#+TITLE: Cetus

Cetus is a wallpaper setting tool written in Go. This is a work in-progress.

* Dependency
- [[https://feh.finalrewind.org/][feh]]

* Features
** Supports various Image of the Day services
There are several Image of the Day services on the web, cetus will pull the
latest image & set it as wallpaper.

- [X] [[http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html][Astronomy Picture of the Day]]
- [X] Bing Photo of the Day

* Examples
** Image of the Day
*** Astronomy Picture of the Day
cetus -apod -apod-api=https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod \
** Set given wallpaper
# Local image as wallpaper
cetus -img-path=/path/to/img

# Remote image as wallpaper
cetus -img-path=