=head1 NAME ranger - visual file manager =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<--help>] [B<--version>] [B<--debug>] [B<--clean>] [B<--list-unused-keys>] [B<--fail-unless-cd>] [B<--choosedir>=I] [B<--choosefile>=I] [B<--copy-config>=I] [B<--mode>=I] [B<--flags>=I] [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION ranger is a console file manager with VI key bindings. It provides a minimalistic and nice curses interface with a view on the directory hierarchy. The secondary task of ranger is to figure out which program you want to use to open your files with. This manual mainly contains information on the usage of ranger. Refer to the F for install instructions and to F for development specific information. For configuration, check the sample files that ranger created in your F<~/.config/ranger> directory. Inside ranger, you can press I<1?> for a list of key bindings, I<2?> for a list of commands and I<3?> for a list of settings. =head1 OPTIONS =over 14 =item B<-d>, B<--debug> Activate the debug mode: Whenever an error occurs, ranger will exit and print a full traceback. The default behavior is to merely print the name of the exception in the statusbar/log and try to keep running. =item B<-c>, B<--clean> Activate the clean mode: ranger will not access or create any configuration files nor will it leave any traces on your system. This is useful when your configuration is broken, when you want to avoid clutter, etc. =item B<--choosefile>=I Allows you to pick a file with ranger. This changes the behavior so that when you open a file, ranger will exit and write the name of that file into I. =item B<--choosedir>=I Allows you to pick a directory with ranger. When you exit ranger, it will write the last visited directory into I. =item B<--dont-copy-config> By default, ranger copies example configuration files to your configuration directory (usually F<~/.config/ranger>.) This option disables that feature. =item B<--list-unused-keys> List common keys which are not bound to any action in the "browser" context. This list is not complete, you can bind any key that is supported by curses: use the key code returned by C. =item B<--fail-unless-cd> Return the exit code 1 if ranger is used to run a file instead of used for file browsing. (For example, "ranger --fail-unless-cd test.txt" returns 1.) =item B<-m> I, B<--mode>=I When a filename is supplied, run it in mode I. This has no effect unless the execution of this file type is explicitly handled in the configuration. =item B<-f> I, B<--flags>=I When a filename is supplied, run it with the given I to modify behavior. The execution of this file type is explicitly handled in the configuration. =item B<--version> Print the version and exit. =item B<-h>, B<--help> Print a list of options and exit. =back =head1 CONCEPTS =head2 TAGS Tags are single characters which are displayed left of a filename. You can use tags however you want. Press "t" to toggle tags and "T" to remove any tags of the selection. The default tag is an Asterisk ("*"), but you can use any tag by typing I<">. =head2 PREVIEWS By default, only text files are previewed, but you can enable external preview scripts by setting the option C and C to True. This default script is F<~/.config/ranger/scope.sh>. It contains more documentation and calls to the programs I and I for html, I for text/code, I for images, I for archives, I for PDFs and I for video and audio files. Install these programs (just the ones you need) and scope.sh will automatically use them. =head2 SELECTION The I is defined as "All marked files IF THERE ARE ANY, otherwise the current file." Be aware of this when using the :delete command, which deletes all files in the selection. You can mark files by pressing , v, etc. A yellow B symbol at the bottom right indicates that there are marked files in this directory. =head2 MACROS Macros can be used in commands to abbreviate things. %f the highlighted file %d the path of the current directory %s the selected files in the current directory. %t all tagged files in the current directory %c the full paths of the currently copied/cut files The macros %f, %d and %s also have upper case variants, %F, %D and %S, which refer to the next tab. To refer to specific tabs, add a number in between. (%7s = selection of the seventh tab.) %c is the only macro which ranges out of the current directory. So you may "abuse" the copying function for other purposes, like diffing two files which are in different directories: Yank the file A (type yy), move to the file B, then type @diff %c %f Macros for file paths are generally shell-escaped so they can be used in the :shell command. =head2 BOOKMARKS Type B> to bookmark the current directory. You can re-enter this directory by typing B<`>. can be any letter or digit. Unlike vim, both lowercase and uppercase bookmarks are persistent. Each time you jump to a bookmark, the special bookmark at key ` will be set to the last directory. So typing "``" gets you back to where you were before. Bookmarks are selectable when tabbing in the :cd command. Note: The bookmarks ' (Apostrophe) and ` (Backtick) are the same. =head2 FLAGS Flags give you a way to modify the behavior of the spawned process. They are used in the commands :open_with (key "r") and :shell (key "!"). s Silent mode. Output will be discarded. d Detach the process. (Run in background) p Redirect output to the pager w Wait for an Enter-press when the process is done c Run the current file only, instead of the selection By default, all the flags are off unless specified otherwise in the F configuration file. You can specify as many flags as you want. An uppercase flag negates the effect: "ddcccDs" is equivalent to "cs". Examples: C<:open_with p> will pipe the output of that process into the pager. C<:shell -w df> will run "df" and wait for you to press Enter before switching back to ranger. =head2 MODES By specifying a mode (a positive integer), you can tell ranger what to do with a file when running it. You can specify which mode to use by typing l or or :open_with . The default mode is 0. Examples: C (mode zero) to list the contents of an archive, C<1l> (mode one) to extract an archive. See the F configuration file for all programs and modes. =head1 KEY BINDINGS Key bindings are defined in the file F. Check this file for a list of all key bindings. You can copy it to your local configuration directory with the --copy-config=rc option. Many key bindings take an additional numeric argument. Type I<5j> to move down 5 lines, I<2l> to open a file in mode 2, I<10> to mark 10 files. This list