#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use Path::Tiny; use Time::Moment; use Text::ASCIITable; use Getopt::Long qw( GetOptions ); use JSON::MaybeXS qw( decode_json ); use OpenBSD::Unveil; # Unveil @INC. foreach my $path (@INC) { unveil( $path, 'rx' ) or die "Unable to unveil: $!"; } my ( $use_local_file, $get_latest, $state_notes, $rows_to_print ); GetOptions( "local" => \$use_local_file, "latest" => \$get_latest, "notes" => \$state_notes, "rows=i" => \$rows_to_print, ) or die "Error in command line arguments"; die "Can't use --local and --latest together\n" if ( $use_local_file and $get_latest ); # %unveil contains list of paths to unveil with their permissions. my %unveil = ( "/" => "rx", # Unveil "/", remove this later after profiling with # ktrace. "/home" => "", # Veil "/home", we don't want to read it. "/tmp" => "rwc", "/dev/null" => "rw", ); # Unveil each path from %unveil. keys %unveil; while( my( $path, $permission ) = each %unveil ) { unveil( $path, $permission ) or die "Unable to unveil: $!"; } my $file = '/tmp/data.json'; my $file_mtime; # If $file exists then get mtime. if ( -e $file ) { my $file_stat = path($file)->stat; $file_mtime = Time::Moment->from_epoch( $file_stat->[9] ); } else { warn "File '$file' doesn't exist\nFetching latest...\n" if $use_local_file; } # Fetch latest data only if the local data is older than 8 minutes or # if the file doesn't exist. if ( ( not -e $file ) or ( $file_mtime < Time::Moment->now_utc->minus_minutes(8) ) or $get_latest ) { require File::Fetch; # Fetch latest data from api. my $url = 'https://api.covid19india.org/data.json'; my $ff = File::Fetch->new(uri => $url); # Save the api response under /tmp. $file = $ff->fetch( to => '/tmp' ) or die $ff->error; } # Slurp api response to $file_data. my $file_data = path($file)->slurp; # Block further unveil calls. unveil() or die "Unable to lock unveil: $!"; # Decode $file_data to $json_data. my $json_data = decode_json($file_data); # Get statewise information. my $statewise = $json_data->{statewise}; my ( $covid_19_data, $notes_table, @months, $today ); if ( $state_notes ) { $notes_table = Text::ASCIITable->new( { drawRowLine => 1 } ); $notes_table->setCols( qw( State Notes ) ); $notes_table->setColWidth( 'Notes', 84 ); } else { # Map month number to Months. @months = qw( lol Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); $covid_19_data = Text::ASCIITable->new(); $covid_19_data->setCols( 'State', 'Confirmed', 'Active', 'Recovered', 'Deaths', 'Last Updated', ); $covid_19_data->alignCol( { 'Confirmed' => 'left', 'Recovered' => 'left', 'Deaths' => 'left', } ); $today = Time::Moment ->now_utc ->plus_hours(5) ->plus_minutes(30); # Current time in 'Asia/Kolkata' TimeZone. } # Print all the rows if $rows_to_print evaluates to False or is # greater than the size of @$statewise or if user wants $state_notes. $rows_to_print = scalar @$statewise if ( ( not $rows_to_print ) or ( $rows_to_print > scalar @$statewise ) or $state_notes ); foreach my $i ( 0 ... $rows_to_print - 1 ) { my $state = $statewise->[$i]{state}; $state = "India" if $state eq "Total"; $state = $statewise->[$i]{statecode} if length($state) > 16; if ( $state_notes ) { $notes_table->addRow( $state, $statewise->[$i]{statenotes}, ) unless length($statewise->[$i]{statenotes}) == 0; } else { my $update_info; my $lastupdatedtime = $statewise->[$i]{lastupdatedtime}; my $last_update_dmy = substr( $lastupdatedtime, 0, 10 ); # Add $update_info. if ( $last_update_dmy eq $today->strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) { $update_info = "Today"; } elsif ( $last_update_dmy eq $today->minus_days(1)->strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) { $update_info = "Yesterday"; } elsif ( $last_update_dmy eq $today->plus_days(1)->strftime( "%d/%m/%Y" ) ) { $update_info = "Tomorrow"; # Hopefully we don't see this. } else { $update_info = $months[substr( $lastupdatedtime, 3, 2 )] . " " . substr( $lastupdatedtime, 0, 2 ); } my $confirmed = "$statewise->[$i]{confirmed}"; my $recovered = "$statewise->[$i]{recovered}"; my $deaths = "$statewise->[$i]{deaths}"; # Add delta only if it was updated Today. if ( $update_info eq "Today" ) { $confirmed .= " (+$statewise->[$i]{deltaconfirmed})"; $recovered .= " (+$statewise->[$i]{deltarecovered})"; $deaths .= " (+$statewise->[$i]{deltadeaths})"; } $covid_19_data->addRow( $state, $confirmed, $statewise->[$i]{active}, $recovered, $deaths, $update_info, ); } } # Generate tables. $state_notes ? print $notes_table : print $covid_19_data;