blob: e7bb0b938c5a4ae6a5df934aec7aa4079be3e011 (
plain) (
#!/usr/bin/env raku
sub MAIN (
# Part to run.
Int $part where * == 1|2 = 1
) {
my $input = slurp "input";
my @passports = $input.split("\n\n");
my $valid_passports = 0;
MAIN: for @passports -> $passport {
my %fields;
for $passport.words -> $field {
my ($key, $value) = $field.split(":");
%fields{$key} = $value;
# Check for fields that are strictly required. `cid' can
# be skipped. Skip this passport if it's not valid.
for <byr iyr eyr hgt hcl ecl pid> -> $field {
next MAIN unless %fields{$field};
# Do validation in part 2.
if $part == 2 {
next MAIN unless (
(1920 ≤ %fields{<byr>} ≤ 2002)
and (2010 ≤ %fields{<iyr>} ≤ 2020)
and (2020 ≤ %fields{<eyr>} ≤ 2030)
and (<amb blu brn gry grn hzl oth> ∋ %fields{<ecl>})
and (%fields{<pid>} ~~ /^\d ** 9$/)
and (%fields{<hcl>} ~~ /^'#' <[\d a..f]> ** 6/)
given substr(%fields{<hgt>}, *-2) {
when 'cm' {
next MAIN unless 150 ≤ substr(%fields{<hgt>}, 0, *-2) ≤ 193;
when 'in' {
next MAIN unless 59 ≤ substr(%fields{<hgt>}, 0, *-2) ≤ 76;
default { next MAIN; }
say "Part $part: " ~ $valid_passports;