contains the most useful bindings: =head2 MAIN BINDINGS =over 14 =item h, j, k, l Move left, down, up or right =item ^D or J, ^U or K Move a half page down, up =item H, L Move back and forward in the history =item gg Move to the top =item G Move to the bottom =item ^R Reload everything =item ^L Redraw the screen =item S Open a shell in the current directory =item ? Opens this man page =item yy Yank the selection to the "copy" buffer and mark them as to be copied =item dd Cut the selection to the "copy" buffer and mark them as to be moved =item pp Paste the files from the "copy" buffer here (by moving or copying, depending on how they are marked.) By default, this will not overwrite existing files. To overwrite them, use I. =item mI Create a bookmark with the name I =item `I Move to the bookmark with the name I =item n, N Find the next file. By default, this gets you to the newest file in the directory, but if you search something using the keys /, cm, ct, ..., it will get you to the next found entry. =item N Find the previous file. =item oI Change the sort method (like in mutt) =item zI Change settings. See the settings section for a list of settings and their hotkey. =item f Quickly navigate by entering a part of the filename. =item Space Mark a file. =item v Toggle the mark-status of all files, unmark all files. =item V, uv Unmark all files =item / Search for files in the current directory. =item : Open the console. =item Alt-I Open a tab. N has to be a number from 0 to 9. If the tab doesn't exist yet, it will be created. =item gn, ^N Create a new tab. =item gt, gT Go to the next or previous tab. You can also use TAB and SHIFT+TAB instead. =item gc, ^W Close the current tab. The last tab cannot be closed this way. =back =head2 MIDNIGHT COMMANDER-LIKE BINDINGS =over 14 =item Display Help. =item Display the file. =item Edit the file. =item Copy the file. =item Cut the file. =item Open the console with ":mkdir ". =item Prompt for deletion of the selected files. =item Exit ranger. =back =head2 READLINE-LIKE BINDINGS IN THE CONSOLE =over 14 =item ^B, ^F Move left and right (B for back, F for forward) =item ^P, ^N Move up and down (P for previous, N for Next) =item ^A, ^E Move to the start or to the end =item ^D Delete the current character. =item ^H Backspace. =back =head1 MOUSE BUTTONS =over =item Left Mouse Button Click on something and you'll move there. To run a file, "enter" it, like a directory, by clicking on the preview. =item Right Mouse Button Enter a directory or run a file. =item Scroll Wheel Scrolls up or down. You can point at the column of the parent directory to switch directories. =back =head1 SETTINGS This section lists all built-in settings of ranger. The valid types for the value are in [brackets]. The hotkey to toggle the setting is in , if a hotkey exists. Settings can be changed in the file F<~/.config/ranger/options.py> or on the fly with the command B<:set option value>. Examples: :set column_ratios (1,2,3) :set show_hidden=True =over =item autosave_bookmarks [bool] Save bookmarks (used with mX and `X) instantly? This helps to synchronize bookmarks between multiple ranger instances but leads to *slight* performance loss. When false, bookmarks are saved when ranger is exited. =item collapse_preview [bool] When no preview is visible, should the last column be squeezed to make use of the whitespace? =item colorscheme_overlay [function, None] An overlay function for colorschemes. See the default options.py for an explanation and an example. =item colorscheme [string] Which colorscheme to use? These colorschemes are available by default: B, B, B, B, B. Snow is monochrome, texas and default88 use 88 colors. =item column_ratios [tuple, list] How many columns are there, and what are their relative widths? For example, a value of (1, 1, 1) would mean 3 even sized columns. (1, 1, 1, 1, 4) means 5 columns with the preview column being as large as the other columns combined. =item dirname_in_tabs [bool] Display the directory name in tabs? =item display_size_in_main_column [bool] Display the file size in the main column? =item display_size_in_status_bar [bool] Display the file size in the status bar? =item display_tags_in_all_columns [bool] Display tags in all columns? =item draw_bookmark_borders [bool] Draw borders around the bookmark window? =item draw_borders [bool] Draw borders around columns? =item flushinput [bool] Flush the input after each key hit? One advantage is that when scrolling down with "j", ranger stops scrolling instantly when you release the key. One disadvantage is that when you type commands blindly, some keys might get lost. =item hidden_filter [regexp] A regular expression pattern for files which should be hidden. =item max_console_history_size [integer, None] How many console commands should be kept in history? =item max_history_size [integer, None] How many directory changes should be kept in history? =item mouse_enabled [bool] Enable mouse input? =item padding_right [bool] When collapse_preview is on and there is no preview, should there remain a little padding on the right? This allows you to click into that space to run the file. =item preview_directories [bool] Preview directories in the preview column? =item preview_files [bool] Preview files in the preview column? =item preview_script [string, None] Which script should handle generating previews? If the file doesn't exist, or use_preview_script is off, ranger will handle previews itself by just printing the content. =item save_console_history [bool] Should the console history be saved on exit? If disabled, the console history is reset when you restart ranger. =item scroll_offset [integer] Try to keep this much space between the top/bottom border when scrolling. =item shorten_title [integer, bool] Trim the title of the window if it gets long? The number defines how many directories are displayed at once, False turns off this feature. =item show_cursor [bool] Always show the terminal cursor? =item show_hidden_bookmarks [bool] Show dotfiles in the bookmark preview window? (Type ') =item show_hidden [bool] , <^H> Show hidden files? =item sort_case_insensitive [bool] Sort case-insensitively? If true, "a" will be listed before "B" even though its ASCII value is higher. =item sort_directories_first [bool] Sort directories first? =item sort_reverse [bool] Sort reversed? =item sort [string] , , , , , , Which sorting mechanism should be used? Choose one of B, B, B, B, B, B, B Note: You can reverse the order by using an uppercase O in the key combination. =item ti
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