#+SETUPFILE: ~/.emacs.d/org-templates/level-3.org #+HTML_LINK_UP: ../../index.html#2020 #+OPTIONS: toc:1 #+EXPORT_FILE_NAME: index #+TITLE: Day 11 - Seating System * Puzzle - This puzzle is taken from: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/11 Your plane lands with plenty of time to spare. The final leg of your journey is a ferry that goes directly to the tropical island where you can finally start your vacation. As you reach the waiting area to board the ferry, you realize you're so early, nobody else has even arrived yet! By modeling the process people use to choose (or abandon) their seat in the waiting area, you're pretty sure you can predict the best place to sit. You make a quick map of the seat layout (your puzzle input). The seat layout fits neatly on a grid. Each position is either floor (.), an empty seat (L), or an occupied seat (#). For example, the initial seat layout might look like this: #+BEGIN_SRC L.LL.LL.LL LLLLLLL.LL L.L.L..L.. LLLL.LL.LL L.LL.LL.LL L.LLLLL.LL ..L.L..... LLLLLLLLLL L.LLLLLL.L L.LLLLL.LL #+END_SRC Now, you just need to model the people who will be arriving shortly. Fortunately, people are entirely predictable and always follow a simple set of rules. All decisions are based on the number of occupied seats adjacent to a given seat (one of the eight positions immediately up, down, left, right, or diagonal from the seat). The following rules are applied to every seat simultaneously: - If a seat is empty (L) and there are no occupied seats adjacent to it, the seat becomes occupied. - If a seat is occupied (#) and four or more seats adjacent to it are also occupied, the seat becomes empty. - Otherwise, the seat's state does not change. Floor (.) never changes; seats don't move, and nobody sits on the floor. After one round of these rules, every seat in the example layout becomes occupied: #+BEGIN_SRC #.##.##.## #######.## #.#.#..#.. ####.##.## #.##.##.## #.#####.## ..#.#..... ########## #.######.# #.#####.## #+END_SRC After a second round, the seats with four or more occupied adjacent seats become empty again: #+BEGIN_SRC #.LL.L#.## #LLLLLL.L# L.L.L..L.. #LLL.LL.L# #.LL.LL.LL #.LLLL#.## ..L.L..... #LLLLLLLL# #.LLLLLL.L #.#LLLL.## #+END_SRC This process continues for three more rounds: #+BEGIN_SRC #.##.L#.## #L###LL.L# L.#.#..#.. #L##.##.L# #.##.LL.LL #.###L#.## ..#.#..... #L######L# #.LL###L.L #.#L###.## #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.#L.L#.## #LLL#LL.L# L.L.L..#.. #LLL.##.L# #.LL.LL.LL #.LL#L#.## ..L.L..... #L#LLLL#L# #.LLLLLL.L #.#L#L#.## #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.#L.L#.## #LLL#LL.L# L.#.L..#.. #L##.##.L# #.#L.LL.LL #.#L#L#.## ..L.L..... #L#L##L#L# #.LLLLLL.L #.#L#L#.## #+END_SRC At this point, something interesting happens: the chaos stabilizes and further applications of these rules cause no seats to change state! Once people stop moving around, you count 37 occupied seats. Simulate your seating area by applying the seating rules repeatedly until no seats change state. How many seats end up occupied? ** Part 2 As soon as people start to arrive, you realize your mistake. People don't just care about adjacent seats - they care about the first seat they can see in each of those eight directions! Now, instead of considering just the eight immediately adjacent seats, consider the first seat in each of those eight directions. For example, the empty seat below would see eight occupied seats: #+BEGIN_SRC .......#. ...#..... .#....... ......... ..#L....# ....#.... ......... #........ ...#..... #+END_SRC The leftmost empty seat below would only see one empty seat, but cannot see any of the occupied ones: #+BEGIN_SRC ............. .L.L.#.#.#.#. ............. #+END_SRC The empty seat below would see no occupied seats: #+BEGIN_SRC .##.##. #.#.#.# ##...## ...L... ##...## #.#.#.# .##.