//: Mu scenarios. This will get long, but these are the tests we want to //: support in this layer. //: We avoid raw numeric locations in Mu -- except in scenarios, where they're //: handy to check the values of specific variables :(scenarios run_mu_scenario) :(scenario scenario_block) scenario foo [ run [ 1:num <- copy 13 ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] ] # checks are inside scenario :(scenario scenario_multiple_blocks) scenario foo [ run [ 1:num <- copy 13 ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] run [ 2:num <- copy 13 ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 2 <- 13 ] ] # checks are inside scenario :(scenario scenario_check_memory_and_trace) scenario foo [ run [ 1:num <- copy 13 trace 1, [a], [a b c] ] memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] trace-should-contain [ a: a b c ] trace-should-not-contain [ a: x y z ] ] # checks are inside scenario //:: Core data structure :(before "End Types") struct scenario { string name; string to_run; void clear() { name.clear(); to_run.clear(); } }; :(before "End Globals") vector Scenarios, Scenarios_snapshot; set Scenario_names, Scenario_names_snapshot; :(before "End save_snapshots") Scenarios_snapshot = Scenarios; Scenario_names_snapshot = Scenario_names; :(before "End restore_snapshots") Scenarios = Scenarios_snapshot; Scenario_names = Scenario_names_snapshot; //:: Parse the 'scenario' form. //: Simply store the text of the scenario. :(before "End Command Handlers") else if (command == "scenario") { scenario result = parse_scenario(in); if (!result.name.empty()) Scenarios.push_back(result); } else if (command == "pending-scenario") { // for temporary use only parse_scenario(in); // discard } :(code) scenario parse_scenario(istream& in) { scenario result; result.name = next_word(in); if (contains_key(Scenario_names, result.name)) raise << "duplicate scenario name: '" << result.name << "'\n" << end(); Scenario_names.insert(result.name); if (result.name.empty()) { assert(!has_data(in)); raise << "incomplete scenario at end of file\n" << end(); return result; } skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); if (in.peek() != '[') { raise << "Expected '[' after scenario '" << result.name << "'\n" << end(); exit(0); } // scenarios are take special 'code' strings so we need to ignore brackets // inside comments result.to_run = slurp_quoted(in); // delete [] delimiters if (!starts_with(result.to_run, "[")) { raise << "scenario " << result.name << " should start with '['\n" << end(); result.clear(); return result; } result.to_run.erase(0, 1); if (result.to_run.at(SIZE(result.to_run)-1) != ']') { raise << "scenario " << result.name << " has an unbalanced '['\n" << end(); result.clear(); return result; } result.to_run.erase(SIZE(result.to_run)-1); return result; } :(scenario read_scenario_with_bracket_in_comment) scenario foo [ # ']' in comment 1:num <- copy 0 ] +run: {1: "number"} <- copy {0: "literal"} :(scenario read_scenario_with_bracket_in_comment_in_nested_string) scenario foo [ 1:text <- new [# not a com
cipe_name)") if (recipe_name.find("scenario-") == 0) return true; //:: The special instructions we want to support inside scenarios. //: These are easy to support in an interpreter, but will require more work //: when we eventually build a compiler. //: 'run' is a purely lexical convenience to separate the code actually being //: tested from any setup :(scenario run) def main [ run [ 1:num <- copy 13 ] ] +mem: storing 13 in location 1 :(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr, recipe result)") if (curr.name == "run") { // Just inline all instructions inside the run block in the containing // recipe. 'run' is basically a comment; pretend it doesn't exist. istringstream in2("[\n"+curr.ingredients.at(0).name+"\n]\n"); slurp_body(in2, result); curr.clear(); } :(scenario run_multiple) def main [ run [ 1:num <- copy 13 ] run [ 2:num <- copy 13 ] ] +mem: storing 13 in location 1 +mem: storing 13 in location 2 //: 'memory-should-contain' raises errors if specific locations aren't as expected //: Also includes some special support for checking Mu texts. :(before "End Globals") bool Scenario_testing_scenario = false; :(before "End Reset") Scenario_testing_scenario = false; :(scenario memory_check) % Scenario_testing_scenario = true; % Hide_errors = true; def main [ memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 13 ] ] +run: checking location 1 +error: F - main: expected location '1' to contain 13 but saw 0 :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "memory-should-contain", MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case MEMORY_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { if (!Passed) break; check_memory(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name); break; } :(code) void check_memory(const string& s) { istringstream in(s); in >> std::noskipws; set locations_checked; while (true) { skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); if (!has_data(in)) break; string lhs = next_word(in); if (lhs.empty()) { assert(!has_data(in)); raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "incomplete 'memory-should-contain' block at end of file (0)\n" << end(); return; } if (!is_integer(lhs)) { check_type(lhs, in); continue; } int address = to_integer(lhs); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string _assign; in >> _assign; assert(_assign == "<-"); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string rhs = next_word(in); if (rhs.empty()) { assert(!has_data(in)); raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "incomplete 'memory-should-contain' block at end of file (1)\n" << end(); return; } if (!is_integer(rhs) && !is_noninteger(rhs)) { if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "location '" << address << "' can't contain non-number " << rhs << '\n' << end(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } double value = to_double(rhs); if (contains_key(locations_checked, address)) raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "duplicate expectation for location '" << address << "'\n" << end(); trace(9999, "run") << "checking location " << address << end(); if (get_or_insert(Memory, address) != value) { if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected location '" << address << "' to contain " << no_scientific(value) << " but saw " << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, address)) << '\n' << end(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } locations_checked.insert(address); } } void