use Terminal::Boxer; use Terminal::ANSIColor; class Player is export { has Str $.name; has $.throw is rw; has $.score is rw = 0; my %ascii-art = ( rock => %?RESOURCES.slurp, paper => %?RESOURCES.slurp, scissor => %?RESOURCES.slurp, ); method throw-art() { return %ascii-art{$!throw} ~ "\n$!name ($!score)"; } } #| text based Rock paper scissors game multi sub MAIN( Bool :$autoname, #= Autoname the players Int :$rounds, #= Number of rounds (default: Inf) Int :$players where * >= 2 = 2, #= Number of players (default: 2) ) is export { say "Antlia - text based Rock paper scissors game"; say "--------------------------------------------\n"; my Player @players; if $autoname { push @players, => "Player $_") for 1 .. $players; } else { push @players, => prompt("[Player $_] Name: ").trim) for 1 .. $players; print "\n"; } my %score-against = ( rock => "scissor", paper => "rock", scissor => "paper" ); my Int $round = 0; my Int $columns = @players.elems < 4 ?? (@players.elems < 3 ?? 2 !! 3) !! (@players.elems %% 4 ?? 4 !! (@players.elems %% 3 ?? 3 !! 4)); my Bool $end-loop = False; signal(SIGINT).tap({$end-loop = True;}); loop { for @players -> $player { $player.throw = .pick[0]; } for @players -> $player { for @players -> $player-against { $player.score += 1 if $player-against.throw eq %score-against{$player.throw}; } } say "[Round {++$round}]"; say ss-box(col => $columns, :20cw,*.throw-art)); last if $end-loop; last if ($round == * with $rounds); } with @players.sort(*.score).reverse -> @players-sorted { my @scorecard = ; for @players-sorted -> $player { push @scorecard, $, $player.score.Str; } say ss-box(:2col, :40cw, @scorecard); say colored(@players-sorted[0].name, 'cyan') ~ " wins!"; } } multi sub MAIN( Bool :$version #= print version ) is export { say "Antlia v" ~ $?DISTRIBUTION.meta; }