# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager. # License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "AUTHORS" for details. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) import curses from ranger.core.shared import FileManagerAware from ranger.gui.curses_shortcuts import CursesShortcuts try: from bidi.algorithm import get_display # pylint: disable=import-error HAVE_BIDI = True except ImportError: HAVE_BIDI = False class Displayable( # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes FileManagerAware, CursesShortcuts): """Displayables are objects which are displayed on the screen. This is just the abstract class, defining basic operations such as resizing, printing, changing colors. Subclasses of displayable can extend these methods: draw() -- draw the object. Is only called if visible. poke() -- is called just before draw(), even if not visible. finalize() -- called after all objects finished drawing. click(event) -- called with a MouseEvent. This is called on all visible objects under the mouse, until one returns True. press(key) -- called after a key press on focused objects. destroy() -- called before destroying the displayable object Additionally, there are these methods: __contains__(item) -- is the item (y, x) inside the widget? These attributes are set: Modifiable: focused -- Focused objects receive press() calls. visible -- Visible objects receive draw() and finalize() calls need_redraw -- Should the widget be redrawn? This variable may be set at various places in the script and should eventually be handled (and unset) in the draw() method. Read-Only: (i.e. recommended not to change manually) win -- the own curses window object parent -- the parent (DisplayableContainer) object or None x, y, wid, hei -- absolute coordinates and boundaries settings, fm -- inherited shared variables """ def __init__(self, win, # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called env=None, fm=None, settings=None): from ranger.gui.ui import UI if env is not None: self.env = env if fm is not None: self.fm = fm if settings is not None: self.settings = settings self.need_redraw = True self.focused = False self.visible = True self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.wid = 0 self.hei = 0 self.paryx = (0, 0) self.parent = None self._old_visible = self.visible if win is not None: if isinstance(self, UI): self.win = win else: self.win = win.derwin(1, 1, 0, 0) def __nonzero__(self): """Always True""" return True __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __contains__(self, item): """Checks if item is inside the boundaries. item can be an iterable like [y, x] or an object with x and y methods. """ try: y, x = item.y, item.x except AttributeError: try: y, x = item except (ValueError, TypeError): return False return self.contains_point(y, x) def draw(self): """Draw the object. Called on every main iteration if visible. Containers should call draw() on their contained objects here. Override this! """ def destroy(self): """Called when the object is destroyed.""" self.win = None def contains_point(self, y, x): """Test whether the point lies inside this object. x and y should be absolute coordinates. """ return (self.x <= x < self.x + self.wid) and \ (self.y <= y < self.y + self.hei) def click(self, event): """Called when a mouse key is pressed and self.focused is True. Override this! """ def press(self, key): """Called when a key is pressed and self.focused is True. Override this! """ def poke(self): """Called before drawing, even if invisible""" if self._old_visible != self.visible: self._old_visible = self.visible self.need_redraw = True if not self.visible: self.win.erase() def finalize(self): """Called after every displayable is done drawing. Override this! """ def resize(self, y, x, hei=None, wid=None): """Resize the widget""" do_move = True try: maxy, maxx = self.fm.ui.termsize except TypeError: pass else: if hei is None: hei = maxy - y if wid is None: wid = maxx - x if x < 0 or y < 0: self.fm.notify("Warning: Subwindow origin below zero for <%s> " "(x = %d, y = %d)" % (self, x, y), bad=True) if x + wid > maxx or y + hei > maxy: self.fm.notify( "Warning: Subwindow size out of bounds for <%s> " "(x = %d, y = %d, hei = %d, wid = %d)" % (self, x, y, hei, wid), bad=True, ) window_is_cleared = False if hei != self.hei or wid != self.wid: # log("resizing " + str(self)) self.win.erase() self.need_redraw = True window_is_cleared = True try: self.win.resize(hei, wid) except curses.error: # Not enough space for resizing... try: self.win.mvderwin(0, 0) do_move = True self.win.resize(hei, wid) except curses.error: pass # raise ValueError("Resizing Failed!") self.hei, self.wid = self.win.getmaxyx() if do_move or y != self.paryx[0] or x != self.paryx[1]: if not window_is_cleared: self.win.erase() self.need_redraw = True # log("moving " + str(self)) try: self.win.mvderwin(y, x) except curses.error: try: self.win.resize(hei, wid) self.win.mvderwin(y, x) except curses.error: pass self.paryx = self.win.getparyx() self.y, self.x = self.paryx if self.parent: self.y += self.parent.y self.x += self.parent.x def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def bidi_transpose(self, text): if self.settings.bidi_support and HAVE_BIDI: return get_display(text) return text class DisplayableContainer(Displayable): """DisplayableContainers are Displayables which contain other Displayables. This is also an abstract class. The methods draw, poke, finalize, click, press and destroy are extended here and will recursively call the function on all contained objects. New methods: add_child(object) -- add the object to the container. replace_child(old_obj, new_obj) -- replaces old object with new object. remove_child(object) -- remove the object from the container. New attributes: container -- a list with all contained objects (rw) """ def __init__(self, win, env=None, fm=None, settings=None): if env is not None: self.env = env if fm is not None: self.fm = fm if settings is not None: self.settings = settings self.container = [] Displayable.__init__(self, win) # ------------------------------------ extended or overridden methods def poke(self): """Recursively called on objects in container""" Displayable.poke(self) for displayable in self.container: displayable.poke() def draw(self): """Recursively called on visible objects in container""" for displayable in self.container: if self.need_redraw: displayable.need_redraw = True if displayable.visible: displayable.draw() self.need_redraw = False def finalize(self): """Recursively called on visible objects in container""" for displayable in self.container: if displayable.visible: displayable.finalize() def press(self, key): """Recursively called on objects in container""" focused_obj = self.get_focused_obj() if focused_obj: focused_obj.press(key) return True return False def click(self, event): """Recursively called on objects in container""" focused_obj = self.get_focused_obj() if focused_obj and focused_obj.click(event): return True for displayable in self.container: if displayable.visible and event in displayable: if displayable.click(event): return True return False def destroy(self): """Recursively called on objects in container""" for displayable in self.container: displayable.destroy() # ----------------------------------------------- new methods def add_child(self, obj): """Add the objects to the container.""" if obj.parent: obj.parent.remove_child(obj) self.container.append(obj) obj.parent = self def replace_child(self, old_obj, new_obj): """Replace the old object with the new instance in the container.""" self.container[self.container.index(old_obj)] = new_obj new_obj.parent = self def remove_child(self, obj): """Remove the object from the container.""" try: self.container.remove(obj) except ValueError: pass else: obj.parent = None def get_focused_obj(self): # Finds a focused displayable object in the container. for displayable in self.container: if displayable.focused: return displayable try: obj = displayable.get_focused_obj() except AttributeError: pass else: if obj is not None: return obj return None