#+TITLE: Cetus Cetus is a wallpaper tool written in Go. It can set wallpapers from various sources. Default behaviour is to set a random wallpaper. * Uses - on system startup for new wallpaper at every startup - as a cron job to change wallpaper at set intervals * Demo I just run some cetus commands on my computer, nothing fancy. I'll make better demo videos someday. | Version | Video | |---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------| | v0.2.0 | https://diode.zone/videos/watch/12db31e1-3517-4888-ad06-55f3859447a1 | * Features - Set Daily, Weekly or Random wallpaper - Supports multiple sources * Dependency - [[https://feh.finalrewind.org/][feh]] * Examples ** Daily wallpaper *** from Astronomy Picture of the Day #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=apod -wall=daily #+END_SRC *** from Bing Photo of the Day #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=bpod -wall=daily #+END_SRC *** from Unsplash Source #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=unsplash -wall=daily #+END_SRC *** from any service (choosen randomly) #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=random -wall=daily cetus -wall=daily # This is same as above #+END_SRC ** Weekly wallpaper *** from Unsplash Source #+BEGIN_SRC shp cetus -src=unsplash -wall=weekly #+END_SRC ** Random wallpaper *** from Bing Photo of the Day #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=bpod -bpod-num 16 -wall=random # select from last 16 images cetus -src=bpod # This is same as above #+END_SRC *** from Unsplash Source #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=unsplash -wall=random -width 1920 -height 1080 cetus -src=unsplash # This is same as above #+END_SRC *** from any service (choosen randomly) #+BEGIN_SRC sh cetus -src=random -wall=random cetus # This is same as above #+END_SRC * Defaults | flag | var | default | |------+------+-------------------------------------------| | wall | wall | random (daily when random is unavailable) | | src | src | random | Currently only Unsplash Source random is supported for width, height | width | width | 1920 | | height | height | 1080 | ** Astronomy Picture of the Day | flag | var | default | |--------------+------------+-------------------------------------| | apod-api | apodAPI | https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod | | apod-api-key | apodAPIKey | DEMO_KEY | | wall | wall | daily | ** Bing Photo of the Day | flag | var | default | |----------+---------+------------------------------------------| | bpod-api | bpodAPI | https://www.bing.com/HPImageArchive.aspx | | bpod-num | bpodNum | 16 | ** Unsplash Source | flag | var | default | |--------------+-------------+-----------------------------| | unsplash-api | unsplashAPI | https://source.unsplash.com |