##. #+END_SRC Also, people seem to be more tolerant than you expected: it now takes five or more visible occupied seats for an occupied seat to become empty (rather than four or more from the previous rules). The other rules still apply: empty seats that see no occupied seats become occupied, seats matching no rule don't change, and floor never changes. Given the same starting layout as above, these new rules cause the seating area to shift around as follows: #+BEGIN_SRC L.LL.LL.LL LLLLLLL.LL L.L.L..L.. LLLL.LL.LL L.LL.LL.LL L.LLLLL.LL ..L.L..... LLLLLLLLLL L.LLLLLL.L L.LLLLL.LL #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.##.##.## #######.## #.#.#..#.. ####.##.## #.##.##.## #.#####.## ..#.#..... ########## #.######.# #.#####.## #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.LL.LL.L# #LLLLLL.LL L.L.L..L.. LLLL.LL.LL L.LL.LL.LL L.LLLLL.LL ..L.L..... LLLLLLLLL# #.LLLLLL.L #.LLLLL.L# #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.L#.##.L# #L#####.LL L.#.#..#.. ##L#.##.## #.##.#L.## #.#####.#L ..#.#..... LLL####LL# #.L#####.L #.L####.L# #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.L#.L#.L# #LLLLLL.LL L.L.L..#.. ##LL.LL.L# L.LL.LL.L# #.LLLLL.LL ..L.L..... LLLLLLLLL# #.LLLLL#.L #.L#LL#.L# #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.L#.L#.L# #LLLLLL.LL L.L.L..#.. ##L#.#L.L# L.L#.#L.L# #.L####.LL ..#.#..... LLL###LLL# #.LLLLL#.L #.L#LL#.L# #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC #.L#.L#.L# #LLLLLL.LL L.L.L..#.. ##L#.#L.L# L.L#.LL.L# #.LLLL#.LL ..#.L..... LLL###LLL# #.LLLLL#.L #.L#LL#.L# #+END_SRC Again, at this point, people stop shifting around and the seating area reaches equilibrium. Once this occurs, you count 26 occupied seats. Given the new visibility method and the rule change for occupied seats becoming empty, once equilibrium is reached, how many seats end up occupied? * Solution =@seats= will hold an Array of Arrays, where each element will represent a seat. #+BEGIN_SRC raku unit sub MAIN ( Int $part where * == 1|2 = 1 #= part to run (1 or 2) ); my @seats = "input".IO.lines.map(*.comb.cache.Array); my Int ($x-max, $y-max) = (@seats[0].end, @seats.end); #+END_SRC Part 1 & 2 are so similar that we just need to change 2 variables to get other part's solution. =$visibility= is of type Num which holds the visibility range, as discussed in part 2 of the puzzle above. For part 1, this value is just 1 but increases to Infinity for part 2. The other variable is =$tolerance=, for part 2 we change it to 5. #+BEGIN_SRC raku my Num $visibility = 1e0; my Int $tolerance = 4; # Infinite visibility & increased tolerance for part 2. ($visibility, $tolerance) = (Inf, 5) if $part == 2; #+END_SRC =@directions= is an Array of Lists, where each List holds the values of =$y= & =$x= required to get to the immediate neighbor. It contains 8 Lists, each for a direction as shown below. #+BEGIN_SRC raku my List @directions[8] = ( # $y, $x ( +1, +0 ), # bottom ( +1, +1 ), # bottom-right ( +1, -1 ), # bottom-left ( -1, +0 ), # top ( -1, +1 ), # top-right ( -1, -1 ), # top-left ( +0, +1 ), # right ( +0, -1 ), # left ); #+END_SRC =$round= is just a nice addition, it'll print the number of rounds we pass as the code progresses. The outer loop just repeats the =INNER= loop until =@changed= equals =@seats=. The =INNER= loop is what handles all the seating arrangement changes & stores them in =@changed=. I've documented the =INNER= loop after this. A little note about =eqv= operator here: I don't know what it does but it's very smart. I removed =eqv= & added a Bool flag that was set to True whenever something was changed & checked that instead of comparing with =eqv=. But the code didn't run much faster, =eqv= code was equally as fast. I compared this by profiling the code with =raku --profile=. I just compared the times & did it only once, so maybe the load was higher during Bool profiling so it ran slower but yeah the change wasn't much. And there wasn't much interval between both profilings so I think =eqv= is actually very smart. #+BEGIN_SRC raku my Int $round = 0; loop { $round++; print "Round $round.