**Mu: making programs easier to understand in the large** Imagine a world where you can: 1. think of a tiny improvement to a program you use, clone its sources, orient yourself on its organization and make your tiny improvement, all in a single afternoon. 2. Record your program as it runs, and easily convert arbitrary logs of runs into reproducible automatic tests. 3. Answer arbitrary what-if questions about a codebase by trying out changes and seeing what tests fail, confident that *every* scenario previous authors have considered has been encoded as a test. 4. Run first simple and successively more complex versions to stage your learning. I think all these abilities might be strongly correlated; not only are they achievable with a few common concepts, but you can't easily attack one of them without also chasing after the others. The core mechanism enabling them all is recording manual tests right after the first time you perform them: * keyboard input * printing to screen * website layout * disk filling up * performance metrics * race conditions * fault tolerance * ... I hope to attain this world by creating a comprehensive library of fakes and hooks for the entire software stack, at all layers of abstraction (programming language, OS, standard libraries, application libraries). To reduce my workload and get to a proof-of-concept quickly, this is a very *alien* software stack. I've stolen ideas from lots of previous systems, but it's not like anything you're used to. The 'OS' will lack virtual memory, user accounts, any unprivileged mode, address space isolation, and many other features. To avoid building a compiler I'm going to do all my programming in (virtual machine) assembly. To keep assembly from getting too painful I'm going to pervasively use one trick: load-time directives to let me order code however I want, and to write boilerplate once and insert it in multiple places. If you're familiar with literate programming or aspect-oriented programming, these directives may seem vaguely familiar. If you're not, think of them as a richer interface for function inlining. Trading off notational convenience for tests may seem regressive, but I suspect high-level languages aren't particularly helpful in understanding large codebases. No matter how good a notation is, it can only let you see a tiny fraction of a large program at a time. Logs, on the other hand, can let you zoom out and take in an entire *run* at a glance, making them a superior unit of comprehension. If I'm right, it makes sense to prioritize the right *tactile* interface for working with and getting feedback on large programs before we invest in the *visual* tools for making them concise. ([More details.](http://akkartik.name/about)) **Taking Mu for a spin** Mu is currently implemented in C++ and requires a unix-like environment. It's been tested on ubuntu 14.04 with recent versions of gcc and clang, but should work with earlier versions going quite far back. It has no other dependencies that aren't taken for granted in unix. In spite of needing C++ it uses no advanced features and is designed to eventually bootstrap using an assembler written directly in machine code. Currently you build it like so: ```shell $ cd mu $ ./mu ``` Running mu will always recompile it if necessary. In this case it has no other work to do, so it'll show you a hopefully helpful message after it's done compiling. As a sneak peek, here's how you compute factorial in Mu: code example Mu functions or 'recipes' are lists of instructions, one to a line. Each instruction operates on some *ingredients* and returns some *products*. ``` [products] <- instruction [ingredients] ``` Result and ingredient *reagents* have to be variables. But you can have any number of them. In particular you can have any number of products. For example, you can perform integer division as follows: ``` quotient:number, remainder:number <- divide-with-remainder 11, 3 ``` Each reagent can provide a name as well as its type separated by a colon. You only have to specify the type the first time you mention a name, but you can be more explicit if you choose. Types can be multiple words, like: ```nim x:array:number:3 # x is an array of 3 numbers y:list:number # y is a list of numbers ``` Recipes load their ingredients from their caller using the *next-ingredient* instruction, and return products using *reply*. Try out the factorial program now: ```shell $ ./mu factorial.mu result: 120 # factorial of 5 ``` You can also run its unit tests: ```shell $ ./mu test factorial.mu ``` Here's what one of the tests inside `factorial.mu` looks like: test example Every test conceptually spins up a really lightweight virtual machine, so you can do things like check the value of specific locations in memory. You can also print to screen and check that the screen contains what you expect at the end of a test. For example, `chessboard.mu` checks the initial position of a game of chess (delimiting the edges of the screen with periods): screen test Similarly you can fake the keyboard to pretend someone typed something: ``` assume-keyboard [a2-a4] ``` As we add a file system, graphics, audio
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