# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Roman Zimbelmann # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ The Console widget implements a vim-like console for entering commands, searching and executing files. """ import string import curses from collections import deque from . import Widget from ranger.defaults import commands from ranger.gui.widgets.console_mode import is_valid_mode, mode_to_class from ranger import log, relpath_conf from ranger.ext.shell_escape import shell_quote import ranger DEFAULT_HISTORY = 0 SEARCH_HISTORY = 1 QUICKOPEN_HISTORY = 2 OPEN_HISTORY = 3 class _CustomTemplate(string.Template): """A string.Template subclass for use in the OpenConsole""" delimiter = '%' idpattern = '[a-z]' class Console(Widget): mode = None visible = False commandlist = None last_cursor_mode = None prompt = ':' copy = '' tab_deque = None original_line = None history = None histories = None override = None allow_close = False historypaths = [] def __init__(self, win): from ranger.container import CommandList, History Widget.__init__(self, win) self.commandlist = CommandList() self.settings.keys.initialize_console_commands(self.commandlist) self.clear() self.histories = [] # load histories from files if not ranger.arg.clean: self.historypaths = [relpath_conf(x) for x in \ ('history', 'history_search', 'history_qopen', 'history_open')] for i, path in enumerate(self.historypaths): hist = History(self.settings.max_history_size) self.histories.append(hist) if ranger.arg.clean: continue try: f = open(path, 'r') except: continue for line in f: hist.add(line[:-1]) f.close() def destroy(self): # save histories from files if ranger.arg.clean or not self.settings.save_console_history: return for i, path in enumerate(self.historypaths): try: f = open(path, 'w') except: continue for entry in self.histories[i]: f.write(entry + '\n') f.close() def init(self): """override this. Called directly after class change""" def draw(self): if self.mode is None: return self.win.erase() self.addstr(0, 0, self.prompt) overflow = -self.wid + len(self.prompt) + len(self.line) + 1 if overflow > 0: self.addstr(self.line[overflow:]) else: self.addstr(self.line) def finalize(self): try: self.fm.ui.win.move(self.y, self.x + min(self.wid-1, self.pos + len(self.prompt))) except: pass def open(self, mode, string=''): if not is_valid_mode(mode): return False cls = mode_to_class(mode) if self.last_cursor_mode is None: try: self.last_cursor_mode = curses.curs_set(1) except: pass self.mode = mode self.__class__ = cls self.history = self.histories[DEFAULT_HISTORY] self.init() self.allow_close = False self.tab_deque = None self.focused = True self.visible = True self.line = string self.pos = len(string) self.history.add('') return True def close(self): if self.last_cursor_mode is not None: try: curses.curs_set(self.last_cursor_mode) except: pass self.last_cursor_mode = None self.add_to_history() self.tab_deque = None self.clear() self.__class__ = Console self.focused = False self.visible = False if hasattr(self, 'on_close'): self.on_close() def clear(self): self.pos = 0 self.line = '' def press(self, key): from curses.ascii import ctrl, ESC keytuple = self.env.keybuffer.tuple_with_numbers() try: cmd = self.commandlist[keytuple] except KeyError: # An unclean hack to allow unicode input. # This whole part should be replaced. try: chrkey = chr(keytuple[0]) except: pass else: self.type_key(chrkey) finally: self.env.key_clear() return if cmd == self.commandlist.dummy_object: return try: cmd.execute_wrap(self) except Exception as error: self.fm.notify(error) self.env.key_clear() def type_key(self, key): self.tab_deque = None if isinstance(key, int): key = chr(key) if self.pos == len(self.line): self.line += key else: self.line = self.line[:self.pos] + key + self.line[self.pos:] self.pos += len(key) self.on_line_change() def history_move(self, n): from ranger.container.history import HistoryEmptyException try: current = self.history.current() except HistoryEmptyException: pass else: if self.line != current and self.line != self.history.top(): self.history.modify(self.line) self.history.move(n) current = self.history.current() if self.line != current: self.line = self.history.current() self.pos = len(self.line) def add_to_history(self): self.history.fast_forward() self.history.modify(self.line) def move(self, relative = 0, absolute = None): if absolute is not None: if absolute < 0: self.pos = len(self.line) + 