\r"; my Int ($x, $y) = (-1, 0); my @changed; INNER: loop { ... } # If seats didn't change then exit the loop. last if @seats eqv @changed; for 0 .. @changed.end -> $y { for 0.. @changed[0].end -> $x { @seats[$y][$x] = @changed[$y][$x]; } } } #+END_SRC This is the =INNER= loop. It handles the changes in arrangements & stores them in =@changed=. It loops over each seat one by one & decides if they need to be changed. The =given/when= is doing the changing. It simply follows the rules listed in the puzzle above. As for why changes are recorded in =@changed= & not =@seats=, because people seat at once & not one by one. =adjacent-occupied= returns whether the seat is occupied or not in case of "L" whereas it returns the number of seats that are occupied in case of "#". This is done because number of seats occupied is not required for "L". The fifth argument that is being passes is True in case of "L", that signals =adjacent-occupied= that we just need to know if any adjacent is occupied or not & not the number of adjacents occupied. The subroutine =adjacent-occupied= is discussed after this. #+BEGIN_SRC raku if $x == $x-max { $x = 0; # goto next row if not in the last row. last INNER if $y == $y-max; $y += 1; } else { $x += 1; } @changed[$y][$x] = @seats[$y][$x]; given @seats[$y][$x] { when '.' { next INNER; } when 'L' { unless adjacent-occupied(@seats, $x, $y, $visibility, True) { @changed[$y][$x] = '#'; } } when '#' { if adjacent-occupied(@seats, $x, $y, $visibility, False) >= $tolerance { @changed[$y][$x] = 'L'; } } } #+END_SRC For the solution, we just print the number of "#" in =@seats=. #+BEGIN_SRC raku say "Part $part: ", @seats.join.comb('#').elems; #+END_SRC =adjacent-occupied= returns the number of adjacent cells that have been occupied by others. =$visibility= should be 1 if only directly adjacent seats are to be counted. Make it Inf for infinite visibility. It ignores floors ('.'). If =$only-bool= is set then a Bool will be returned which will indicate whether any adjacent seat it occupied or not. It handles this by including an early return statement which is only executed if =$only-bool= is set to True & it returns when we find the first occupied seat. =Occupied= subset validates the return value, it should only be Int or a Bool. It loops over the neighbors returned by the =neighbors= subroutine. That sub returns the list of neighbors of a particular seat. It only returns the indexes of neighbors and not their value. We just loop over the indexes & check if the it's occupied & increment =$occupied= if it is. #+BEGIN_SRC raku subset Occupied where Int|Bool; sub adjacent-occupied ( @seats, Int $x, Int $y, Num $visibility, Bool $only-bool = False --> Occupied ) { my Int $occupied = 0; for neighbors(@seats, $x, $y, $visibility).List -> $neighbor { if @seats[$neighbor[0]][$neighbor[1]] eq '#' { return True if $only-bool; $occupied++ ; } } return $occupied; } #+END_SRC =neighbors= returns the neighbors of given index. It doesn't account for =$visibility= when caching the results. So, if =$visibility= changes & it has a cached result then the return value might be wrong. So, you can't solve both part 1 & 2 at once because =$visibility= changes between the two. This can be solved easily by just accounting for =$visibility= when caching the neighbors. Initially this subroutine didn't exist and it's logic was a part of the =adjacent-occupied= sub. =coldpress= on freenode suggested me to cache the results. I can't paste the whole chat, it was direct message, I'll quote a part of it. #+BEGIN_QUOTE You should not recompute the indexes of each neighbor in your for-for loop, but you should check the state of each neighbor in your for-for loop #+END_QUOTE Before this =$pos-y= & =$pos-x= which hold the position of