class Crater::Gallery { has IO $.directory is required; has Str $!title; submethod TWEAK() { my $title-file = $!directory.add(".crater/title"); $!title = $title-file.slurp.chomp if $title-file.f; } #| Accessor for $!title. method title() { $!title } method list() { my @gallery; my @paths = $!directory.dir; with $!title { push @gallery, %( :type, :text($_) ); } # Add directories on top. for @paths.grep(*.d) { push @gallery, %( :type, :text($_.relative($!directory)) ); } for @paths.grep(*.f).sort(*.modified) { my Str $ext =; # For images get the original if thumbnail doesn't exist, # otherwise use the thumbnail. if $ext eq "jpg"|"png" { my $rel = $_.relative($!directory); my $alt = $rel; unless $!directory.add(".crater/thumbnails").add($rel).f { $rel ~= "?original"; } push @gallery, %( :type, :src($rel), :$alt ); } elsif $ext eq "0" { push @gallery, %( :type, :text($_.slurp.chomp) ); } elsif $ext eq "txt" { push @gallery, %( :type, :text($_.slurp.chomp) ); } else { note "Unhandled file: $_"; } } return @gallery; } }