1 + absolute else: self.pos = absolute self.pos = min(max(0, self.pos + relative), len(self.line)) def delete_rest(self, direction): self.tab_deque = None if direction > 0: self.copy = self.line[self.pos:] self.line = self.line[:self.pos] else: self.copy = self.line[:self.pos] self.line = self.line[self.pos:] self.pos = 0 self.on_line_change() def paste(self): if self.pos == len(self.line): self.line += self.copy else: self.line = self.line[:self.pos] + self.copy + self.line[self.pos:] self.pos += len(self.copy) self.on_line_change() def delete_word(self): self.tab_deque = None try: i = self.line.rindex(' ', 0, self.pos - 1) + 1 self.line = self.line[:i] + self.line[self.pos:] self.pos = len(self.line) except ValueError: self.line = '' self.pos = 0 self.on_line_change() def delete(self, mod): self.tab_deque = None if mod == -1 and len(self.line) == 0: self.close() pos = self.pos + mod self.line = self.line[0:pos] + self.line[pos+1:] self.move(relative = mod) self.on_line_change() def execute(self): pass def tab(self): pass def on_line_change(self): pass class ConsoleWithTab(Console): def tab(self, n=1): if self.tab_deque is None: tab_result = self._get_tab() if isinstance(tab_result, str): self.line = tab_result self.pos = len(tab_result) self.on_line_change() elif tab_result == None: pass elif hasattr(tab_result, '__iter__'): self.tab_deque = deque(tab_result) self.tab_deque.appendleft(self.line) if self.tab_deque is not None: self.tab_deque.rotate(-n) self.line = self.tab_deque[0] self.pos = len(self.line) self.on_line_change() def _get_tab(self): """ Override this function in the subclass! It should return either a string, an iterable or None. If a string is returned, tabbing will result in the line turning into that string. If another iterable is returned, each tabbing will cycle through the elements of the iterable (which have to be strings). If None is returned, nothing will happen. """ return None class CommandConsole(ConsoleWithTab): prompt = ':' def execute(self, cmd=None): self.allow_close = True if cmd is None: cmd = self._get_cmd() if cmd: try: cmd.execute() except Exception as error: self.fm.notify(error) if self.allow_close: self.close() def _get_cmd(self): try: command_class = self._get_cmd_class() except KeyError: self.fm.notify("Invalid command! Press ? for help.", bad=True) except: return None else: return command_class(self.line, self.mode) def _get_cmd_class(self): return commands.get_command(self.line.split()[0]) def _get_tab(self): if ' ' in self.line: cmd = self._get_cmd() if cmd: return cmd.tab() else: return None return commands.command_generator(self.line) class QuickCommandConsole(CommandConsole): """ The QuickCommandConsole is essentially the same as the CommandConsole, and includes one additional feature: After each letter you type, it checks whether the command as it stands there could be executed in a meaningful way, and if it does, run it right away. Example: >cd .. As you type the last dot, The console will recognize what you mean and enter the parent directory saving you the time of pressing enter. """ prompt = '>' def on_line_change(self): try: cls = self._get_cmd_class() except (KeyError, ValueError, IndexError): pass else: cmd = cls(self.line, self.mode) if cmd and cmd.quick_open(): self.execute(cmd) class SearchConsole(Console): prompt = '/' def init(self): self.history = self.histories[SEARCH_HISTORY] def execute(self): import re if self.fm.env.cwd: regexp = re.compile(self.line, re.L | re.U | re.I) self.fm.env.last_search = regexp if self.fm.search(order='search'): self.fm.env.cf = self.fm.env.cwd.pointed_obj self.close() class OpenConsole(ConsoleWithTab): """ The Open Console allows you to execute shell commands: !vim * will run vim and open all files in the directory. %f will be replaced with the basename of the highlighted file %s will be selected with all files in the selection There is a special syntax for more control: !d! mplayer will run mplayer with flags (d means detached) !@ mplayer will open the selected files with mplayer (equivalent to !mplayer %s) Those two can be combinated: !d!@mplayer will open the selection with a detached mplayer (again, this is equivalent to !d!mplayer %s) For a list of other flags than "d", check chapter 2.5 of the documentation """ prompt = '!' def init(self): self.history = self.histories[OPEN_HISTORY] def execute(self): command, flags = self._parse() if not command and 'p' in flags: command = 'cat %f' if command: if _CustomTemplate.delimiter in command: command = self._substitute_metachars(command) self.fm.execute_command(command, flags=flags) self.close() def _get_tab(self): try: i = self.line.index('!')