = None process = None self.fm.signal_emit('runner.execute.before', popen_kws=popen_kws, context=context) try: if 'f' in context.flags and 'r' not in context.flags: # This can fail and return False if os.fork() is not # supported, but we assume it is, since curses is used. Popen_forked(**popen_kws) else: process = Popen(**popen_kws) except OSError as ex: error = ex self._log("Failed to run: %s\n%s" % (str(action), str(ex))) else: if context.wait: process.wait() elif process: self.zombies.add(process) if wait_for_enter: press_enter() finally: self.fm.signal_emit('runner.execute.after', popen_kws=popen_kws, context=context, error=error) if devnull: devnull.close() if toggle_ui: self._activate_ui(True) if pipe_output and process: return self(action='less', app='pager', # pylint: disable=lost-exception try_app_first=True, stdin=process.stdout) return process # pylint: disable=lost-exception