neighbors were being recomputed everytime but we don't need to do that. The indexes of each neighbor stays the same & only the value might change. So we cache the indexes. And that's what =neighbors= sub does, it caches the indexes of each seat's neighbors. =@neighbors= is an Array of Arrays, it's a =state= variable, which means that the values will persist on each =neighbors= subroutine call. When this is called, we just checked if we have the indexes of neighbors cached, if not then we compute & save it for later. If yes then we just return from cache. #+BEGIN_SRC raku sub neighbors ( @seats, Int $x, Int $y, Num $visibility --> List ) { state Array @neighbors; unless @neighbors[$y][$x] { my Int $pos-x; my Int $pos-y; DIRECTION: for @directions -> $direction { $pos-x = $x; $pos-y = $y; SEAT: for 1 .. $visibility { $pos-y += $direction[0]; $pos-x += $direction[1]; next DIRECTION unless @seats[$pos-y][$pos-x]; given @seats[$pos-y][$pos-x] { # Don't care about floors, no need to check those. when '.' { next SEAT; } when 'L'|'#' { push @neighbors[$y][$x], [$pos-y, $pos-x]; next DIRECTION; } } } } } return @neighbors[$y][$x]; } #+END_SRC About the computing neighbors part, we loop over =@directions= & then loop over =1 .. $visibility=, if the visibility is 1 then the =SEAT= for loop just runs once. The =SEAT= for loop increments the value of =$pos-x= & =$pos-y= in given direction. So, if the visibility is Infinite then we'll keep incrementing. To prevent infinite loop over there we add a check. If the seat doesn't exist then we just move on to next =DIRECTION=. This is handled by the =unless= block. If the seat does exist then we check if it's floor, if true then we just ignore it & move on to next =SEAT=. Note that if =$visibility= is set to 1 then we will just exit the =SEAT= for loop. This means that we simply don't check in that direction in =adjacent-occupied= subroutine, it's fine because the floors don't move as stated in the puzzle. If it's not a floor then we cache the indexes and move on to next =DIRECTION=. We move to next =DIRECTION= because the puzzle notes this in part 2: #+BEGIN_QUOTE People don't just care about adjacent seats - they care about the first seat they can see in each of those eight directions! #+END_QUOTE The people care about first seat they see in each direction, so we move on to next direction after reaching the first seat. ** Part 2 Only 2 variables are changed to get part 2 solution. #+BEGIN_SRC raku # Infinite visibility & increased tolerance for part 2. ($visibility, $tolerance) = (Inf, 5) if $part == 2; #+END_SRC * Notes This note is about this piece of code in =neighbors= subroutine: #+BEGIN_SRC raku push @neighbors[$y][$x], [$pos-y, $pos-x]; #+END_SRC Note how I'm pushing an Array =[]=, instead of a List =()=. Pushing a list will cause undesired behavior. According to https://docs.raku.org/language/list#Assigning: #+BEGIN_QUOTE Assignment of a list to an Array is eager. The list will be entirely evaluated, and should not be infinite or the program may hang. [...] #+END_QUOTE I'm not sure if this is why this weird behavior happens. When I change the .Array below to .List it'll cause undesired behavior. It'll push the same thing. =coldpress= on =#raku@freenode= guessed it correctly: #+BEGIN_QUOTE my guess is: the wrong behavior is because all elements refer to the same object, pass-by-reference. The correct behavior with .Array is because each element now refers to different objects. #+END_QUOTE I confirmed that with changing the value without pushing. That confirmed that it was not weird push behaviour. What I was pushing was a reference to the same object, so when I changed it above in =$pos-y= & =$pos-x= the whole thing changed. =raiph= clears this up on =#raku@freenode= later: #+BEGIN_QUOTE notandinus: An `Array` is a subtype of `List` but their behaviours are also complementary. `Array`s zig in several