from . import BAD_INFO from .file import File from .fsobject import FileSystemObject as SuperClass from ranger.shared import SettingsAware import ranger.fsobject def sort_by_basename(path): """returns path.basename (for sorting)""" return path.basename def sort_by_directory(path): """returns 0 if path is a directory, otherwise 1 (for sorting)""" return 1 - int( isinstance( path, Directory ) ) class NoDirectoryGiven(Exception): pass class Directory(SuperClass, SettingsAware): enterable = False loading = False filenames = None files = None filter = None pointed_index = None pointed_file = None scroll_begin = 0 scroll_offset = 0 old_show_hidden = None old_directories_first = None def __init__(self, path): from os.path import isfile if isfile(path): raise NoDirectoryGiven() SuperClass.__init__(self, path) # to find out if something has changed: self.old_show_hidden = self.settings.show_hidden self.old_directories_first = self.settings.directories_first self.load_progress = None def load_bit_by_bit(self): """Loads the contents of the directory. Use this sparingly since it takes rather long. """ from os.path import join, isdir, basename from os import listdir self.load_if_outdated() yield if self.exists and self.runnable: filenames = [] for fname in listdir(self.path): if not self.settings.show_hidden and fname[0] == '.': continue if isinstance(self.filter, str) and self.filter in fname: continue filenames.append(join(self.path, fname)) self.scroll_offset = 0 self.filenames = filenames self.infostring = ' %d' % len(self.filenames) # update the infostring yield files = [] for name in self.filenames: if isdir(name): f = Directory(name) else: f = File(name) f.load() files.append(f) yield self.files = files self.old_directories_first = None if len(self.files) > 0: if self.pointed_file is not None: self.move_pointer_to_file_path(self.pointed_file) else: self.filenames = None self.files = None self.infostring = BAD_INFO self.content_loaded = True self.loading = False yield def load_content(self, schedule=False): """Loads the contents of the directory. Use this sparingly since it takes rather long. """ self.load_once() if schedule is None: schedule = self.size > 30 if not self.loading: if schedule and self.loading = True else: for _ in self.load_bit_by_bit(): pass def sort(self): """Sort the containing files""" if self.files is None: return old_pointed_file = self.pointed_file self.files.sort(key = sort_by_basename) if self.settings.directories_first: self.files.sort(key = sort_by_directory) if self.pointed_index is not None: self.move_pointer_to_file_path(old_pointed_file) else: self.correct_pointer() self.old_directories_first = self.settings.directories_first def sort_if_outdated(self): """Sort the containing files if they are outdated""" if self.old_directories_first != self.settings.directories_first: self.sort() # Notice: should always point to the current file. If you # modify the current directory with this function, make sure # to update aswell. def move_pointer(self, relative=0, absolute=None): """Move the index pointer""" if self.empty(): return i = self.pointed_index if isinstance(absolute, int): if absolute < 0: absolute = len(self.files) + absolute i = absolute if isinstance(relative, int): i += relative self.pointed_index = i self.correct_pointer() return self.pointed_file def move_pointer_to_file_path(self, path): """Move the index pointer to the index of the file object with the given path. """ if path is None: return try: path = path.path except AttributeError: pass self.load_content_once() if self.empty(): return i = 0 for f in self.files: if f.path == path: self.move_pointer(absolute = i) return True i += 1 return False def search(self, arg, direction = 1): """Search for a regular expression""" if self.empty() or arg is None: return False elif hasattr(arg, 'search'): fnc = lambda x: else: fnc = lambda x: arg in x.basename length = len(self) if direction > 0: generator = ((self.pointed_index + (x + 1)) % length for x in range(length-1)) else: generator = ((self.pointed_index - (x + 1)) % length for x in range(length-1)) for i in generator: _file = self.files[i] if fnc(_file): self.pointed_index = i self.pointed_file = _file return True return False def correct_pointer(self): """make sure the pointer is in the valid range of: 0:len(self.files)-1 (or None if directory is empty.) """ if self.files is None or len(self.files) == 0: self.pointed_index = None self.pointed_file = None else: i = self.pointed_index if i is None: i = 0 if i >= len(self.files): i = len(self.files) - 1 if i < 0: i = 0 self.pointed_index = i self.pointed_file = self[i] def load_content_once(self, *a, **k): """Load the contents of the directory if not done yet""" if not self.content_loaded: self.load_content(*a, **k) return True return False def load_content_if_outdated(self, *a, **k): """Load the contents of the directory if it's outdated or not done yet """ if self.load_content_once(*a, **k): return True if self.old_show_hidden != self.settings.show_hidden: self.old_show_hidden = self.settings.show_hidden self.load_content(*a, **k) return True import os real_mtime = os.stat(self.path).st_mtime cached_mtime = self.stat.st_mtime if real_mtime != cached_mtime: self.load_content() return True return False def empty(self): """Is the directory empty?""" return self.files is None or len(self.files) == 0 def __nonzero__(self): """Always True""" return True def __len__(self): """The number of containing files""" if not self.accessible: raise ranger.fsobject.NotLoadedYet() return len(self.files) def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the file by its index""" if not self.accessible: raise ranger.fsobject.NotLoadedYet() return self.files[key] def __eq__(self, other): """Check for equality of the directories paths""" return isinstance(other, Directory) and self.path == other.path def __neq__(self, other): """Check for inequality of the directories paths""" return not self.__eq__(other)