package main import ( "fmt" "html/template" "log" "os" "os/signal" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) const getwtxt = "0.1" // command line flags var ( flagVersion *bool = pflag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "Display version information, then exit") flagHelp *bool = pflag.BoolP("help", "h", false, "") ) // config object var confObj = &Configuration{} // signals to close the log file var closeLog = make(chan bool, 1) // used to transmit database pointer after // initialization var dbChan = make(chan *leveldb.DB, 1) // templates var tmpls *template.Template // registry index var twtxtCache = registry.NewIndex() // remote registry listing var remoteRegistries = &RemoteRegistries{} func initGetwtxt() { checkFlags() titleScreen() initConfig() initLogging() tmpls = initTemplates() initDatabase() watchForInterrupt() } func checkFlags() { pflag.Parse() if *flagVersion { titleScreen() os.Exit(0) } if *flagHelp { titleScreen() helpScreen() os.Exit(0) } } func initConfig() { viper.SetConfigName("getwtxt") viper.SetConfigType("json") viper.AddConfigPath(".") viper.AddConfigPath("/usr/local/getwtxt") viper.AddConfigPath("/etc") viper.AddConfigPath("/usr/local/etc") log.Printf("Loading configuration ...\n") if err := viper.ReadInConfig(); err != nil { log.Printf("Error reading config file: %v\n", err) log.Printf("Using defaults ...\n") } // separate thread to watch for config file changes. // will log event then run rebindConfig() viper.WatchConfig() viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) { log.Printf("Config file change detected. Reloading...\n") rebindConfig() }) viper.SetDefault("ListenPort", 9001) viper.SetDefault("LogFile", "getwtxt.log") viper.SetDefault("DatabasePath", "getwtxt.db") viper.SetDefault("StdoutLogging", false) viper.SetDefault("ReCacheInterval", "1h") viper.SetDefault("DatabasePushInterval", "5m") confObj.Mu.Lock() confObj.Port = viper.GetInt("ListenPort") confObj.LogFile = viper.GetString("LogFile") confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath") log.Printf("Using database: %v\n", confObj.DBPath) confObj.StdoutLogging = viper.GetBool("StdoutLogging") if confObj.StdoutLogging { log.Printf("Logging to stdout\n") } else { log.Printf("Logging to %v\n", confObj.LogFile) } confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval") log.Printf("User status fetch interval: %v\n", confObj.CacheInterval) confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval") log.Printf("Database push interval: %v\n", confObj.DBInterval) confObj.LastCache = time.Now() confObj.LastPush = time.Now() confObj.Version = getwtxt confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName") confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL") confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName") confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email") confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description") confObj.Mu.Unlock() } func initLogging() { // only open a log file if it's necessary confObj.Mu.RLock() if confObj.StdoutLogging { log.SetOutput(os.Stdout) } else { logfile, err := os.OpenFile(confObj.LogFile, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0600) if err != nil { log.Printf("Could not open log file: %v\n", err) } // Listen for the signal to close the log file // in a separate thread. Passing it as an argument // to prevent race conditions when the config is // reloaded. go func(logfile *os.File) { <-closeLog log.Printf("Closing log file ...\n") err = logfile.Close() if err != nil { log.Printf("Couldn't close log file: %v\n", err) } }(logfile) log.SetOutput(logfile) } confObj.Mu.RUnlock() } func rebindConfig() { // signal to close the log file then wait confObj.Mu.RLock() if !confObj.StdoutLogging { closeLog <- true } confObj.Mu.RUnlock() // reassign values to the config object confObj.Mu.Lock() confObj.LogFile = viper.GetString("LogFile") confObj.DBPath = viper.GetString("DatabasePath") confObj.StdoutLogging = viper.GetBool("StdoutLogging") confObj.CacheInterval = viper.GetDuration("StatusFetchInterval") confObj.DBInterval = viper.GetDuration("DatabasePushInterval") confObj.Instance.Name = viper.GetString("Instance.SiteName") confObj.Instance.URL = viper.GetString("Instance.URL") confObj.Instance.Owner = viper.GetString("Instance.OwnerName") confObj.Instance.Mail = viper.GetString("Instance.Email") confObj.Instance.Desc = viper.GetString("Instance.Description") confObj.Mu.Unlock() // reinitialize logging initLogging() } // Parse the HTML templates func initTemplates() *template.Template { return template.Must(template.ParseFiles("assets/tmpl/index.html")) } // Pull DB data into cache, if available. func initDatabase() { confObj.Mu.RLock() db, err := leveldb.OpenFile(confObj.DBPath, nil) confObj.Mu.RUnlock() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%v\n", err) } // Send the database reference into // the aether. dbChan <- db pullDatabase() go cacheAndPush() } // Watch for SIGINT aka ^C // Close the log file then exit func watchForInterrupt() { c := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt) go func() {