#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib::relative 'lib'; use StateNotes; use Term::Size; use Path::Tiny; use Time::Moment; use Text::ASCIITable; use Number::Format::SouthAsian; use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); use JSON::MaybeXS qw( decode_json ); use Term::ANSIColor qw( :pushpop colored ); local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print colored( $_[0], 'yellow' ); }; use constant is_OpenBSD => $^O eq "openbsd"; require OpenBSD::Unveil if is_OpenBSD; sub unveil { if (is_OpenBSD) { return OpenBSD::Unveil::unveil(@_); } else { return 1; } } # Unveil @INC. foreach my $path (@INC) { unveil( $path, 'rx' ) or die "Unable to unveil: $!\n"; } my ( $use_local_file, $get_latest, $state_notes, $rows_to_print, $no_delta, $no_total, @to_hide, %hide, @to_show, %show, $no_words, $show_delta, $auto_hide ); sub HelpMessage { print LOCALCOLOR GREEN "Options: --local Use local data --latest Fetch latest data --notes Print State Notes --rows=i Number of rows to print (i is Integer) --showdelta Print delta values for all rows --nodelta Don't print changes in values --nowords Don't format numbers with words --autohide Automatically hide columns according to term size --hide Hide states, columns from table (space seperated) --show Show only these states (space seperated)"; print LOCALCOLOR CYAN " --help Print this help message "; exit; } GetOptions( "local" => \$use_local_file, "latest" => \$get_latest, "notes" => \$state_notes, "rows=i" => \$rows_to_print, "showdelta" => \$show_delta, "nodelta" => \$no_delta, "nototal" => \$no_total, "autohide" => \$auto_hide, "nowords" => \$no_words, "hide=s{1,}" => \@to_hide, # Getopt::Long docs say that this is an # experimental feature with a warning. "show=s{1,}" => \@to_show, "help|h" => sub { HelpMessage() }, ) or die "Error in command line arguments\n"; if ( $use_local_file and $get_latest ) { warn "Cannot use --local & --latest together Overriding --latest option\n"; undef $get_latest; } # To not break --nototal we add "India" to @to_hide. push @to_hide, "india" if $no_total; if ( $auto_hide ) { my ( $t_columns, $t_rows ) = Term::Size::chars; push @to_hide, "updated" if $t_columns < 110; push @to_hide, "active" if $t_columns < 100; undef $show_delta if $t_columns < 80; $no_delta = 0 if $t_columns < 80; } # Creating %hide and undefining all %hash{@to_hide}, after this we # check if %hash{@to_hide} exists with exists keyword. Read this as # "undef these keys from the hash". https://perldoc.pl/perldata#Slices undef @hide{ @to_hide } if scalar @to_hide; # Array can't be empty, will fail. # Alternatively can do @hide{ @to_hide } = () # which will work even if @to_hide is empty. undef @show{ @to_show } if scalar @to_show; # Alias updated to last updated. This will allow user to just enter # updated in hide option. undef $hide{'last updated'} if exists $hide{updated}; # Warn when user tries to hide these columns. warn "Cannot hide state column\n" if exists $hide{state}; warn "Cannot hide notes column\n" if exists $hide{notes} and $state_notes; my $cache_dir = $ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} || "$ENV{HOME}/.cache"; # %unveil contains list of paths to unveil with their permissions. my %unveil = ( "/usr" => "rx", "/var" => "rx", "/etc" => "rx", "/dev" => "rx", # Unveil the whole cache directory because HTTP::Tiny fetches file # like ara.jsonXXXXXXXXXX where each 'X' is a random number. $cache_dir => "rwc", ); # Unveil each path from %unveil. We use sort because otherwise keys is # random order everytime. foreach my $path ( sort keys %unveil ) { unveil( $path, $unveil{$path} ) or die "Unable to unveil: $!\n"; } my $file = "$cache_dir/ara.json"; my $file_mtime; # If $file exists then get mtime. if ( -e $file ) { my $file_stat = path($file)->stat; $file_mtime = Time::Moment->from_epoch( $file_stat->mtime ); } else { if ( $use_local_file ) { warn "File '$file' doesn't exist Fetching latest...\n"; undef $use_local_file; } } # Fetch latest data only if the local data is older than 8 minutes or # if the file doesn't exist. if ( not $use_local_file and ( not -e $file or $file_mtime < Time::Moment->now_utc->minus_minutes(8) or $get_latest ) ) { require HTTP::Simple; # Ignore a warning, next line would've printed a warning. no warnings 'once'; $HTTP::Simple::UA->verify_SSL(1); # Fetch latest data from api. my $url = 'https://api.covid19india.org/data.json'; my $status = HTTP::Simple::getstore($url, $file); die "Failed to fetch latest data\n" unless HTTP::Simple::is_success($status); } # Slurp api response to $file_data. my $file_data = path($file)->slurp; # Block further unveil calls. unveil() or die "Unable to lock unveil: $!