+1 except ValueError: line = self.line start = '' else: line = self.line[i:] start = self.line[:i] try: position_of_last_space = line.rindex(" ") except ValueError: return (start + program + ' ' for program in self.fm.executables \ if program.startswith(line)) if position_of_last_space == len(line) - 1: return self.line + '%s ' else: before_word, start_of_word = self.line.rsplit(' ', 1) return (before_word + ' ' + file.shell_escaped_basename \ for file in self.fm.env.cwd.files \ if file.shell_escaped_basename.startswith(start_of_word)) def _substitute_metachars(self, command): dct = {} if self.fm.env.cf: dct['f'] = shell_quote(self.fm.env.cf.basename) else: dct['f'] = '' dct['s'] = ' '.join(shell_quote(fl.basename) \ for fl in self.fm.env.get_selection()) return _CustomTemplate(command).safe_substitute(dct) def _parse(self): if '!' in self.line: flags, cmd = self.line.split('!', 1) else: flags, cmd = '', self.line add_selection = False if cmd.startswith('@'): cmd = cmd[1:] add_selection = True elif flags.startswith('@'): flags = flags[1:] add_selection = True if add_selection: cmd += ' ' + ' '.join(shell_quote(fl.basename) \ for fl in self.env.get_selection()) return (cmd, flags) class QuickOpenConsole(ConsoleWithTab): """ The Quick Open Console allows you to open files with predefined programs and modes very quickly. By adding flags to the command, you can specify precisely how the program is run, e.g. the d-flag will run it detached from the file manager. For a list of other flags than "d", check chapter 2.5 of the documentation The syntax is "open with: ". The parsing of the arguments is very flexible. You can leave out one or more arguments (or even all of them) and it will fall back to default values. You can switch the order as well. There is just one rule: If you supply the , it has to be the first argument. Examples: open with: mplayer D open the selection in mplayer, but not detached open with: 1 open it with the default handler in mode 1 open with: d open it detached with the default handler open with: p open it as usual, but pipe the output to "less" open with: totem 1 Ds open in totem in mode 1, will not detach the process (flag D) but discard the output (flag s) """ prompt = 'open with: ' def init(self): self.history = self.histories[QUICKOPEN_HISTORY] def execute(self): split = self.line.split() app, flags, mode = self._get_app_flags_mode() self.fm.execute_file( files = [self.env.cf], app = app, flags = flags, mode = mode ) self.close() def _get_app_flags_mode(self): """ Extracts the application, flags and mode from a string entered into the "openwith_quick" console. """ # examples: # "mplayer d 1" => ("mplayer", "d", 1) # "aunpack 4" => ("aunpack", "", 4) # "p" => ("", "p", 0) # "" => None app = '' flags = '' mode = 0 split = self.line.split() if len(split) == 0: pass elif len(split) == 1: part = split[0] if self._is_app(part): app = part elif self._is_flags(part): flags = part elif self._is_mode(part): mode = part elif len(split) == 2: part0 = split[0] part1 = split[1] if self._is_app(part0): app = part0 if self._is_flags(part1): flags = part1 elif self._is_mode(part1): mode = part1 elif self._is_flags(part0): flags = part0 if self._is_mode(part1): mode = part1 elif self._is_mode(part0): mode = part0 if self._is_flags(part1): flags = part1 elif len(split) >= 3: part0 = split[0] part1 = split[1] part2 = split[2] if self._is_app(part0): app = part0 if self._is_flags(part1): flags = part1 if self._is_mode(part2): mode = part2 elif self._is_mode(part1): mode = part1 if self._is_flags(part2): flags = part2 elif self._is_flags(part0): flags = part0 if self._is_mode(part1): mode = part1 elif self._is_mode(part0): mode = part0 if self._is_flags(part1): flags = part1 return app, flags, int(mode) def _get_tab(self): if ' ' not in self.line: all_apps = self.fm.apps.all() if all_apps: return (app for app in all_apps if app.startswith(self.line)) return None def _is_app(self, arg): return self.fm.apps.has(arg) or \ (not self._is_flags(arg) and arg in self.fm.executables) def _is_flags(self, arg): from ranger.core.runner import ALLOWED_FLAGS return all(x in ALLOWED_FLAGS for x in arg) def _is_mode(self, arg): return all(x in '0123456789' for x in arg)