ways where `List`s zag. This is true of their literals. If you switch your code from pushing `($pos-y, $pos-x)` to `[$pos-y, $pos-x]` you'll find it works. This is because the `Array` literal constructor just takes the *values* contained in the Scalar`s `$pos-x` and `$pos-y` and puts those values into its own fresh `Scalar`s. Whereas the `List` literal constructor does *not* by default put values in `Scalar`s -- but if you list one, it stores that instead of the value it contains. #+END_QUOTE * Optimizations This records the optimizations I made to this day's solution. Some have already been discussed in the solution, I'll discuss the rest here. I've profiled the code after significant changes & I'll include information from the profile too. Note that I'm writing this on 2020-12-12 but this thing was done yesterday, more than 24 hours have passed so I don't remember much. I was giving feedback on =#raku@freenode= after each profile so I'll be able to co-relate after looking at IRC logs & created timestamps of profile files. =tyil=, =tadzik=, =lizmat=, =coldpress=, =m6locks= and others on =#raku@freenode= helped me optimize this code. These are values from each profile: | Value | Profile 1 | Profile 2 | Profile 3 | Profile 4 | |-------------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------| | runtime | 600864.29ms | 410946.37ms | 394648.55ms | 119883.87ms | | executing code | 553554.21ms | 374743.72ms | 359771.16ms | 105375.88ms | | D-optimization | 1076.63ms | 982.01ms | 1106.14ms | 697.79ms | |-------------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------| | GC time | 47310.08ms | 36202.65ms | 34877.39ms | 14507.99ms | | collections | 1248 | 1220 | 1095 | 686 | | full collections | 7 | 7 | 7 | 3 | | nursery collection time | 34.27ms | 25.89ms | 27.68ms | 18.79ms | | full collection time | 683.38ms | 684.92ms | 679.89ms | 557.17ms | |-------------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------| | entered C-frames | 102699610 | 73313599 | 64911620 | 20752434 | | eliminated C-frames | 141047998 | 98109798 | 74733815 | 43446172 | | interpreted frames | 21205734 | 11607457 | 13106524 | 104217 | | specialized frames | 758246 | 718619 | 758310 | 504276 | | jit-compiled frames | 221783628 | 159097321 | 125780601 | 63590113 | |-------------------------+-------------+-------------+-------------+-------------| | eliminated allocations | 78450 | 78500 | 78550 | - | | deoptimizations | 405912 | 487180 | 487175 | 240735 | | on-stack replacements | 138 | 144 | 138 | 65 | + C-frames stands for call frames. + eliminated C-frames were by inlining. + D-optimization stands for dynamic optimization. + eliminated allocations were by Scalar replacement. + runtime = executing code + dynamic optimization + (jit-compiled + specialized + interpreted = entered) call frames + (eliminated + entered = total) call frames *Note*: I'm writing this on 2020-12-14, I don't remember anything so everything below is just from IRC logs. Initially I had defined the =@directions= block inside of =adjacent-occupied= subroutine, note that at this point =neighbors= subroutine didn't exist. So, =@directions= was being created & destroyed continously. I changed it to a =state= variable & noticed significant improvements. ** Profile 1 This was the initial Profile, I don't have the code. The structure was not much different from what it is now, just too inefficient. ** Profile 2 I was declaring the =@directions= array inside of =adjacent-occupied= subroutine. I changed it to a =state= variable. ** Profile 3 I made =@directions= a global array. ** Profile 4 I put =adjacent-occupied= inside of =MAIN= subroutine along with =@directions=. * Partial solution I tried solving this another way but it was way too complex so I gave up. I made it work on sample input given in puzzle but it didn't work on my actual input. I couldn't point out the error so I just