\n"; # Decode $file_data to $json_data. my $json_data = decode_json($file_data); # Get statewise information. my $statewise = $json_data->{statewise}; my ( $covid_19_data, $notes_table, @months, $today ); unless ( $state_notes ) { # Map month number to Months. @months = qw( lol Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); my @columns; push @columns, 'State'; # User cannot hide state column. push @columns, 'Confirmed' unless exists $hide{confirmed}; push @columns, 'Active' unless exists $hide{active}; push @columns, 'Recovered' unless exists $hide{recovered}; push @columns, 'Deaths' unless exists $hide{deaths}; push @columns, 'Last Updated' unless exists $hide{'last updated'}; $covid_19_data = Text::ASCIITable->new( { allowANSI => 1 } ); $covid_19_data->setCols( @columns ); my %alignment; $alignment{Confirmed} = "left" unless exists $hide{confirmed}; $alignment{Recovered} = "left" unless exists $hide{recovered}; $alignment{Deaths} = "left" unless exists $hide{deaths}; $covid_19_data->alignCol( \%alignment ); $today = Time::Moment ->now_utc ->plus_hours(5) ->plus_minutes(30); # Current time in 'Asia/Kolkata' TimeZone. } my %format_with_words; %format_with_words = ( words => 1, decimals => 2 ) unless $no_words; my $fmt = Number::Format::SouthAsian->new( %format_with_words ); my $rows_printed = 0; foreach my $i ( 0 ... scalar @$statewise - 1 ) { # $rows_printed is incremented at the end of this foreach loop. if ( $rows_to_print ) { last if $rows_printed == $rows_to_print; } my $state = $statewise->[$i]{state}; $state = "India" if $state eq "Total"; $state = "Unassigned" if $state eq "State Unassigned"; # If user has asked to show specific states then forget about hide # option. if ( scalar keys %show ) { next unless exists $show{lc $state} or ( length $state > 16 and exists $show{lc $statewise->[$i]{statecode}}); } else { next if exists $hide{lc $state} # User sees the statecode if length $state > 16 so we also # match against that. or ( length $state > 16 and exists $hide{lc $statewise->[$i]{statecode}}); } $state = $statewise->[$i]{statecode} if length $state > 16; unless ( $state_notes ) { my $update_info; my $lastupdatedtime = $statewise->[$i]{lastupdatedtime}; my $last_update_dmy = substr( $lastupdatedtime, 0, 10 ); # Add $update_info. if ( $last_update_dmy eq $today->strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) { $update_info = "Today"; } elsif ( $last_update_dmy eq $today->minus_days(1)->strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) { $update_info = "Yesterday"; } elsif ( $last_update_dmy eq $today->plus_days(1)->strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) { $update_info = "Tomorrow"; # Hopefully we don't see this. } else { $update_info = $months[substr( $lastupdatedtime, 3, 2 )] . " " . substr( $lastupdatedtime, 0, 2 ); } my $confirmed = $fmt->format_number("$statewise->[$i]{confirmed}"); my $recovered = $fmt->format_number("$statewise->[$i]{recovered}"); my $deaths = $fmt->format_number("$statewise->[$i]{deaths}"); # Add delta only if it was updated Today or if user has asked. if ( $show_delta or ( $update_info eq "Today" and not $no_delta ) ) { # Only delta number will get highlighted. $_ .= " " for ($confirmed, $recovered, $deaths); my $delta_confirmed = $statewise->[$i]{deltaconfirmed}; if ( $delta_confirmed > 2000 ) { $confirmed .= LOCALCOLOR BOLD MAGENTA sprintf "%+d", $delta_confirmed; } elsif ( $delta_confirmed > 1000 ) { $confirmed .= LOCALCOLOR BRIGHT_MAGENTA sprintf "%+d", $delta_confirmed; } elsif ( $delta_confirmed > 500 ) { $confirmed .= LOCALCOLOR MAGENTA sprintf "%+d", $delta_confirmed; } else { $confirmed .= sprintf "%+d", $delta_confirmed; } my $delta_recovered = $statewise->[$i]{deltarecovered}; if ( $delta_recovered > 2000 ) { $recovered .= LOCALCOLOR BOLD GREEN sprintf "%+d", $delta_recovered; } elsif ( $delta_recovered > 1000 ) { $recovered .= LOCALCOLOR BRIGHT_GREEN sprintf "%+d", $delta_recovered; } elsif ( $delta_recovered > 500 ) { $recovered .= LOCALCOLOR GREEN sprintf "%+d", $delta_recovered; } else { $recovered .= sprintf "%+d", $delta_recovered; } my $delta_deaths = $statewise->[$i]{deltadeaths}; if ( $delta_deaths > 200 ) { $deaths .= LOCALCOLOR BOLD RED sprintf "%+d", $delta_deaths; } elsif ( $delta_deaths > 50 ) { $deaths .= LOCALCOLOR BRIGHT_RED sprintf "%+d", $delta_deaths; } elsif ( $delta_deaths > 25 ) { $deaths .= LOCALCOLOR RED sprintf "%+d", $delta_deaths; } else { $deaths .= sprintf "%+d", $delta_deaths; } } my @row; push @row, $state; push @row, $confirmed unless exists $hide{confirmed}; push @row, $fmt->format_number($statewise->[$i]{active}, words => 0) unless exists $hide{active}; push @row, $recovered unless exists $hide{recovered}; push @row, $deaths unless exists $hide{deaths}; push @row, $update_info unless exists $hide{'last updated'}; $covid_19_data->addRow( @row ); } $rows_printed++; } if ( $state_notes ) { my ( $state_notes_table, $rows_in_table ) = StateNotes::get( $statewise, \%hide, \%show, $rows_to_print ); die "No rows in table\n" unless $rows_in_table; print $state_notes_table; } else { die "No rows in table\n" unless $rows_printed; print $covid_19_data; }