#+TITLE: Cetus Cetus is a wallpaper manager written in Go. It uses [[https://source.unsplash.com/][Unsplash Source]] to get wallpapers. *Note*: Cetus is a work in-progress & many features are yet to be implemented. * Features - set a random/daily/weekly wallpaper - set a specific photo as wallpaper - set a wallpaper from a specific user, user's likes, a collection or a search term - customize wallpaper size * Demo I just run some cetus commands on my computer, nothing fancy. I'll make better demo videos someday. | Version | Video | |---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | v0.2.0 | https://diode.zone/videos/watch/12db31e1-3517-4888-ad06-55f3859447a1 | * Dependency - [[https://feh.finalrewind.org/][feh]] * Installation ** From source *** Download the source - Using Go #+BEGIN_SRC sh go get https://framagit.org/andinus/cetus.git #+END_SRC - Using git #+BEGIN_SRC sh git clone https://framagit.org/andinus/cetus.git #+END_SRC - Using curl #+BEGIN_SRC sh # get the master branch (supported formats: zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar) curl -o cetus-master.tar.gz \ https://framagit.org/andinus/cetus/-/archive/master/cetus-master.tar.gz #+END_SRC *** Compile cetus Navigate to the source directory & compile cetus. #+BEGIN_SRC sh # compile go build # install in $PATH go install #+END_SRC