left it as is. The code is stored in =day-11.partial.raku=. I'll paste it below. The idea was to use a single dimension array instead of Array of Arrays. This made things a bit complicated but would've been faster if I could get it working. This only dealt with part 1 before I stopped working on it & went back to Array of Arrays. We have 3 different arrays instead of a single =@directions= array because I was relying on the fact that if I cross the boundary then the seat wouldn't exist & we won't check for it. But in this case there are only 2 boundaries, index 0 & last index. So, instead we have 3 arrays, one =@non-left-corner= which contains the directions that left corner can't follow. It can't go "up-left", "left" or "down-left". And we have similar array for directions that right corner elements can't follow. I'm not sure what is wrong with the code. This solution would've been interesting. I'm pasting some useful information that might help in debugging. This is what the partial & actual solution print in case of sample input given in puzzle: #+BEGIN_SRC Part 1: 71 Part 1: 20 Part 1: 51 Part 1: 30 Part 1: 37 Part 1: 37 #+END_SRC Those were the number of "#" after each round. This is what they print when I test it with the actual input: #+BEGIN_SRC Part 1: 7311 Part 1: 568 Part 1: 5524 Part 1: 1502 Part 1: 3907 Part 1: 2198 Part 1: 3058 #+END_SRC That was partial solution's output, here is actual solution's output: #+BEGIN_SRC Part 1: 7311 Part 1: 194 Part 1: 6768 Part 1: 414 Part 1: 6204 Part 1: 610 Part 1: 5739 Part 1: 809 Part 1: 5322 #+END_SRC They diverge right after first round. I'm not sure what went wrong, I can print the seat layout & try to debug but I don't have the energy to do that currently. Maybe I'll do it sometime later. #+BEGIN_SRC raku sub MAIN ( Int $part where * == 1|2 = 1 #= part to run (1 or 2) ) { my @input = "input".IO.lines; my Int $x-max = @input[0].chars - 1; my Int $row-length = $x-max + 1; my @seats = @input.join.comb; my $max-seats = @seats.end; my @directions = (+$row-length, -$row-length); # down, up # @non-left-corner contains directions that left corner can't # follow. It should only be followed by non-left corner seats. my @non-left-corner = ( -$row-length - 1, # up-left -1, # left +$row-length - 1, # down-left ); # @non-right-corner contains directions that right corner can't # follow. It should only be followed by non-right corner seats. my @non-right-corner = ( -$row-length + 1, # up-right +1, # right +$row-length + 1, # down-right ); my Int $round = 0; loop { my @changed; my Bool $change = False; INNER: for @seats.kv -> $idx, $seat { @changed[$idx] = $seat; given $seat { when '.' { next INNER; } when 'L' { if adjacent-occupied($idx, 1) == 0 { @changed[$idx] = '#'; $change = True; } } when '#' { if adjacent-occupied($idx, 1) >= 4 { @changed[$idx] = 'L'; $change = True; } } } } $round++; print "Round $round.\r"; last unless $change; for @changed.kv -> $idx, $changed_seat { @seats[$idx] = $changed_seat; } } my Int $occupied = @seats.comb('#').elems; say "Part $part: ", $occupied; # adjacent-occupied returns the number of adjacent cells that have # been occupied by others. $visibility_range should be 1 if only # directly adjacent seats are to be counted. Make it -1 for # infinite visibility. It ignores floors ('.'). sub adjacent-occupied ( Int $idx, Int $visibility_range --> Int ) { my Int $occupied = 0; for @directions -> $direction { with @seats[$idx + $direction] { $occupied++ if $_ eq '#'; } } # Elements in right corner can't follow @non-right-corner. unless ($idx + 1) % 10 == 0 { for @non-right-corner -> $direction { with @seats[$idx + $direction] { $occupied++ if $_ eq '#'; } } } # Elements in left corner can't follow @non-left-corner. unless $idx % 10 == 0 { for @non-left-corner -> $direction { with @seats[$idx + $direction] { $occupied++ if $_ eq '#'; } } } return $occupied; } } #+END_SRC