summary refs log tree commit diff stats
path: root/scripts
l---------ranger -> ../ranger.py12log stats plain blame
l---------rifle -> ../ranger/ext/rifle.py22log stats plain blame
='#n29'>29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

; A simple call-counting profiler.

(= profiles* (table) originals* (table))

; avoid infinite loops & other badness in profiled fn, e.g. (profile +)
(with (orig-+ +
       orig-is is
       orig-err err
       orig-type type
       orig-sref sref
       orig-apply apply
       orig-atomic-invoke atomic-invoke)

(mac profiled (f)
  ; (= (profiles* f) 0)
  `(profiled-as ',f ,f))

; Not sure I like the order of the arguments, but probably rarely use this.

(def profiled-as (name f (o profile-data profiles*))
  (if (orig-is (orig-is (orig-type f) 'fn) nil)
      (orig-err "Can only profile functions:" f))
  (fn args
      (fn () (orig-sref profile-data
                        (orig-+ (profile-data name 0) 1)
    (orig-apply f args)))

; Have to be careful here.  (= profiles* (table)) won't work, since profiled-as
; has the table passed in as an arg: after a (= ...), old closed-over
; references from profiled-as will fail to update the profiles* table.
;   (= glob* (table))
;   (def foo ((o y glob*)) (fn (x) (= (y x) t)))
;   (= bar (foo))
;   (bar 5)           ; glob* = #hash((5 . t))
;   (= glob* (table)) ; glob* = #hash()
;   (bar 5)           ; glob* = #hash(), still

(def reset-profiles ((o fns))
  (each f (or fns (keys profiles*))
      (fn () (orig-sref profiles*


(mac profile (f)
     (= (originals* ',f) ,f)
     (= ,f (profiled ,f))
     (warn (+ ,(string f)
              " is being profiled; "
              "do not redefine it until you (unprofile " ,(string f) ")"))

(mac unprofile (f)
  `(= ,f (originals* ',f ,f)
      (originals* ',f) nil
      (profiles* ',f) nil))

(def profiles ((o profiler-data profiles*))
  (withs (data   ; avoid counting stuff from the current call to (profiles)
                 (with (atomic-invokes (profiler-data 'atomic-invoke)
                        tables (profiler-data 'table)
                        srefs (profiler-data 'sref)
                        new (table))
                   (maptable (fn (k v) (= (new k) v)) profiler-data)
                   (= (new 'atomic-invoke) atomic-invokes
                      (new 'table) tables
                      (new 'sref) srefs)
          lhead  "Function"
          rhead  "Call Count"
          lwidth (apply max (map len:tostring:disp (cons lhead (keys data))))
          prnrow (fn (l r) 
                     (do (pr l) (sp (- lwidth (len l))))
                     (prn r))))
    (prnrow lhead rhead)
    (each (f call-count) (sortable data)
      (prnrow (tostring:disp f) call-count))

(mac profiling-just (fns . bod)
  (unless (acons fns)
    (zap list fns))
  (w/uniq (profiles profiled)
    (let originals (map [uniq] fns)
      `(with (,profiles (table)
              ,profiled profiled-as
              ,@(mappend list originals fns))
         ; ,@(map (fn (f) `(= (,profiles ',f) 0)) fns)
         ,@(map (fn (f o) `(= ,f (,profiled ',f ,o ,profiles)))
         (after (do ,@bod)
           (= ,@(apply + nil (map list fns originals)))
           (if (> (,profiles 'protect 0) 1) ; from (after ...)
               (-- (,profiles 'protect))
               (wipe (,profiles 'protect)))
           (profiles ,profiles))))))

(def all-fns ()
  (let xdefs '(apply cons car cdr is err + - * / mod expt sqrt > < len annotate
               type rep uniq ccc infile outfile instring outstring inside
               stdout stdin stderr call-w/stdout call-w/stdin readc readb peekc
               writec writeb write disp sread coerce open-socket socket-accept
               setuid new-thread kill-thread break-thread current-thread sleep
               system pipe-from table protect rand dir file-exists dir-exists
               rmfile mvfile macex macex1 eval on-err details scar scdr sref
               bound newstring trunc exact msec current-process-milliseconds
               current-gc-milliseconds seconds client-ip atomic-invoke dead
               flushout ssyntax ssexpand quit close force-close memory declare
               timedate sin cos tan asin acos atan log)
    (+ xdefs (keep [isa (eval _) 'fn] (keys sig*)))))

(mac profile-all ()
  (with (fns (all-fns) orig-atomic-invoke (uniq) orig-sref (uniq))
    `(with (,orig-sref sref
            ,orig-atomic-invoke atomic-invoke)
       (do ,@(map (fn (f) `(profile ,f)) fns)
           ,@(map (fn (f) `(,orig-atomic-invoke
                             (fn () (,orig-sref profiles* nil ',f))))

(mac unprofile-all ()
  `(do ,@(map (fn (f) `(unprofile ,f)) (keys originals*))))

(mac profiling code
  `(profiling-just ,(all-fns) ,@code))

(mac profile-here (marker . code)
  ; (= (profiles* marker) 0)
  `(do1 (do ,@code)
        (++ (profiles* ',marker 0))))