check_type(const string& lhs, istream& in) { reagent x(lhs); if (is_mu_array(x.type) && is_mu_character(array_element(x.type))) { x.set_value(to_integer(x.name)); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string _assign = next_word(in); if (_assign.empty()) { assert(!has_data(in)); raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "incomplete 'memory-should-contain' block at end of file (2)\n" << end(); return; } assert(_assign == "<-"); skip_whitespace_and_comments(in); string literal = next_word(in); if (literal.empty()) { assert(!has_data(in)); raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "incomplete 'memory-should-contain' block at end of file (3)\n" << end(); return; } int address = x.value; // exclude quoting brackets if (*literal.begin() != '[') { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "array:character types inside 'memory-should-contain' can only be compared with text literals surrounded by [], not '" << literal << "'\n" << end(); return; } literal.erase(literal.begin()); assert(*--literal.end() == ']'); literal.erase(--literal.end()); check_mu_text(address, literal); return; } // End Scenario Type Special-cases raise << "don't know how to check memory for '" << lhs << "'\n" << end(); } void check_mu_text(int start, const string& literal) { trace(9999, "run") << "checking text length at " << start << end(); int array_length = static_cast(get_or_insert(Memory, start)); if (array_length != SIZE(literal)) { if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected location '" << start << "' to contain length " << SIZE(literal) << " of text [" << literal << "] but saw " << array_length << " (for text [" << read_mu_characters(start+/*skip length*/1, array_length) << "])\n" << end(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } int curr = start+1; // now skip length for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(literal); ++i) { trace(9999, "run") << "checking location " << curr+i << end(); if (get_or_insert(Memory, curr+i) != literal.at(i)) { if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "expected location " << (curr+i) << " to contain " << literal.at(i) << " but saw " << no_scientific(get_or_insert(Memory, curr+i)) << '\n' << end(); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; return; } } } :(scenario memory_check_multiple) % Scenario_testing_scenario = true; % Hide_errors = true; def main [ memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 0 1 <- 0 ] ] +error: main: duplicate expectation for location '1' :(scenario memory_check_mu_text_length) % Scenario_testing_scenario = true; % Hide_errors = true; def main [ 1:num <- copy 3 2:num <- copy 97 # 'a' 3:num <- copy 98 # 'b' 4:num <- copy 99 # 'c' memory-should-contain [ 1:array:character <- [ab] ] ] +error: F - main: expected location '1' to contain length 2 of text [ab] but saw 3 (for text [abc]) :(scenario memory_check_mu_text) def main [ 1:num <- copy 3 2:num <- copy 97 # 'a' 3:num <- copy 98 # 'b' 4:num <- copy 99 # 'c' memory-should-contain [ 1:array:character <- [abc] ] ] +run: checking text length at 1 +run: checking location 2 +run: checking location 3 +run: checking location 4 :(scenario memory_invalid_string_check) % Scenario_testing_scenario = true; % Hide_errors = true; def main [ memory-should-contain [ 1 <- [abc] ] ] +error: F - main: location '1' can't contain non-number [abc] :(scenario memory_invalid_string_check2) % Hide_errors = true; def main [ 1:num <- copy 3 2:num <- copy 97 # 'a' 3:num <- copy 98 # 'b' 4:num <- copy 99 # 'c' memory-should-contain [ 1:array:character <- 0 ] ] +error: main: array:character types inside 'memory-should-contain' can only be compared with text literals surrounded by [], not '0' :(scenario memory_check_with_comment) % Scenario_testing_scenario = true; % Hide_errors = true; def main [ memory-should-contain [ 1 <- 34 # comment ] ] -error: location 1 can't contain non-number 34 # comment # but there'll be an error signalled by memory-should-contain //: 'trace-should-contain' is like the '+' lines in our scenarios so far // Like runs of contiguous '+' lines, order is important. The trace checks // that the lines are present *and* in the specified sequence. (There can be // other lines in between.) :(scenario trace_check_fails) % Scenario_testing_scenario = true; % Hide_errors = true; def main [ trace-should-contain [ a: b a: d ] ] +error: F - main: missing [b] in trace with label 'a' :(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations") TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN, :(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers") put(Recipe_ordinal, "trace-should-contain", TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN); :(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks") case TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { break; } :(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations") case TRACE_SHOULD_CONTAIN: { if (!Passed) break; check_trace(current_instruction().ingredients.at(0).name); break; } :(code) // simplified version of check_trace_contents() that emits errors rather // than just printing to stderr void check_trace(const string& expected) { Trace_stream->newline(); vector expected_lines = parse_trace(expected); if (expected_lines.empty()) return; int curr_expected_line = 0; for (vector::iterator p = Trace_stream->past_lines.begin(); p != Trace_stream->past_lines.end(); ++p) { if (expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).label != p->label) continue; if (expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).contents != trim(p->contents)) continue; // match ++curr_expected_line; if (curr_expected_line == SIZE(expected_lines)) return; } if (!Hide_errors) cerr << '\n'; raise << "F - " << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "missing [" << expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).contents << "] " << "in trace with label '" << expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).label << "'\n" << end(); if (!Hide_errors) DUMP(expected_lines.at(curr_expected_line).label); if (!Scenario_testing_scenario) Passed = false; } vector parse_trace(const string& expected) { vector buf = split(expected, "\n"); vector result; for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(buf); ++i) { buf.at(i) = trim(buf.at(i)); if (buf.at(i).empty()) continue; int delim = buf.at(i).find(": "); if (delim == -1) { raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "lines in 'trace-should-contain' should be of the form