# This file is part of ranger, the console file manager. # License: GNU GPL version 3, see the file "AUTHORS" for details. """The statusbar displays information about the current file and directory. On the left side, there is a display similar to what "ls -l" would print for the current file. The right side shows directory information such as the space used by all the files in this directory. """ import os from pwd import getpwuid from grp import getgrgid from os import getuid, readlink from time import time, strftime, localtime from ranger.ext.human_readable import human_readable from . import Widget from ranger.gui.bar import Bar class StatusBar(Widget): __doc__ = __doc__ owners = {} groups = {} timeformat = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' hint = None msg = None old_thisfile = None old_ctime = None old_du = None old_hint = None result = None def __init__(self, win, column=None): Widget.__init__(self, win) self.column = column self.settings.signal_bind('setopt.display_size_in_status_bar', self.request_redraw, weak=True) def request_redraw(self): self.need_redraw = True def notify(self, text, duration=0, bad=False): self.msg = Message(text, duration, bad) def clear_message(self): self.msg = None def draw(self): """Draw the statusbar""" if self.hint and isinstance(self.hint, str): if self.old_hint != self.hint: self.need_redraw = True if self.need_redraw: self._draw_hint() return if self.old_hint and not self.hint: self.old_hint = None self.need_redraw = True if self.msg: if self.msg.is_alive(): self._draw_message() return else: self.msg = None self.need_redraw = True if self.fm.thisfile: self.fm.thisfile.load_if_outdated() try: ctime = self.fm.thisfile.stat.st_ctime except: ctime = -1 else: ctime = -1 if not self.result: self.need_redraw = True if self.old_du and not self.fm.thisdir.disk_usage: self.old_du = self.fm.thisdir.disk_usage self.need_redraw = True if self.old_thisfile != self.fm.thisfile: self.old_thisfile = self.fm.thisfile self.need_redraw = True if self.old_ctime != ctime: self.old_ctime = ctime self.need_redraw = True if self.need_redraw: self.need_redraw = False self._calc_bar() self._print_result(self.result) def _calc_bar(self): bar = Bar('in_statusbar') self._get_left_part(bar) self._get_right_part(bar) bar.shrink_by_removing(self.wid) self.result = bar.combine() def _draw_message(self): self.win.erase() self.color('in_statusbar', 'message', self.msg.bad and 'bad' or 'good') self.addnstr(0, 0, self.msg.text, self.wid) def _draw_hint(self): self.win.erase() highlight = True space_left = self.wid starting_point = self.x for string in self.hint.split('*'): highlight = not highlight if highlight: self.color('in_statusbar', 'text', 'highlight') else: self.color('in_statusbar', 'text') try: self.addnstr(0, starting_point, string, space_left) except: break space_left -= len(string) starting_point += len(string) def _get_left_part(self, bar): left = bar.left if self.column is not None and self.column.target is not None\ and self.column.target.is_directory: target = self.column.target.pointed_obj else: directory = self.fm.thistab.at_level(0) if directory: target = directory.pointed_obj else: return try: stat = target.stat except: return if stat is None: return if self.fm.mode != 'normal': perms = '--%s--' % self.fm.mode.upper() else: perms = target.get_permission_string() how = getuid() == stat.st_uid and 'good' or 'bad' left.add(perms, 'permissions', how) left.add_space() left.add(str(stat.st_nlink), 'nlink') left.add_space() left.add(self._get_owner(target), 'owner') left.add_space() left.add(self._get_group(target), 'group') if target.is_link: how = target.exists and 'good' or 'bad' try: dest = readlink(target.path) except: dest = '?' left.add(' -> ' + dest, 'link', how) else: left.add_space() if self.settings.display_size_in_status_bar and target.infostring: left.add(target.infostring.replace(" ", "")) left.add_space() left.add(strftime(self.timeformat, localtime(stat.st_mtime)), 'mtime') directory = target if target.is_directory else \ target.fm.get_directory(os.path.dirname(target.path)) if directory.vcs and directory.vcs.track: if directory.vcs.rootvcs.branch: vcsinfo = '({0:s}: {1:s})'.format( directory.vcs.rootvcs.repotype, directory.vcs.rootvcs.branch) else: vcsinfo = '({0:s})'.format(directory.vcs.rootvcs.repotype) left.add_space() left.add(vcsinfo, 'vcsinfo') left.add_space() if directory.vcs.rootvcs.obj.vcsremotestatus: vcsstr, vcscol = self.vcsremotestatus_symb[ directory.vcs.rootvcs.obj.vcsremotestatus] left.add(vcsstr.strip(), 'vcsremote', *vcscol) if target.vcsstatus: vcsstr, vcscol = self.vcsstatus_symb[target.vcsstatus] left.add(vcsstr.strip(), 'vcsfile', *vcscol) if directory.vcs.rootvcs.head: left.add_space() left.add(directory.vcs.rootvcs.head['date'].strftime(self.timeformat), 'vcsdate') left.add_space() left.add(directory.vcs.rootvcs.head['summary'], 'vcscommit') def _get_owner(self, target): uid = target.stat.st_uid try: return self.owners[uid] except KeyError: try: self.owners[uid] = getpwuid(uid)[0] return self.owners[uid] except KeyError: return str(uid) def _get_group(self, target): gid = target.stat.st_gid try: return self.groups[gid] except KeyError: try: self.groups[gid] = getgrgid(gid)[0] return self.groups[gid] except KeyError: return str(gid) def _get_right_part(self, bar): right = bar.right if self.column is None: return target = self.column.target if target is None \ or not target.accessible \ or (target.is_directory and target.files is None): return pos = target.scroll_begin max_pos = len(target) - self.column.hei base = 'scroll' right.add(" ", "space") if self.fm.thisdir.flat: right.add("flat=", base, 'flat') right.add(str(self.fm.thisdir.flat), base, 'flat') right.add(", ", "space") if self.fm.thisdir.filter: right.add("f=`", base, 'filter') right.add(self.fm.thisdir.filter.pattern, base, 'filter') right.add("', ", "space") if target.marked_items: if len(target.marked_items) == len(target.files): right.add(human_readable(target.disk_usage, separator='')) else: sumsize = sum(f.size for f in target.marked_items if not f.is_directory or f._cumulative_size_calculated) right.add(human_readable(sumsize, separator='')) right.add("/" + str(len(target.marked_items))) else: right.add(human_readable(target.disk_usage, separator='') + " sum") try: free = get_free_space(target.mount_path) except OSError: pass else: right.add(", ", "space") right.add(human_readable(free, separator='') + " free") right.add(" ", "space") if target.marked_items: # Indicate that there are marked files. Useful if you scroll # away and don't see them anymore. right.add('Mrk', base, 'marked') elif len(target.files): right.add(str(target.pointer + 1) + '/' + str(len(target.files)) + ' ', base) if max_pos <= 0: right.add('All', base, 'all') elif pos == 0: right.add('Top', base, 'top') elif pos >= max_pos: right.add('Bot', base, 'bot') else: right.add('{:0.0%}'.format(float(pos) / max_pos), base, 'percentage') else: right.add('0/0 All', base, 'all') def _print_result(self, result): self.win.move(0, 0) for part in result: self.color(*part.lst) self.addstr(str(part)) if self.settings.draw_progress_bar_in_status_bar: queue = self.fm.loader.queue states = [] for item in queue: if item.progressbar_supported: states.append(item.percent) if states: state = sum(states) / len(states) barwidth = state / 100.0 * self.wid self.color_at(0, 0, int(barwidth), ("in_statusbar", "loaded")) self.color_reset() def get_free_space(path): stat = os.statvfs(path) return stat.f_bavail * stat.f_frsize class Message(object): elapse = None text = None bad = False def __init__(self, text, duration, bad): self.text = text self.bad = bad self.elapse = time() + duration def is_alive(self): return time() <= self.elapse